Sequoias Community College District

Faculty Enrichment Committee

FECMeeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 6th, 2018

LRC Conference Room 210, 1:10pm – 2:00pm

Attendees: Joseph Teller (co-chair), Mario Bringetto, Joseph Teller, Cynthia Beltran, Jon Blakely, Glena Crumal, Nancy Schneider, Linda Yamakawa

  1. Comments: items on/not on the agenda: Jon suggested moving Flex hour report access to the left hand column of the FEC page to be more noticeable.
  1. Announcements: None.
  1. Action
  2. Approval of December minutes: Approved. No discussion.
  1. Sabbatical application workshop date: This Fridays workshop will be rescheduled for Friday, February 23rd, noon to 1pm in LRC 205. Nicole will confirm availability. All agreed with rescheduling. No objections. Move adopted. Jon commented on Chris Keen’s great sabbatical presentation to the board. Sabbatical review of applications will take place by FEC on Friday, March 23rd, 10am – 12pm in LRC 210. Jennifer LaSerna will serve as appointee in the administrative role. Board will determine number of sabbaticals at next board meeting.
  1. Discussion
  2. Budget Report: 35% of stipend remains. This does not include adjunct pay for those that teach Friday and attended Convocation and/or division meeting.
  1. Revisions/approvals to FLEX Prior Authorization Forms: Discussion of Dean and/or Division Chair signature being required as approval.FEC decided to remove final box and add to faculty signature line, “I acknowledge I have read and understand the instructions contained in the form and have informed my Division Chair…”. This would change in the Flex Conference or Individual Plan and FLEX Workshop Proposal. Joseph will confirm with COSTA that language is correct. It will be action item at next FEC agenda.
  1. Foundation application cap for adjuncts: Cap has been at 6 hours for longer workshops, meetings, or conferences at discretion of FEC administrative and faculty co-chair.Cynthia asked about scholarship submission and Flex credit for full time faculty. There is no cap on full time. Adjunct will be capped at 6 hours.

Meeting adjourned at 1:44pm. Next meeting:Tuesday, March 6th, 1:10pm-2:00pm, LRC 210