Group 1

Your task is rather hard: as you know a group of English younger students are coming to visit our School; you must introduce them to the magnetism explaining how works the interaction between magnets.

Step 1 – individual delivery after collaborative work throughresourcesof “IT collaboration”

Your first task is analyze and understand what are the materials affected by magnetism, how a bar magnet works and how it is possible to magnetize a matallic object. You can use the following internet resources to start your work:


The check point consists in answering the following questions:

Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper: you have to send me your work within one week. For each answer you have to indicate the URL of the specific web page you have consulted to respond: NO COPY AND PASTE, you have to personally elaborate your answers.

  1. Why a stonethatisabletoattractironiscalledmagnet?
  2. Who first diduse a steel needlestrukedwith a loadestone? How?
  3. Whatis a magnetic pole?
  4. Wheredoes the source ofmagnetismlie?
  5. Whathappensif a magnetis cut in twoparties?
  6. Isitpossibletodetect a magnetic pole in isolation?
  7. How can you turn a paper clip into a magnet? Whatis the differencebetween a permanent and a temporanymagnet?
  8. What are the metals that are affected bymagnetism?
  9. Imaginetosuspendhorizzontally and freely a bar magnet, what can youobserve? Ifafteryoukeep in yourhandanother bar magnet and youapproachitto the suspendedone,what can youobserve?
  10. Howiscalled the one end ofany bar magnetpointingnorthifitisfreelysospended?

Step2 – team work plus individual delivery after collaborative work throughresourcesof “IT collaboration”

Nowyouhavetoperformeanexperimentshowing the interactionbetweentwo bar magnets (you can take themfrom the laboratory) and make a videoofthat.

In the meantime, answer the following questions:

  1. Why do likepolesattract and unlikepolesrepel?
  2. How do the fielddiagramsexplain the phenomenon?
  3. How can youarrangetwopermanentmagnetstoget a 'uniform' magneticfield?

Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper: you have to send me your answers within 3 more days. Remember: for each answer you have to indicate the URL of the specific web page you have consulted to respond: NO COPY AND PASTE, you have to personally elaborate your answers.

Step3 – team work

Congratulationsforfinding out propertiesof: loadstone and magnetization.

Finallyyourgroupmust create a presentationto share withyourclass (and English youngerstudentsthat are comingtovisitourschool)whatyouhavefound out. The following information may help you on yourpresentation:

It will be from 12 to 15 slides/frames long (contents slides/frames).

Rememberto illustrate (withpictures, diagrams…) at leasthalfofyourslides/frames and to number each of your slides/frames (oneof twelve, two of twelve…).

You have just twenty minutes for the presentation and each member of the group will be asked to present about three-four slides/frames (teacher will choose who present what).


a Title slide/frame and a Conclusion slide/frame

The first slide/frame should contains your presentation's title and a list of the group members. Your group can decide what to put on your last slide/frame. Give a catchy title which will draw your audience’s attention.

Which resources of “IT collaboration” your group have used to communicate and cooperate (skype, google drive, dropbox....)

How two bar magnets work

How a bar magnet can magnetize a metallic object

What are the materials affected by magnetism

Video of Lab activity

The answer to the question:Why does the globe in the picture float in the air?

The group leader mustsend me the presentationwithinone more week.