Date:August 4, 2010

Location:400 S. Summit View, Ft. Collins

A:Roll Call - The meeting was called to order by David Mickelson.

Present were:David Mickelson, Ray Herrmann, Carrie Staiano, Sam Cooper, andDebra Kessinger. Absent were Wanda Eberhard, Dave Willett, Bryan Hansen, and Randy Garrison.

B:Agenda – Sam Cooper motioned we approve the agenda. Ray Herrmann second. Motion Carried.

  1. Review and Approve Minutes – Ray Herrmann motioned we approve minutes for June 2, 2010 and July 3, 2010. SamCooper second. Motion carried.
  1. Officer – Committee Reports
  1. Presidents Report –
  1. Introduction of Guests – Tony Staiano
  1. There was no old business to be discussed at this time.
  1. Treasure’s Report - Debra Kessinger reports our checking account balance as of July

31st, 2010 was $4,748.12. AccountsReceivable balance was $2,955.28.

Bills paid early: Paid 7/20/10- FedEx Office(Kinko’s) $446.98 for newsletter and maps.

Bills to Pay tonight:

Asiant Accounting - 100.00 – July accounting

- 25.00 – room rent

Sam Cooper - 45.00 – miles

Carrie Staiano - 19.12– miles & postage

David Mickelson - 83.70 – miles

Debra Kessinger - 40.28 – miles

Ray Herrmann motioned we pay the bills. Sam Cooper second. Motion carried.

Debra also discussed the status our current Accounts Receivables. All the invoices for the 10% delinquent assessments were mailed out in July so no board action is needed this month.

  1. Secretary’s Report – Wanda Eberhard was absent – no report.
  1. Committee Reports –
  1. Legal – David Mickelson had nothing to report under Legal.
  1. Architecture – Ray Herrmann had no new applications - nothing to report.
  1. Fish and Animal – Randy Garrison was absent but we discussed the cow problem. As there is a fence in bad shape, the cows are a major concern this year. They are causing serious damage in SCP. Our neighbors, the Diamond Tail Ranch, have had problems as well and have recently filed a complaint with the Forest Service. The board discussed options and decided that we would also file a formal complaint and hope that Mr. Borgmann will fix the fence to keep his cows from causing more damage in SCP. Motion was made by Ray Herrmann to have David Mickelson contact the Forest Service and file a formal complaint. Second by Carrie Staiano. Motion carried. If need be, we might also be able to pin the cows in a fenced property and contact the Brand Inspector for help.

Sand Creek Park Landowners Association Board of Directors Meeting Cont.

August 4, 2010

Page 2

  1. Roads – Debra Kessinger asked to revisit the motion that was discussed and passed at the July meeting since she was absent. After she was filled in on the details of the project and looked over the budget and bank balance she gave it a “thumbs up” as well. David will continue with this project at a cost up to $1200.00. To make it official Sam Cooper made a motion to continue with the crushed granite project on Running Water Ranch Road. Second by Ray Herrmann. Motion carried. David Mickelson also reported that Dale Miller is coming up to look at some concerns on County Road 89. David will meet with him while he is up on the mountain. David also reported that its time to start contacting landowners who own property where we hope to try snow fence again. He will start working on this soon.
  1. Security – David Mickelson had nothing to report.
  1. Public Relations – Carrie Staiano reported that Lew Gaiter, our County Commissioner,is traveling to SCP on August 5th. He wants to see our area in person. Carrie will try to show him as much of SCP as possible. We also discussed the fall newsletter. This is not an important issue so we decided to save money and not do a fall newsletter this year. Motion was made by Carrie Staiano. Second by Debra Kessinger. Motion carried.
  1. Fire – Sam Cooper reported that he needs to purchase 2 foot valves for the fire trailer. The approx cost for these would be around $65 ea. Motion was made by Ray Herrmann for Sam to purchase these parts. Second by Carrie Staiano. Motion carried.
  1. Follow-up items from last meeting – No follow up items were discussed.

E.New Business- The board discussed that we could try to skip another meeting to help save

money. We decided that in addition to skipping the December meeting we would skip

October as well.

Ray Herrmann brought up the fact that our board, unlike most, does not have a Nomination Committee for board member elections. Many Landowners expressed a concern about this at the annual meeting. We will work on this before the next annual meeting.

  1. Calendar - September 8, 2010 - 400 S. Summit View, Ft. Collins

7:00 p.m.

- October 2010 - no meeting

- November 3, 2010 - 400 S. Summit View, Ft. Collins

7:00 p.m.

-December 2010 - no meeting

H.Adjournment- Sam Cooper motioned to adjourn. Carrie Staiano second. Meeting adjourned.