BTMHS 2015/16


A Tradition of Excellence



4405 Brewbaker Drive

Montgomery, Alabama36116
Main Office / ………. / (334) 284-7100
Guidance Fax / ………. / (334) 284-7262
FAX / ………. / (334) 284-7110
MPS Board of Education / ………. / (334) 223-6700
MPS Transportation / ………. / (334) 284-2085


Administrator’s Authority / ...... / 3
Administration, Faculty, & Staff Members / ...... / 4-5
Acknowledgement of Receipt Form / ...... / 28
Academics / ...... / 7-8
Athletics / Sports / ...... / 13
Attendance - Absences / Check-outs /Make-Up Work / Tardies / ...... / 15-16
Communications - E-Mails / Parent Conferences / Questions / ...... / 13-14
Criteria for Remaining in Magnet Program / ...... / 11-12
Home Portal Information / ………………... / 11
Emergency / Health & Safety / ...... / 25-26
General Classroom Rules / ...... / 24
Guidance Program / ...... / 14
Inspection of School Property / ...... / 19
Library / MediaCenter / ...... / 14
Mission / Vision Statements / ...... / 3
Montgomery Public Schools Calendar / Testing / Assessment Schedule / ...... / 9-10
Parent/Teacher / Student Association (PTSA) / ...... / 26
Possession of Cell Phones/Telecommunication Devices / ...... / 19
Progress Reports / Report Cards / ...... / 8-9
Special Education / ...... / 25
Standardized Testing / Assessment Schedule / ……………… / 10
Student Arrival and Departure / Bell Schedule / ...... / 6
Student Dress Code / ...... / 20-23
Student Parking / ...... / 15
Telephone and Fax Numbers / ------ / 1
Transportation / Buses / Student Parking / ……………… / 15
Visitors / ………………. / 17-18
Plagiarism / ……………….. / 27
Make-Up Work Procedures / ………………… / 17


The school principal has, at any time, the authority to change, modify, or amend any rule or procedure contained in this handbook when it is in the best interest of the student and or faculty, or in accomplishing the mission of Brewbaker Technology Magnet High School (Brew Tech).

Montgomery County Public Schools’ MISSION / VISION STATEMENTS

Our Mission: We will engage, educate and inspire our students to succeed in college, career and beyond!

Our Vision: MPS is a place where every student develops a love of learning, cultivates intellectual curiosity and dreams of a future full of amazing possibilities.

The mission of BrewbakerTechnologyMagnetHigh School is: Provide a daily learning atmosphere where teachers engage, educate, and inspire students to succeed in college, career, and beyond.

The vision of BrewbakerTechnologyMagnetHigh School is: Brew Tech is a school where teachers teach and students learn at higher levels. There is a daily emphasis on classroom discoveries, innovations, collaborations, and excellence in all things.

Beliefs of Brew tech:

  • All students will learn,be encouraged, and challenged to reach their fullest potential.
  • Education is a continuing and life-long experience.
  • Students must be self-directed learners.
  • Programs should enable students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to be productive members of society.
  • Career guidance is essential for all students.
  • Building character is an integral part of the education process.
  • Education is a partnership among students, teachers, parents, and the community


April LeePrincipal

Jason NorredAssistant Principal

Gina Hall Guidance Counselor

Christie AtkinsonGuidance Counselor

Patty McWhorterActivities Director


Kay TooleSecretary

Cynthia ThompsonSecretary

Auburn BrownSecretary

Sheri DykesBookkeeper

Cassandra ReeseNurse

Officer StoppSecurity Guard

Derrick EvansBuilding Supervisor

Charlie Mae HudsonBuilding Supervisor

Kim WashingtonBuilding Supervisor

Michelle NealBuilding Supervisor


Carol WaltersMedia Specialist



Room #
Steve Ballard - Engineering 318
Michael Baugh - E-CommerceTBA

Janice Jackson - E-Commerce122

Wayne Walters - Building Sciences 305
John Cannady - Information Technology206

Lin Hodnett – Advertising Design207
Vera Unzhakova – Architecture/Mechanical Design214

Dawneese Bowen (R.N.) - Medical 218

Special Education FacilitatorRoom #

Kayla Crenshaw138


Sara Campbell – Spanish101

Tara Jarrett - Visual Arts317

Lori Kerr – Spanish*404

Randy Mularz - Drivers Education314

Chauncey Shines - Physical Education and Athletic DirectorGym

Edward Dykes – Health301


TBA 102

Kim Horn* 401
Kyla Ward124

Shannon Luster135

Lauren Rogers136


Steve Diermeyer*412

Jocelyn Esguerra413

Kathryn Ramey415

Eric Hoehn410

Roberta Ludwigsen419


Aviance Turnbull125

Mary O’Connor 228

Darby Clark 144

Scott Lawrence *146

Patricia McWhorter222

Scott Greene 227


Mary Beth Clayton123

Kelly Elliott411
Sonya Keeton107

Kacey Vardaman*420

Colt Sinclair402

Teresa Baxley 152


Upon arrival to school, students are expected to remain on campus until the end of the school day unless authorized by a school administrator to leave early. Students arriving to school prior to 8:00 a.m. should report to the courtyard area or the front porch. There is no adult supervision prior to 7:45 a.m. In cases of inclement weather, students are to report to the lunchroom or their homerooms.

In the interest of safety, we ask that students be picked up from school by 3:45 P.M. Failure to comply with school procedure could result in administrators contacting the Montgomery Police Department. There will be no supervision of students, at the school after 3:45 p.m.

Breakfast will be available from 7:45 A.M. to 8:15 A.M. – Breakfast should be consumed in the cafeteria.

BreakfastFaculty - $1.75;Adult Visitor- $2.50; Student - $0.00
Lunch Faculty -$2.75;Adult Visitor- $3.75; Student – $0.00

First Bell: 8:00 a.m.Warning Bell: 8:25a.m.Tardy Bell: 8:30a.m.


Monday Seven – Period Day
Homeroom / 8:30a.m. / - / 8:40a.m. / 10 minutes
1st Period / 8:40a.m. / - / 9:30a.m. / 50 minutes
2nd Period / 9:34a.m. / - / 10:24a.m. / 50 minutes
3rd Period / 10:28a.m. / - / 11:18a.m. / 50 minutes
4th Period / 11:22a.m. / - / 12:12a.m. / 50 minutes
5thPeriod (Lunch) / 12:16p.m. / - / 1:42p.m. / 86 minutes
6th Period / 1:46p.m. / - / 2:36p.m. / 50 minutes
7th Period / 2:40p.m. / - / 3:30p.m. / 50 minutes
Lunch Schedule
*Wave A: / 12:16p.m. / - / 12:46p.m. / 30 minutes / * See Below
Wave B: / 12:39p.m. / - / 1:04p.m. / 25 minutes
Wave C: / 12:57p.m. / - / 1:22p.m. / 25 minutes
Wave D: / 1:15p.m. / - / 1:40p.m. / 25 minutes
Block Bell Schedule
Tuesday & Thursday / Wednesday & Friday
Homeroom / 8:30a.m. / - / 8:40a.m. / 10 minutes / Homeroom
1st Period / 8:43a.m. / - / 10:26a.m. / 103 minutes / 2nd Period
3rd Period / 10:30a.m. / - / 12:13a.m. / 103 minutes / 4th Period
5th Period (Lunch) / 12:16p.m. / - / 1:42p.m. / 86 minutes / 5th Period & Lunch
7th Period / 1:46p.m. / - / 3:30p.m. / 104 minutes / 6th Period

* Wave A – Students are to report to 5th period BEFORE going to lunch in order for attendance to betaken.


It is our desire that all Brew Tech students maintain required standards to remain in the magnet program, and we will do our best to keep you abreast of your academic standing. Parents must come to the front office, with photo identification, to receive user names and passwords for INOW. We encourage parents to use INOW Home Portaldaily to access the student’s grades and progress. If you have any questions or concerns about grades, please call or e-mail school personnel.

Advance Placement (AP)

Students who enroll in AP classes at Brew Tech must take the AP exam for each class they are enrolled. The cost of the exam is approximately $90.00 per test, and the students must incur the cost. Students who have taken the Advanced Placement national exams and have five (5) or fewer combined excused or unexcused absences, check-ins, tardies, and/or check-outs may be exempt from the final course exams when the student’s average is at least a 75(C) when the third and fourth quarter grades are averaged.

  • There will be NO exemptions for freshmen and sophomores, unless they meet the criteria listed below in subsection (IV) Advanced Placement in the MPS GPR.
  • (iv) Page 30, MPS GPR- Students who have taken Advanced Placement national exams and have five (5) or fewer combined excused or unexcused absences, check-ins, tardies, and/or check-outs may be exempt from final course equivalent exams when the student’s average is at least 75 (C) when the two quarter grades are averaged.


Brew Tech offers seven academies, which include the following: Building Sciences, E-Commerce, Engineering, Architecture, Graphic Design, Information Technology, and Medical. Students may not be placed in their first choice but every effort will be made to do so. Once students are placed in an academy, no changes will be made.

Core Subjects

A wide range of core subjects, which develop essential knowledge and skills, is available to all students. These include honors courses, Advanced/Pre-AP courses, and advance placement (AP) courses. Students may receive college credit for passing AP classes and national exams. AP classes are available in all four-core subject areas to include: English / language arts, mathematics, sciences, and social studies.


Students may choose from several elective courses. Electives are chosen as they relate to our academies.

Math Requirement: Each student is required to take a grade appropriate math classeach year to remain at Brew Tech. National studies show that students who do not take a math class their senior year in high school will likely struggle their first year of college.


At Brew Tech, we expect all students to meet the academic requirements based on their own individual merit. Students suspected of cheating in any form will be dealt with accordingly. Consequences for cheating and plagiarism may include some or all of the following: zero on assignment, suspension from school, and ineligible to return to Brew Tech Magnet High School the next school year.


Report Cards will be given to students by their homeroom teacher at the end of each 9-week grading period. Progress reports will be given to all students at the mid-point of each grading period. Progress reports must be signed by both the student and the parent/guardian and returned to the teacher within three days of distribution. The teacher will keep these reports on file until the end of the year.

The Report Schedules may be changed as necessary, but the tentative schedule is as follows:

Progress Report Dates

Tuesday/Wednesday, September 8/9, 2015
Thursday/Friday, November 12/13, 2015
Tuesday/Wednesday, February 9/10, 2016
Tuesday/Wednesday, April 12/13, 2016

Report Card Dates

Thursday, October 15, 2015
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Final report cards will be mailed. Check for accuracy, i.e., student name, number, gender, grades for each subject area, etc.

Students will sign that they have received their progress reports and report cards. It is the responsibility of the student to share their progress report and report card with their parent/guardian. Progress report and report card grades may also be accessed by using the INOW Home Portal. Report cards and progress reports are to be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the homeroom teacher/classroom teachers within 3 school days.


  1. Numerical Basis for Grades:
  1. The scale for determining the quarter grade, semester grade, and the yearly grade for a subject is stated below:

A = / 90 - 100
B = / 80 - 89
C = / 70 - 79
D = / 60 - 69
F = / 0 - 59

MPS School Calendar

Important Dates 2015-2016 School Year

Event / Date
First Day for Students / Thursday, August 13, 2015
Grading Period Ending Dates / October 18, 2015
December 18, 2015
March 4, 2016
Last Day for Students / Thursday, May 26, 2016

Testing Dates

Assessment Window / Grade / Assessment
8/20 – 9/18 / Reading 9th & 10th/ Algebra 1 / Global Scholar
1/4 – 2/22 / Reading 9th & 10th / Algebra 1 / Global Scholar
2/1-15 / LEP Population 9th- 10th (online) / ACCESS 2.0
2/9 / 12th / Act WorkKeys
4/4-8 / 10th Reading, Math, Science, English, Writing / ACT Aspire
4/27-29 / 10th Eligible Students in Alg. 1 & English / Act Quality Core
4/19 / 11th / ACT Plus Writing
5/2-13 / Reading 9th & 10th/ Algebra 1 / Global Scholar


First Semester / August 13 - December 18 / 82 Days
Second Semester / January 6 - May 28 / 95 Days
Total / 177 Days

Staff Development - (Students Will Not Attend These Dates)

August 10 - 12, 2015
Monday, September 8, 2015
Monday, October 12, 2015 - Columbus Day
Monday, January 4, 2016
Monday, February 15, 2016 - President's Day
Monday, March 28, 2016
Monday, April 25, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016

School Holidays

Event / Date
Labor Day / Monday, September 7, 2015
Veterans / Tuesday, November 11, 2015
Thanksgiving / Monday, November 23, 2015 - Friday, November 27, 2015
Winter Holidays / Monday, December 21, 2015 - Friday, January 4, 2016
Birthdays of King/Lee / Monday, January 18, 2016
Spring Holidays / Monday, March 21, 2016 - Friday, March 28, 2016
Last Day for Students / Thursday, May 26, 2016


Home Portal for INOW is a program that allows parents to access a student’s school records via the Internet using the home computer. Parents may view grades, attendance, discipline records, and other important information for the current school year. Parents must physically come to the school to obtain a password in order to use this service and must present a photo ID when you sign up. Please always keep your original log in and password.

NOTE: Parents, we will make every effort to keep you informed of your child’s academic performance, but sometimes our best efforts fail. PLEASE DON’T ASSUME that your child is performing satisfactorily if you don’t hear from the school. Take the time to visit, phone, or e-mail the school to ensure your child is meeting the required academic standards to remain at Brew Tech.


To remain eligible for Brew Tech Magnet High School, students must meet the following criteria by the end of each school year:

I.Achieve a minimum 2.5 grade point average (GPA) in core classes. Failure in a core class will result in removal from Brew Tech.

II.Achieve an overall “75” average in their Academy class.

III.Class C offenses will result in removal from Brew Tech. 3 Class B offenses will result in removal from Brew Tech.

IV.Good attendance record. More than FIVE unexcused absences, unexcused tardies and/or checkouts in a semester could result in removal from Brew Tech.

Any absence not falling into the categories listed below or otherwise excused by the superintendent, the superintendent’s designee, or principal will be unexcused.

a. Personal Illness

b. Serious Illness in the family verified by an Attendance or District Resource Officer

c. Death in the immediate family (not to exceed one week)

d. Absence for the observance of recognized holidays of the child’s own faith

e. Inclement weather which makes it dangerous to attend school

f. Court-required appearances

g. Emergency conditions as determined by the superintendent or principal

h. Absences approved by the principal

Grade point averages (GPA) are computed at the end of the school year, and students are NOT removed from the magnet program during the school year if their GPA drops below the 2.5.

The classes used to compute the GPA are: Math, Science, Social Studies, and English.

The GPAs are computed by assigning each letter grade received a numerical value (A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1, and F-0), summing them and dividing by the total number of core classes. Advance Placement (AP) classes are weighted and will receive an additional point value. Pre – AP classes are weighted and will receive an additional .5 point value. Here are two examples:


AdvancedGeometry / C (2.5) / Math / B (3)
Science / B (3) / Science / D (1)
Social Studies / C (2) / AP History / A (5)
English / B (3) / English / A (4)
TOTAL / 10.5/ 4 = 2.6 GPA / TOTAL 13 / 4 = 3.2 GPA


Brew Tech is a member of the Alabama High School Athletic Association (AHSAA) and offers a wide range of athletic teams. Any student enrolled in Brew Tech may try-out for any team and participate as long as he/she meets the eligibility requirements of the Alabama High School Athletic Association and makes the final cut. The head coach for each team will make the final selection of players during tryouts.

We applaud the efforts of Brew Tech students participating in extra-curricular activities such as athletics. However, please remember you are a student first, then athletessecond. Brew Tech student-athletes must continue to maintain an overall 2.5 GPA in core subjectsand a 75 average in their academy throughout the school year. Grades are checked prior to a season, at progress report and report card times. Student-athletes falling below their overall 2.5 GPA of core courses and a 75 in the academy class will be given team practice suspensions until grades improve and are provided to the coach. It is the student’s responsibility to show proof to the coach of acceptable grades.

All athletic programs are open to all students regardless of sex, in accordance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972.


Baseball: Glen PruittBoys Soccer: TBA

Basketball (Boys): Chauncey ShinesSoftball: Eddie Dykes

Basketball (Girls):Cynthia ThompsonTennis: TBA

Basketball (JV Girls): Cynthia ThompsonTrack:Derrick Evans/Nicole Dallaway

Cheerleading: Tiffany McCraryVolleyball:Megan Hoehn

Golf: Colt SinclairGirls Soccer: TBA


Students participating in club activities outside of school must maintain an overall Magnet 2.5 GPA in their core classes and at least a 75 in their academy class. This includes, but is not limited, to TSA, Robotics, DECA, FBLA, etc.


Questions and Concerns

The Brewbaker Technology Magnet School faculty and staff try very hard to communicate with parents on a regular basis to avoid problems. Sometimes questions or problems do occur. We encourage you to call or talk to the teacher, principal, or the appropriate designee if questions, concerns, or problems arise.

E-mail is the preferred method of contacting teachers and staff members. You may send e-mail through the school’s website or you may use for example: first.last

Please provide the front office with any changes with your email, phone numbers, and addresses.

Communications delivered to students will be of an emergency nature ONLY. Homework and transportation issues should be handled prior to student’s arrival, this does not constitute an emergency.

Parent Conferences:Conferences will be scheduled through the main office and are to be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. Teacher conferences are scheduled before or after school. There will be no conferences held during class time.


The library supports the curriculum of Brew Tech by providing access to current and appropriate resources for students and faculty use. The media center is also equipped with 15 state-of-the art computer workstations with Internet access.

Loan Period:

Books may be checked out for two-week periods and may be extended for an additional two weeks.


Overdue book titles are$.10 per day. All fines and overdue items must be cleared before students are allowed to check out other books. Overdue equipment is $5.00 per day and suspension of equipment check-out privileges.

Lost Book Replacement Fees: If a book or piece of equipment is lost or damaged, the borrower is charged the cost of replacement or repair. The minimum book replacement cost is $16.00 per book.

GUIDANCE PROGRAM TheGuidance Counselor in our school is available to help students, parents, and teachers. The program consists of a variety of services and activities which include, but are not limited to: individual and group counseling, parent and teacher consultation, group guidance, referral assistance to other programs, student scheduling, 504 coordination, and student testing.

The guidance program will address academics, college planning,social and emotional issues, and career planning. The guidance counselor and guidance aide can help with questions and schedule appointments. Other areas that are managed by the guidance office are: