NewbattleCommunityHigh School

Friends of Newbattle Meeting

Wednesday 19th November 2008


C BeattieCouncillorL BeattieCouncillor

S CresswellParentT IgoeChair

L GrieveParentR HoggComm. Member

L LeslieMember of CommunityK MackieParent

M MacInnesParentC CarrParent

K RintoulParent

J RobertsonParent

L RossVice Chair

C TaylorAdvisor

C BurtClerk

50:50 Club

After discussion it was hoped to hold the first draw in January. Communication still to be made with parents. C Burt to organise payment of re-registration.

Future Events

Scots Night

The members agreed to hold a Scots Night in the school on 5th February 2009, 7pm – 9.30pm. It was agreed that a sub committee be formed to take this event forward.

L Ross, J Robertson and L Grieve agreed to be part of the sub committee. They will meet in the near future to discuss this event. A flyer to be produced and sent to all parents before the end of the year.

Feasting with Music

The members agreed that a sub committee would be formed to enable the planning of this event to start. K Rintoul, M MacInnes and L Leslie agreed. L Leslie stated that C Carr had previously shown an interest in being part of a committee for this event. A date for the first meeting is to be arranged.

Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday, 14th January 2009 at 7.00pm.

NewbattleCommunityHigh School

Parent Council Meeting

Wednesday 19th November 2008


C BeattieCouncillorL BeattieCouncillor

S CresswellParentT IgoeChair

L GrieveParentR HoggComm. Member

L LeslieMember of CommunityK MackieParent

M MacInnesParentC CarrParent

K RintoulParent

J RobertsonParent

L RossVice Chair

H FlemingParent

C TaylorAdvisor

C BurtClerk

1. / Minute of the previous meeting 15th October 2008 agreed.
2. / Matters Arising
Mr Taylor informed the members that the Head Boy and Head Girl would be happy to come along to any future Parent Council meetings.
It was agreed that a pupil suggestion box be put in place in the Library. Also agreed that during January two or three parent members would meet with pupils to seek their views on school discipline.
Depute Headteacher Vacancy
Mr Taylor informed the members that T Igoe, C Carr and S Cresswell had recently taken part in a short leet interview to appoint a Depute Headteacher due to the resignation of Margaret Ferguson. He was happy to report that Nicola Watson, Principal Teacher, Guidance was the successful candidate and would take up this position in January. The Interview panel members agreed that Mrs Watson had a very strong interview.
Social Education Classes
Mr Taylor informed the members that he would be reviewing the staffing budget in the near future. L Ross asked when S2 pupils were due to choose their courses for S3 if this would be carried out by their Guidance Teacher. K Rintoul stated that she was concerned that the relationship pupils had built up with their Guidance Teacher in S1 could now be lost. Mr Taylor stated that he would be reviewing the situation.
Assessment Dates
Mr Taylor informed the members that there are key dates published on the web site at present.
3. / Correspondence
Noted and distributed to members.
4. / Ozone – Policy
Mr Taylor gave an overview of the SHARE programme (Sexual Health and Relationship in Education). He stated that the C-card service was still in place in the Ozone. It is a drop-in service staffed by Ruth Paton-Smith, School Nurse, twice weekly with a small group of regular users. A range of advice is given including Mental Health issues, diet etc.
Mr Taylor asked the members for their views on the C-card service. He stated that several years ago a telephone questionnaire was carried out by the school and at that time parents had no objection to this service. H Fleming stated that she was involved in the C-Card service in another authority and has had SHARE training. The members agreed that the age should stay at 14 and not be lowered.
5. / Christmas Programme of Events
School Concert – The Beatles 10th December 08
Merit Awards 18th December 08
Stars in their Eyes 18th December 08
Disco 18th December 08
Dress Down Day 19th December 08
Christmas Service 19th December 08
6. / A.O.C.B
Councillor C Beattie stated that there are several grants that the school could apply for, Community Projects from Scottish Government, Viridor for small projects, Homecoming Scotland. Councillor Beattie will look into this and e-mail information to Mr Taylor.
Lockers in Centre for Sport & Leisure
It was suggested that to enable pupils to lock away their valuables that Friends of Newbattle could make a contribution towards the cost of more lockers. This would be put on the agenda for the next Friends of Newbattle meeting.
Mr Taylor gave the members an overview of the study clubs available to pupils;
50/50 club for S1/S2 pupils every Monday Evening – 3.30pm – 5.00pm
Senior Prep for S4-S6 Monday – Thursday Evening – 3.30pm – 5.00pm
He stated that a bus leaves school at 5pm to drop pupils off in the community, free of charge.
12. / Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 14th January 2009
Friends of Newbattle Meeting – starting time 7.00pm
Parent Council Meeting – starting time 7.30pm