A. In the places wherethere are alreadyprocesses of pastoral groups whoincorporate the movement.

  1. Approval by part of the Provincial congregation and structures responsible for the coordination of the pastoral care of each province, of the proposal made by the General Congregation (whichwillbeadapted to each province), after the necessaryreflections and adjustments.
  2. Appointment of aperson in charge of the Calasanzmovement in the province and participation in the Commission responsible for the Calasanzmovementaround the world.
  3. Sensibilization of the catechists of the different groups of Piaristpresences:

-Participation of leaders in the certificationof PiaristYouth Pastoral.

-Presentation of the proposal to the animators and catechistsof eachpresence.

4. Provincial celebration of thesend-offof the personresponsible of the movementat the provincial level,those in charge atcommunitylevels, and animators orcatechists, with thepresence of Fr. Provincial, or one of the assistants:

– It isrecommended to match the celebrationwith a specialevent of the province (if thereisaday of the province, or anyothercelebrationthatcan best suitthisAct).

-It couldbea mini-eventwhichwould have at least three parts:

  • Eucharist, presided by Fr. Provincial or an assistant.
  • official presentations and hand-overs

 Presentation of the logo: a bigpicture visible on the premiseswhere the pastoral activityis.

 Presentation of the manifesto of the Calasanzmovement.

 Hand-over of shirts, caps or otherinsigniaapproved by the province, tocatechists.

 Hand-over of the diplomafrom the youthministry to leaders (if wasalready made).

 Send-off of the personresonsible of the CalasanzMovementat the provincial level.

 Wordsfrom the saidperson.

  • Inaugural party:

 A visualpresentation of theexisting pastoral reality with data, meaningful images, etc...

 Otherrepresentation (theater, music...)

 Sharing.

5. Administrative incorporation:

-Registration of persons in charge, and of animators orcatechists in the generaldatabase of the Calasanzmovement.

-Registration of statistics of participatingchildren, youth and adults in different stages of the educationalprocess.

-Delivery of the educationalproject by stages.

-Incorporation of the group to the website: usingit to shareexperiences, news, activities, etc...

6. Local celebration

-Withchildren and youths, withtheirrepresentatives, and groups of adults.

-In the presence of the fraternity, if any.

-In a party orevent of special relevance:

  • Inacelebration of change of phase atdifferenteducationallevels, somekind of "scoutstep" at the beginning of the schoolyear.
  • In acelebrationat the beginning or at the end of a schoolyear.
  • In aEucharist of the usual meetings of the movement.

-Using the followingsymbols:

  • Presentation and placement of the framewith the logo.
  • Presentation and official reading of the manifesto.
  • Send-off ofanimatorsand/or catechists.

B. In places whereyouwant to start the movement, with a first call.

It wouldbeat all similarity, except in the following sections:

Section 3: sensibilization of the catechists of the different groups of piaristpresences: joinedtothis point:

-the need for an introductory course to the educationalproposal for the initial animators of the movement, and

-the necessarypresentation to teachers and other staff of the works in whichitwants to implement;

Before the local celebration: The beginning of activitieswithchildren, youths and adults.

-Activities of presentation of the CalasanzMovement to children, younths and adults.

-Initial activity of convocation, appropriate to the ages to beconvoked.

-First period of workwith the groups.


Possible materials for the celebrations.





-Prayer of the Calasanzmovement

-Representation for the celebration