Voc Unit 6

1.elucidate- to make clear

2. ergo- therefore

3. facetious- comical, jocular, flippant

4. emendation- a correction

5. empirical- based on evidence rather than theory

6. eschew- to keep away from, avoid, shun

7. emanate- to come forth, send forth

8. empathy- an understanding of another’s feelings

9. elixir- a supposed remedy for all ailments

10. enervate- to weaken

11. erotic- pertaining to sexual love

12. epitome- a typical example, a condensed amount

13. endemic- confined to a particular country or area

14. ennui- boredom, a weariness resulting from a lack o f interest

15. ephemeral- lasting only a brief time, short lived

Voc Unit 7

1. factious- adj- causing disagreement

2. fastidious- adj- hard to please, fussy

3. fatuous- adj- foolish

4. fecund- adj- fertile, productive

5. ferret- v- to search or drive out/ n- a small animal of the weasel family

6. fervent-adj- eager, earnest

7. fetish- n- an object that receives respect or devotion

8. finesse- n- diplomacy, tact, artful management

9. fiscal- adj- pertaining to finances

10. fissure- n- an opening or groove, split

11. flaccid- adj- flabby

12. flagellate- v- to whip, to lash

13. flaunt- v—to show off

14. flout- v- to ridicule, to show contempt for

15. foment – v- to stir up, to incite

Voc Unit 8

1. fop- n- excessively fashion-conscious man

2. fortuitous- adj- lucky by chance

3. gambol – v- to frolic, to romp about playfully

4. garish – adj- tastelessly gaudy

5. garner- v- to gather, to acquire

6. garrulous- adj- talkative

7. germane- adj- relevant, fitting, appropriate

8. gibe- v- to scoff, to ridicule

9. gloat- v- to look at or think about with great satisfaction

10. glower- v- to stare angrily

11. grandiose- adj- impressive, showy, magnificent

12. gratuitous- adj- unnecessary or uncalled for

13. grotesque- adj- absurd, distorted

14. gumption- n- courage and initiative, common sense

15. hackneyed- adj- commonplace, overused