
History of Civilization since the Sixteenth Century

HIST 1060.001

University of North Texas

28. August to 15. December 2017

3 credit hours

Instructor: Alfred C. Mierzejewski Instructor’s title: Professor

Instructor profile:

Office location: WH 236 Office Hours: Thursday, 17:30-18:30

Telephone Number: 940-369-8928 Email Address:

Teaching Assistant: Matthew Palmer Email Address:

Office Location: WH 211 Office Hours: Mon + Wed 15:00-17:00

For assistancewith technology please contact Blackboard at or 940.565.2324. See also HIST 1060 Technical and Legal Considerations.docx

Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, other Restrictions:

There are no prerequisites, co-requisites or restrictions on entry into this course.

Basic Course Goals

Goal I. Students will improve their ability to think critically.

Goal II. Students will improve their ability to think in historical terms.

Goal III. Students will improve their written communication skills.

History 1060 Learning Objectives – UNT History Department

HIST 1060 Students will:

1. Understand major states, nations, cultures, and institutions around the world from 1500 to the

1.1. Demonstrate knowledge of various national and transnational cultures.

1.1.1. Pinpoint major cultural developments.

1.1.2. Identify major cultural figures around the world.

1.2. Know the characteristics and contributions of major nation-states and trans-national

1.2.1. Define the development and characteristics of the nation-state.

1.2.2. Describe the characteristics and contributions of major nation-states.

1.2.3. Discuss differences between various nations and transnational institutions.

2. Evaluate the shift from regional to global connections between 1500 and 1800.

2.1. Understand and describe patterns of global exploration and the emergence of
global empires from 1500 to 1800.

2.2. Explain the outbreak and impact of religious conflict in Europe between 1500 and

2.3. Trace East Asia’s search for stability between 1500 and 1800.

2.4. Explain the impact of the global shift in wealth and power on Southern Asia
between 1500 and 1800.

2.5. Describe and understand the development of the Atlantic slave trade.

2.6. Describe and explain the development of new forms of governance in Europe
between 1600 and 1763.

2.7. Describe and understand the impact of the Scientific Revolution and the

2.8. Describe the development of Russia’s Eurasian empire between 1500 and 1800.

3. Know the global impact of revolutions, industry, ideology, and empire between 1750 and

3.1. Describe and understand the causes, course, and consequences of the North Atlantic
Revolutions from 1750 to 1830

3.1.1. Describe and understand the causes, course, and consequences the American Revolution.

3.1.2. Describe and understand the causes, course, and consequences the French Revolution.

3.2. Describe the expansion of Napoleon’s Empire and account for its collapse.

3.3. Explain the origins of the Industrial Revolution and identify the characteristics
of its major phases.

3.4. Describe and explain how industry and ideology changed human societies between
1750 and 1914.

3.5. Describe and understand how the various peoples of North and South America
responded to major changes between 1750 and 1914.

3.6. Describe and understand the spread of nationalism and imperialism to Eastern and
Southern Asia, the Middle East, and Africa between 1750 and 1914.

4. Understand major changes resulting from global upheaval and globalization between 1900
and the present.

4.1. Describe and explain the outbreak, course, and outcome of the First World War.

4.2. Describe and explain the outbreak, course, and outcome of the Russian Revolution.

4.3. Describe the anxieties and ideological changes of the Interwar Years.

4.4. Describe and explain the outbreak, course, and outcome of the Second World War.

4.5. Describe and understand the human costs of the Second World War.

4.5.1. Describe and understand the Holocaust.

4.6. Describe and understand the course of the Cold War and its global impact.

4.6.1. Describe and understand the process of European integration.

4.6.2. Describe and understand the changes in the status of women that have
taken place in western societies since 1914.

4.7. Describe major political and economic changes that took place in Asia from 1945 to
the present.

4.8. Identify the various efforts at reform and revolution in Latin America since 1914.

4.9. Explain the challenges of post-colonialism in Africa and the Middle East since the
Second World War.

Course Description: The course provides a basic survey of the development of civilization from the Protestant Reformation in Europe to the present. It includes descriptions of the societies, economies and states that evolved in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. It shows how nation states developed, explains the rise and decline of colonies and empires, the appearance of ideologies, and describes the appearance of economic growth and technological innovation. The course pays particular attention to the evolution of the role of women as part of the general phenomenon of modernization. Finally, the course highlights the changed roles of major religions such as Islam and Christianity. By studying these developments, students will improve their analytical skills, their competence in finding information and their communication skills.

Format: The course is built around the main text, Connections, volume 2, supplemented by a departmental reader, HIST 1060 World Civilization. The weekly quizzes, the six online discussions, the mid-term and the final are all drawn from material presented in the main text and the departmental reader.

The course can be taken in any of three ways: 1. In the traditional classroom format; 2. Entirely online; 3. Any combination of the two. With option 1., all quizzes, discussions and tests will be taken in class in the usual way. Lectures will be given in the classroom. With option 2, all quizzes, discussions and tests will be taken through the class’s Blackboard site. With option 3, the student can combine features of the classroom and online options to suit their needs. Please note that the textbook is available only in electronic form. The class reader can be obtained only in printed form.

Course Materials.

Required Text: Edward H. Judge, John W. Langdon. Connections. A World History. Volume 2 Third edition. Boston: Pearson Education, 2016.

Required Reader: Department of History, UNT. HIST 1060. World Civilization. Plymouth, MI: Hayden McNeil, 2016.

Both books are available from the UNT bookstore. Connections is available on the Pearson REVEL website at An Amazon Kindle version of Connectionsis also available.

Class Webpage: Blackboard Learn, 9.1.

The class takes place on the Blackboard Learn 9.1 website.

To access the website, go to learn.unt.edu.

Log in with your EUID and password. Click HIST 1060.001, Fall 2017. On this Blackboard page, you can access the following:
1. Announcements from the instructor.

2. The syllabus.

3. Quizzes on the chapters in Connections found in the Learning Modules.

4. Discussion Forums.

5. Midterm Exam found in Assessments

6. Final Exam found in Assessments

7. My Grades

If you have any difficulties contact UNT UIT Helpdesk:
(940) 565-2324.


1. Read the assigned material in Connections and HIST 1060 World Civilization.

2. Quizzes on each chapter in the main text. Quizzes are due by 11:59 on the Friday of the week that they are listed.

3. Participate in the six online discussions. Post your discussion contributions by Friday 11:59 PM of the scheduled week. The topics are listed below.

4. Take the mid-term exam by 11:59 of the Friday of the week listed below.

5. Take the final exam between 9. December 2017 and 11:59 on 15. December 2017.


Your grade will be based on your performance in four areas:

1. Weekly quizzes tied directly to the readings. They will constitute 25% of your grade.

2. Participation in online discussions. They will contribute 25% of your grade.

3. The mid-term. It will constitute 25% of your grade.

4. The final, which will constitute 25% of your grade.

Grades will be calculated as follows:

Each assignment will be graded using the following scale:

Grading Scale
90-100 / A
80-89 / B
70-79 / C
60-69 / D
below 60 / F

The grades for your quizzes will be added up at the end of the semester, divided into the maximum number of points that could be earned and then multiplied by 25. The grades for your discussion posts will be added up at the end of the semester, divided into the maximum number of points that could be earned and then multiplied by 25. The grades for your mid-term and final exams will each be multiplied by 0.25. The four sums will be added together to provide your final grade in accordance with the scale shown above. Grades will be posted within forty-eight hours of the end of grading event.

Online Quizzes

The weekly quizzes based on Connections can be accessed in Learning Modules, under the appropriate Era on Blackboard. The questions will be made available at 12:01 AM on Monday of each week. Your response will be due at 11:59 PM on the following Friday.


The six discussions will take place at Discussions on Blackboard. You will be graded based on the quality of your comments, not their quantity. If you do not participate, you will receive no credit, i.e. 0, for that discussion. Post your comments by 11:59 PM on Friday each week.

Mid-Term Examination

The mid-term examination will cover eras four and five. Choose three questions from the list of five that will be provided. Each essay should be about 100 words long. The mid-term exam will be due by 11:59 PM on the Saturday of the week listed below in the class schedule.

Final Examination.

The final examination will cover era six. Choose three questions from the list of five that will be provided. Each essay should be about 100 words long. You should take the final exam between 9. December 2017 and 11:59 on 15. December 2017.

Accessing Grades

Your grades will be available to you on Blackboard within forty-eight (48) hours of the end of the relevant exam period.

Administrative Withdrawal.

Please contact the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences to withdraw from the course.

Academic Honesty Policy

You are encouraged to become familiar with the University's Policy of Academic dishonesty found in the Student Handbook. The content of the Handbook applies to this course. If you are in doubt regarding the requirements, please consult with me as soon as possible.

Turnitin Notice

You mid-term and final exams will be checked using Turnitin software to determine if you have complied with UNT’s plagiarism regulations.

Netiquette: Website etiquette rules.

Rule 1: Remember the Human.

Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life.

Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace.

Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth.

Rule 5: Make yourself look good online.

Rule 6: Share expert knowledge.

Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control.

Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy.

Rule 9: Don't abuse your power.

Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes.


You are encouraged to express your opinion about the course using the SPOT course evaluation system available at spot.unt.edu.

Instructor Responsibilities and Feedback

My mission is to help you learn about the development of civilization and, in doing so, to help you learn how to think on your own. If you have difficulty with any part of the course, please contact me as soon as possible. I will take action immediately to help you overcome the challenge that you face. If you identify a problem in the design of the course, please inform me so that I can solve it. You will receive responses to your email messages within eight hours of your sending the message and feedback for your assignments within forty-eight hours of the completion of the assignment. My goal is to provide you with an informative, challenging and interesting course, delivered in a professional manner. At the end of the semester, you should know more about world civilizations since 1600 than you did at the beginning. In addition, your reasoning skills and self-confidence should be stronger.

ODA Statement:

The University of North Texas makes reasonable academic accommodation for students with disabilities. Students seeking accommodation must first register with the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA) to verify their eligibility. If a disability is verified, the ODA will provide you with an accommodation letter to be delivered to faculty to begin a private discussion regarding your specific needs in a course. You may request accommodations at any time, however, ODA notices of accommodation should be provided as early as possible in the semester to avoid any delay in implementation. Note that students must obtain a new letter of accommodation for every semester and must meet with each faculty member prior to implementation in each class.Students are strongly encouraged to deliver letters of accommodation during faculty office hours or by appointment. Faculty members have the authority to ask students to discuss such letters during their designated office hours to protect the privacy of the student.For additional information see the Office of Disability Accommodation website at. You may also contact them by phone at940.565.4323


Era Four.

28Aug-01 SepThe West in an Age of Religious Conflict and Global Expansion, 1500-1650. Read Connections, chapter 20.

05-08 SepThe Search for Stability in East Asia, 1300-1800. Read Connections, chapter 21; HIST 1060World Civilization, chapter 3. Discussion: Qing China.

11-15 SepSouthern Asia and the Global Shift in Wealth and Power, 1500-1800; Africa and the Atlantic Slave Trade. 1400-1800. Read Connections, chapters 22 and 23.

18-22 SepAbsolutism and Enlightenment in Europe, 1600-1763. Read Connections, chapter 24; HIST 1060World Civilization, chapter 6. Discussion: The Enlightenment.

25-29 SepRussia’s Eurasian Empire: Convergence of East and West, 1300-1800. Read Connections, chapter 25.

Era Five.

02-06 OctThe North Atlantic Revolutions, 1750-1830. Read Connections, chapter 26 and HIST 1060 World Civilization, chapter 7. Discussion: Revolutions in Latin America.

09-13 OctIndustry, Ideology and their Global Impact, 1700-1914; Read Connections, chapter 27. HIST 1060 World Civilization, chapters 4 and 5. Discussion: The Protestant Work Ethic.

16-20 OctNation Building in the Americas, 1789-1914. Read Connections, chapter 28.

23-27 OctNew Connections and Challenges in Eastern and Southern Asia, 1800-1912;New Connections and Challenges in West Asia and Africa, 1800-1914. Read Connections, chapters 29 and 30. Mid-Term.

Era Six.

30 Oct-3 NovThe Great War and the Russian Revolutions, 1890-1918; Anxieties and Ideologies of the Interwar years, 1918-1939. Read Connections, chapters 31 and 32.

06-10 NovWorld War II and the Holocaust, 1933-1945. Read Connections, chapter 33.

13-17 NovEast Versus West: Cold War and Its Global Impact, 1945-Present. Read Connections, chapter 34.

20-22 NovThe Upheavals of Asia, 1945-Present.Read Connections, chapter 35 and HIST 1060 World Civilization, chapter 10. Discussion: Posthumous Cult of Mao.

27 Nov-1 DecReform and Revolution in Latin America, 1914-Present. Read Connections, chapter 36.

04-08 DecPostcolonial Challenges in Africa and the Middle East, 1939-Present. Read Connections, chapter 37 and HIST 1060 World Civilization, chapters 11 and 12. Discussion: The Clash of Civilizations.

09-15 DecFinal Exam.