Subject: Re: HB = Habichhorst?

Date: 2/12/2009 4:13:32 A.M. Pacific Standard Time

From: Noncompeter

To: WWJohnston

HB = Hulsebrink, which is an area in central Luedersfeld by the Chapel " BC ". I usually abbreviate Habichhorst as Hab.

WJ Note: Hulsebrink was part of Luedersfeld.

Subject: 60 Morgen

Date: 3/15/2008 5:50:56 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time

From: Noncompeter

To: WWJohnston

Before I forget, I don't think I explained correctly the status of the differences between Karen's and my version of FIL. I did go through all of Karen's corrections on her website about 18 months ago, and spent time thinking about each correction. It took me a long time to go through them, but the changes that I found acceptable did end up in the files that I just sent you. I put off going through her corrections because I was not able to get good printouts (margin problems... lines scattered about starting at different places on the pages... I don't think I'll ever get proficient with Word... a good text editor with a fixed width font is all I ever wanted) She refused to send me files. When she first started making corrections, she was sending me 10 complicated problems every day, and after awhile I told her I could not respond anymore. I had already grown tired of that project because I had worked on it for 3 years and was looking forward to a break. To her, it was all brand new and she wanted to keep me working on it. I told her that she can take over the FIL files to maintain... that I was not able to support them anymore. She accepted that responsibility. About a year later, I saw how she marked up all my documents, including many corrections that I disagreed with. I did not say anything to her, but I decided that I must split off from her and maintain my own files... even though it meant 2 different versions. I figured that was not all bad. If someone was tracing their families, and ran into discrepencies, we could address the discrepencies on a case by case basis. I know that perfect accuracy may not be possible on every family (at least not initially). I like the idea of individuals coming along and actively getting involved to have the records fixed for their ancestors.

About 2 years ago, I finally started taking thyroid medication that I was supposed to be on already for 12 years. I found I was able to through her website (somewhat painfully), family by family to make corrections. It was not fun. If you ignore her website (except for records after 1830), and just work off my 2007 files, I think you will get the best results. The 2007 files are very much improved over the orginal 2004 files. I spent a few months last year checking every link in the book. It was also the first time I had a chance to work with baptisms between 1730 and 1780, and I found many corrections that I had to make because I had orginally used transcriptions from Karen for those records. Karen was the one that talked me into doing the Lindhorst project. I refused for a couple years but finally agreed if she would also work on it. It was her first effort and she gained a lot of experience reading the records, and she got better. I don't blame her at all for making the mistakes she did; it's not easy reading those records. I made a lot more mistakes in the past, and probably still misread some of them.

60 Morgen is a big farm. It takes 60 "Mornings" to plow a farm that big. I don't know much about farming, but I guess that means they don't plow in the sun after noon. I think some of those remarks are notes to myself as I try to piece together who lives where... and at the same time, who is related to who be virtue of property transferrence. I may have cleared out some of those notes, but if they didn't add too much clutter, I may have left them in.

Subject: Correcting Links

Date: 3/15/2008 6:14:37 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time

From: Noncompeter

To: WWJohnston

I did not explain what I did with the Lindhorst records last year very well. When I went through and checked every link, I was not checking to see if they refer to the correct marriage family or birth family. I was actually, thinking very hard if it made sense and could I prove that each person came from the birth family that they did. I was looking for evidence such as baptism sponsors for children in the their marriage family, etc. This is something that I gradually did in the Probsthagen records between 2001 and 2005, as Margarete Sturm kept pointing out to me (in a nice way) how some of my conclusions did not make sense (poor people marrying into rich families, eldest children being disinherited, mothers having children after age 50, etc.) I learned a lot from her.

Since your getting into the Lindhorst Hitzemanns, that reminds me. My friend Wendel Dieckman (a mechanical engineer / rocket scientist with Northrup for 50 years... worked on the Apollo project for 4 years) from Burbank California was convinced that he and I were all descended from the Hitzemanns at Nr. 1 in Lindhorst. There was a book written by a Melvina Hitzemann who made exactly that case, and we both bought into it for awhile. I got suspicious about some things and corresponded with Melvina, but her mind was slipping fast by that time. She just kept saying, "read the book.... it's all in the book.... Ludeke Hitzemann 1650-1975 325 years of genealogy". Eventually, I did figure out all the Hitzemanns in the U.S., and discovered how Wendel was part of what I call the Vornhagen Hitzemann family, and they are related to my Habichhorst Hitzemann family, and both originated in Probsthagen. Poor Wendel was losing his health, and wasn't thinking very straight by the time I figured it all out, so he never could understand the evidence when I presented it all to him.... very clearly, I thought.

Nowadays, I have some shreds of evidence that Evert probably came from Lindhorst Nr. 1, but that's only about 50% probable at this point.


Hit100Ludeke Hiddeseman


?~1560s. Laich

They lived there in 1549.

Hit200Laich Hiddensemann

LH m~1585

*~1595s. Laegm~1620Hit 260

60 Morgen there in 1609, 1619

Hit210 Hans Hiddenseman

LH Living there in 1609 between Barteldt Meyer and Johann Lohmeier?

Hit220Herman Hiddenseman

LH m~1610Ilsabe Meinefeldm<1638 Diekmann

*d. Ilsabem Broyersen

* d. Margreta

* d. Alheit

* s. Johann

* s. Jurgen

*s. Laech

* s. Harmen+<1637

Ilsabe was a sister of Christopher Meinefeld

He was in Lindhorst in 1609.

--WJ: fabricate XyD002 to handle marriage of Hit220 wife and XyM001 to handle her brother

--WJ: fabricate XyB001 to handle marriage of Hit220 dau Ilsabe

Hit230Henneke (Henni) Hittenseman

LF 61?m??

? s. Hinrichm 1636 KasteningHit 280

Hit190Herman Hiddensman aus Kobbensen+>1609

Kobm 1584 JunAnneke Oldendorff aus Kobbensen?

1 Morgen there

Hit240Ludeke Hiddensman

OLLived in OberLuedersfeld in 1610

Hit250 Johan Hittenseman v. Probsthagen+<1633Probsth

LF 18m 1618 Oct 6Anne Bartels, d. of Hinrich in LF

He was a Widower, the son of Evert H.

--WJ: fabricate XyH001 to handle prior marriage of Hit250 husband and XyH002 to handle his father; add Swr305 wife as XyH001 daughter; FIL-XyH001 = FIP-HIT14

--WJ: fabricate XyB002 to handle father of Hit250 wife – later found that this family was Bar260; so XyB002 has been eliminated and will not be reused

--WJ: Lindhorst Hit250 husband = Probsthagen HIT14 husband

--WJ: FIL-Hit250 = FIP-XZH44

Hit260Laeg Hidseman, LH+ 1666 Jan 21Hit 200

LH 1m~1620his Frau+ 1665 Oct 27

*s. Ludekem 1651 BocksHit 310

Hit270 Harmen Hiddensemann born about 1611 from Hit220.

LH m.~1634 Somebody's widow?

?* s. about 1637 Herman m 1668 Kramer Hit320

Hit280Hinrich Hidseman in LF

LF 41m 1636?? Kastening+ 1676 Dec 20Kas 10

? 1638 d. Margretam 1660 KerckmannKrk 24

*d. Anekam 1667 Meier Mey290280

* 1645d. Catharinam 1670 BrunsBrn 390

*d. Mariam 1676 Bartels Huelshagen

The widow of Herman Kerckmann of LF 41

--WJ: prior marriage of Hit280 wife is Krk 23

--WJ: fabricate XyB003 to handle 1676 marriage of Hit280 dau

Hit300Johann Hiddensman from ProbsthagenProbsth

LF 11m 1650 Feb 4Catharine Poel+ 1684 Mar 19 (84)Pol 22

Widow of Cordt Haseman

--WJ: wife's prior marriage is Hsm310

Hit310Ludeke Hidsemann, v. LH+ 1681 Sep (56) 1625?Hit260

LH 1m 1651 Jul 2Cathrina Bocks v. Kobbensenm 1684 BolteBoc 280

* 1652 Feb 5s. Jobstm 1676 HoevemeyerHit 330

* 1653 Aug 28k. ?+ 1654 May 26

* 1655 Apr 12s. Hans

* 1657 Jun 25s. Cord

* 1660 Jan 1s. Hermann

* 1662 Jul 20s. Otto (Hans Otto)m 1694 Wilharm Hiddensen

* 1665 Feb 19s. Johan Hinrich

* 1667 May 29d. Anna Magdalena

* 1670 Feb 22d. Engelm 1696 David Hiddensen

* 1672 Jul 10d. Cathrina Sophiam 1696 BockBoc 420

* 1675 May 2d. Anna Margrete* 1702 Tegetmeyer Teg 23045

--WJ: Hit310 wife 1684 marriage is Blt025

--WJ: fabricate XyH003 to handle 1694 marriage of Hit310 1662 son

--WJ: fabricate XyD004 to handle 1696 marriage of Hit310 1670 dau

--WJ: notify Kurt; change Teg230 to Teg045

Hit320Herman Hidsemann+ 1689 Aug (52)1637Hit 270

LH 6m 1668 Sep 24Dorthia Kramers from LH 6m 1690 WilleKra 10

* 1669 Sep 11s. Hans

* 1672 Jul 14d. Annam 1697 AuhagenAuh 30

* 1675 Nov 20s. Hinrich

* 1679 Mar 17d. Margaretha

* 1682 Jun 3d. Catharina Mariam 1706 Weserman Wsm 22

* 1685 Oct 21s. Johan Herman

--WJ: Hit320 wife's 1690 marriage is Wle370

Hit330Jobst Hidsemann in LH+ 1693 Feb (41)Hit 310

LH 1m 1676 Aug 31Anna Hoevmeyer aus EHm 1693 AuhagenHav 250

* 1677 Mar 30d. Anna Marie

* 1678 Apr 3d. Anna Lisabeth+ 1684 Jul 29 (7)

* 1681 Jan 18d. Catrina Sophia

* 1682 Sep 1d. Engel Dorothiam 1705 BockBoc 450

* 1686 Mar 10s. Johan Hinrichm 1711 BerendtsHit 390

* 1689 Jul 12s. hans Ottom 1727 Wahnemann Hit 410

Anna was the dau. of Cord H. and Engel Widdel

--WJ: Hit330 wife 1693 marriage is Auh028

Hit340Tonnies Hidseman von LH+> 1707?

LHm 1679 Jun 5Cathrina Frie, LH+ 1707 Mar 16 (67)Fri 20

* 1680 May 2d. Engel Elisabeth+ 1684 Jun (4)

* 1683 Jul 13d. Anna Ilsabey> 1712

von der Ahnwende?

Hit350frantz Hinrich Hidsemann, v. Nordsehl+>1696 Nordsehl

LH 20m 1685 Jun 25Anna Catharina Dammeyer, widow+ 1702 Apr (1642)?

* 1687 May 3d. Anna Maria+ 1696 Mar 25 (8)

* 1690 d. Engel Catharinem GertnerGtn 20

In 1696, Hinrich Hidsemann, the Krueger in LH ?

--WJ: fabricate XyD001 to handle prior marriage of Hit350 wife

Hit360Hans Hidsemann aus Nordsehl, Einlieger Nordsehl

LFm 1687 Sep 22Elisabeth Rohe aus LF

HB* 1686 Sep 21s. Johan

HB* 1689 May 5 d. Margretha Elisabeth

LH* 1691 Jan 1d. Anna Catharina

OL 2* 1693 Dec 31d. Maria Elisabeth

OL 2* 1696 Mar 25s. Hans Hinrich

OL* 1698 Feb 16s. Hans Herman

In Dirk Wahneman's Hof 1693, 1696.

Son of Hinrich, Leindecker

--WJ: fabricate XyH004 to handle Hit360 husband father

--WJ: HB = Hulsebrink (part of Luedersfeld)

Hit370Johan Hidseman aus Polhagen Pollhagan

LFm 1690 Nov 6Cathrina Winckelhacke, LF Wnk 22Wnk100

* 1691 May 30s. Johan Hinrich

son of Ilsabe Mensching

brother of Hans Herman Hittseman

--WJ: notify Kurt of Hit370 wife pointer error

--WJ: fabricate XyH005 to handle Hit370 husband mother and brother

Hit380hans Henrich Hidseman, born in LH

LHm 1701 FebIlsabey Oldendorf, d. of Laeg, LH+ 1712 Feb 25 (38)Ohl 240

* 1701 Apr 23s. Hinrich+ 1701 Apr 29

* 1701 Apr 23d. Catharina

* 1702 Sep 22s. Johan Herman?m 1733 BellersenHit 420

* 1704 Nov 23d. Engel Elisabeth

* 1710 Oct 24d. Anna Margreta+ 1711 Feb (0)

* 1712 Feb 17d. Ilsa Margreta

Dragoner, and Soldat. Seems related to Tonnies

Hit390johan Henrich Hiddesman aus LH in Luedeken Hof+ 1723 May 23 (37) Hit 330

LH 1m 1711 Mar 31Anna Catharina Berendts aus LHm 1726 TegtmeyerBeh 260

* 1711 Nov 23s. Johan Henrichm 1750 PipenbrincksHit 450

* 1713 Apr 1s. Hans Henrich+ 1719 Mar 5 (6)

* 1715 Jan 22s. Hans Otto+ 1715 Aug 10 (0)

* 1716 Augd. Engel Marie sophiem 1741 WindheimWnd 26

* 1718 Dec 2s. Johann Ottom 1750 BocksHit 440

* 1721 Mar 14d. Catharina Sophiam 1755 BuckBuc 20

* 1723 Oct 10d. Engel Dorothea

--WJ: Hit390 wife 1726 marriage is Teg 62

Hit400Anthon Hinrich Hinseman aus Buckeburg+ 1742 Jun 10 (57)Bueckeburg

LHm 1717 Apr 2Catharina Sophia Korthauers aus LHKor 20

* 1718 Apr 6d. Sophia Ilse+ 1718 Apr 11 (0)

* 1719 May 21d. Catharina Sophia+ 1728 Jul 5 ?

Kordthauer = Schweer at LH 40?

--WJ: see Swr460 for Hit400 wife father info comment

Hit410 Otto Hitzemann, LHHit 330

LH 10 m 1727 May 20Anna Catharine Wahneman+ 1756 Jun 7 (80) Wah22230

Widow Willen

Hit420Johan Herman Hitzemann, LHHit 380

LHm 1733 Jan 1Anna Maria Bellersen, d. of Johann B.Bel 32 * 1733 Dec 11 s. Johan Harm

Hit430 Hitzemann

LF*~1749d. Anne Margretac 1762

LF 2*~1760s. Joh. Christianc 1773

Hit440johann Otto Hitzemann, LH+ 1789 Jul 14Hit 390

LH 58m 1750 Sep 24Anna Sophia Bocks aus LH+ 1785 Jun 12 (69) Boc 450

* 1749 Oct 3s. Hans Heinrichm 1775 Thurnau Hit 490

* 1752 May 5s. Johan Heinrich+ 1756 Jan 25 (3)

Hit450Johan Henrich Hitzemann aus LH+ 1791 Nov 17 (80)Hit 390

LH 1m 1750 Sep 27Maria Justina Pipenbrinck+ 1791 Dec 8 (59)Riepen

* 1754 May 3s. Johan Heinrich+ 1757 Aug 28 (3)

* 1757 Oct 16s. Johann Hinrich+ 1763 Jan 2 (5)

* 1760 Jan 30s. Hans Heinrich+ 1761 Sep 4 (1)

* 1763 Aug 7s. Johann Friedrichm 1787 RehbockHit 510

* 1766 Mar 27d. Engel Mariam 1788 WindheimWnd 42

* 1769 Jul 30s. Johan Heinrich+ 1779 Oct 9 (10)

* 1772 Sep 25s. Hans Heinrichm 1808 SchermerNendorf

--WJ: fabricate XyH006 to handle marriage of Hit450 1772 son

Hit460Johann Toennies Hitzemann v. Huelshagen+ 1794 Dec 2 (77)Huelshag

LF 55m 1751 Jun 25Anna Marie Haseman, wid. Wahleman+ 1791 Sep 21 (81 ½)Hsm 60

* 1752 Sep 23d. Anne Engel mariec 1765

--WJ: Hit460 wife prior marriage is Wah260

Hit470 Hitzemann

LF 2*~1760s. Joh. Christianc 1773

*~1763s. Johann Henrichc 1776

*~1765d. Engel Marie Eleonorec 1778

Hit480 Christian Hitzeman aus Huelshagen+ 1821 Apr 7 (94) Huelshag

LF 6m 1759 Mar 13Ilsa Marie Wille, widow WahlemanWle 410

* 1760 Feb 19s. Johan Christianm 1786 NietertsHit 500

* 1762 Jul 11s. Johan Heinrich

* 1765 Mar 24d. Engel Marie Eleonore

* 1771 Oct 31d. Anna Engel Sophia

Son of Hans Harm H. and Anna Marg. Eickhoff, Huelsh 5

--WJ: Hit480 wife's prior marriages were Boc545 and Wah275

--WJ: fabricate XyH007 to handle Hit480 husband parents

Hit490Hans Henrich Hitzemann, Schuester v. LH 58+ 1821 Feb 17 (71.4)Hit 420

LH 58m 1775 Aug 6Anna Maria Thuernau v. LH 2+ 1823 Feb 28 (71.4)Tur 22

* 1775 Sep 5d. Engel Maria+ 1778 Dec 25 (3)

* 1778 Apr 26s. Johan Heinrich+ 1786 Mar 2 (8)

* 1784 Feb 3d. Sophie Dorothea+ 1789 Feb 17 (5)

* 1791 Jun 20d. Sophie Charlotte+ 1813 Aug 15 (22)

d. of J H Thurnau u. Widdels

Hit500Johan Christian Hitzeman v. LF 2m 1802 HolleHit 480

LF 41m 1786 Feb 19Engel Maria Leonore Nieterts+ 1801 Jun 7 (36 ¾)Nit 30

* 1787 Jan 14s. Johan Henrich Christoph* 1813 HasemanHit 545

* 1789 Apr 4d. anna Engel Marie Leonorem 1808 Wilckening Wkg720730

* 1794 Nov 24s. Johan Toennies+ 1801 Nov 16 (7)

--WJ: Hit500 husband remarriage is Hit530

--WJ: changed dau to point to Wkg 730 and notified Kurt

Hit510Friderich Hitzeman v. LH 1, Meierm 1809 GuemmerHit 450

LH 1m. 1787 Jul 26Sophie Dorothea Rehbock, Eichhofe 1+ 1808 Mar 17 (42 ½)Reb 20

* 1789 Apr 4d. Engel Maria Sophia+ 1791 Jul 20 (2)

* 1791 Oct 12s. Johan Friderich+ 1791 Oct 13

* 1792 Dec 22d. Engel Maria Sophie+ 1797 May 31 (4)

* 1795 Sep 2s. Johan Friedrich Conradm 1821 TegtmeierHit 560

* 1798 Aug 2s. Henrich Christophm 1830 Reese Hohnhorst

* 1802 Oct 29d. Anna Engel Sophie Leonorem 1826 GuemmerGum 50

* 1806 Jan 18s. Hans Henrich+ 1807 Jan 9 (1)

* 1808 Mar 9s. Johann Henrich Conrad+ 1811 Feb 24 (3)

--WJ: Hit510 husband remarriage is Hit540

--WJ: fabricate XyH008 to handle 1830 marriage of Hit510 1798 son

Hit520Johan Conrad Hitzeman aus Huelshagen+ 1831 Mar 25 (79.5)Huelshag

LF 5m. 1792 Jul 1Anna Engel Catharine Bocks

She was the widow Wilckening at LF 5.

s. of Hans Harm Hitzemann u. Anne Engel Kramers

--WJ: fabricate XyW001 to handle prior marriage of Hit520 wife

--WJ: fabricate XyH009 to handle Hit520 husband parents

Hit530Johann Christian Hitzemann aus LF 41, Witwer+ 1847 Jan (86)Hit 480

LF 41m 1802 Apr 22Catharine Sophie Hollen aus Wulfhagen+ 1858 Jan 24 (81)Wulfhag

--WJ: Hit530 husband prior marriage is Hit500

Hit540Friederich Hitzemann, LH 1, Ackermann+ 1829 Jul 20 (65.11)Hit 450

LH 1m 1809 Nov 12Engel Marie Guemmer aus SL 1+ 1856 May (67)Gum 36

* 1810 Aug 14s. Hans Henrich Christoph+ 1813 Aug 24 (3)

* 1811 Feb 23d. Engel Marie Sophie+ 1816 Nov 24 (3)

* 1816 Jul 10s. johann Henrich christoph* 1839 WilkeningHit 590

* 1819 Jun 3s. Hans Hinrich+ 1826 Sep 25 (7.3)

* 1822 Mar 19d. Engel Marie Sophie Eleonore+ 1822 Mar 19 (0)

* 1822 Mar 19s. Friedrich Wilhelm+ 1822 Mar 19 (0)

* 1823 Mar 13d. Engel Marie Sophie+ 1824 Jun 25 (1.3)

* 1825 Dec 14s. Johann Conrad

She was 21 years old.

--WJ: Hit510 husband remarriage is Hit540

Hit545Johan Henrich Hitzemann aus LF 41m 1822 Schweer Hit 500

LFnm Marie Leonore Hasemann aus LF 51Hsm 595

* 1813 Feb 22s. Johann Henrich Gottlieb, uneh

--WJ: Hit545 father's 1822 marriage is Hit570

Hit550Hans Harm Hitzemann

LF 2m Eichhofs

* 1811 Decs. Johann Christian+ 1821 Apr 7 (9.4)

Hit560Johan Friedrich Conrad Hitzemann, Colon auf LH 3+ 1827 Oct 24 (32.2)Hit 510

LH 3m 1821 Oct 18Engel Marie Charlotte Tegtmeier, LH 3m ScheibeTeg 370

* 1822 May 9d. Engel Marie+ 1828 Mar 1 (5.9)

* 1824 Jul 9s. Johann Friedrichm 1849 Hohnhorst

* 1827 Feb 5s. Johann Heinrich Christoph

--WJ: fabricate XyS001 to handle remarriage of Hit560 wife to Scheibe

--WJ: fabricate XyH011 to handle 1849 marriage of Hit560 1824 son

Hit570Johann Heinrich Christoph Hitzemann, Colon LF 41+ 1838 Jun 10 (51)Hit 500

LF 41m 1822 Nov 3Anne Sophie Eleonore Schweers, LF 1+ 1882 Sep 24 (89)Swr 596

* 1825 Feb 12s. Johann Heinrich Christoph+ 1828 Jan 27 (3)

--WJ: Hit545 father's 1822 marriage is Hit570

Hit580Joh. Conrad Hilmer Hitzemann, 33 Jahr eldest son+ 1860 (68) Ottensen

m 1825 Feb 13Engel Marie Eleonore Heinen, 29J 10M+1825 Feb 13 (30)Hne 48

s. of Zimmermann u. Colon Conrad Hilmer, Ottensen 11

s. of Cathrine Marie Busch aus Boekeloh

--WJ: fabricate XyH012 to handle parents of Hit580 husband

Hit590 Henrich Hitzemann, LH1

nm Engel Sophie Charlotte Wilkening, LH 27Hit 540

* 1839 Feb 13s. Johann Heinrichm 1871 Lehnemeyer Nebraska

--WJ: fabricate XyH010 to handle Hit590 son marriage

A Names

Aeg20Simon Aegener (Argener, Ergener)

LH 51m ??

* 1720 Jand. Sophie Christinem~1753 HaddendorfHad37

? 1725d. Marie Elisabethm 1755 GerlandGrl28

* 1730 Aug 19s. Johannis Francis

He lived in Lindhorst at least 1730 to 1748.

***Akeman from Lauenhagen Lauenh


* 1675 Augs. Jost

daughter of Albert Hartman

--WJ: fabricate XxA001 to handle unnumbered Akeman family

***Tileke Arger?

LHm Alheit

Lived in Lindhorst in 1549

--WJ: fabricate XxA002 to handle unnumbered Arger? family


Auh10Hans Awhagen?


*d. Geske

Lived in Lindhorst in 1549.

Auh16 Frantz Auhagen

LH 7*~1631s. Frantzm 1659 MenschingAuh22

30 Morgen in 1609. Lived there in 1619.

Auh18 Coirdt Awhagen, pauper

LH Had 1 Morgen in Lindhorst in 1609.

Auh 20Tonnies Auhagen, Meier

Kobb 1m ???

* 1646d. Catharinm 1669 BartelsBar400

~ 1649s. hans Ottom 1685 MeinefeldtAuh 24

~ 1649 s. Hansm 1693 HovemeyerAuh 28

* 1651 Oct 4d. Engel m 1674 GummerGum 20

* 1660 May 28d. Lisabeth Cathrina m 1689 WiddelWid 42

* 1662 Dec 4s. Toennies

* 1667 Jul 4s. Hinrich+ 1696 Jan 15 (29)

Kobb 1 was previously owned by Tonnies Lomeier

--WJ: Tonnies is my ancestor, my 7th Great Grandfather, through his daughter Catharin who is my 6th Great Grandmother and also my 9th Great Grandfather through his daughter Engel who is also my 8th Great Grandmother

Auh 22Frantz Auhagen+ 1684 Feb (53) 1631Auh16

LH 7m 1659 Nov 22Lisabeth Mensching+ 1720 Apr 2 (83) Men10280

* 1660 Nov 4d. Cathrina Lisabeth m 1683 SchroederSdr 22

? 1663s. Hinrich m 1691 HoevemeyerAuh 26

* 1665 May 11s. Toennies

* 1670 Jul 27s. Johanm 1697 HidsemanAuh 30

* 1672 Dec 18d. Margrete

* 1675 Apr 14d. Engel christina+ 1684 Mar 7 (9)

Auh 24hans Otto Auhagen, Kobb. + 1711 Jun (67)Auh 20

Kobb 1m 1685 Feb 12Anna Margaretha Meinefeldt, Kobb+ 1713 Dec (60)Mnf 20

* 1686 Seps. Tonnies m 1714 Hohmeyer Auh 34

* 1688 Nov 22d. Engel Elisabeth+ 1726 Oct 27

* 1691 Jul 2s. Johan Hinrich m 1713 EbelingAuh 31

* 1694 Jan 31s. Hans Otto m 1727 TegtmeyerAuh 46

Auh 26Hinrich Auhagen, LHm 1715 FrieAuh 22

LH 7m1691 Jul 16Anna Cathrina Hoevmeyer, EH+ 1713 Jan (43) 1670Hav300

* 1692 Seps. Cordt Hinrich m 1717 HartmanAuh 38

* 1695 Apr 3s. Johan Otto

* 1697 Aug 24d. Anna Maria+ 1697 Nov 3 (0)

* 1698 Dec 9d. Ilsa Margreta

* 1702 Jan 25s. johan Hinrich + 1702 Apr 14 (0)

* 1703 Feb 16s. Johan Henrich

* 1707 Mar 16s. Johan Christian + 1707 Jun (0)

* 1708 Aprs. Hans Cordt ____ ?

* 1712 Jan 26d. Catharina Sophia+ 1764 Apr 8 (50)

Auh 28Hans Auhagen, Kobb.+ 1694 Jun 27 (45) Auh 20

LH1m 1693 SepAnna Hovemeierm 1696 BrunsBehrensHav250

She was the widow of Jobst Hidseman

--WJ: Auh 28 wife remarriage is Beh245

Auh 30Johan Auhagen, LH+ 1716 Apr (46) 1670Auh 22

LH 6m 1697 Apr 18Anna Hidseman, LH 6+ 1738 Feb 2 (65) 1672Hit320

* 1698 Oct 16 s. Hans Hinrich m 1722 Widdel Auh 42

* 1700 Oct 20s. Johan Otto+ 1730 Jul 2 (30)

* 1702 Aug 20d. Anna Maria

* 1704 Jan 18s. Toenniesm 1730 Teigeler Auh 50

* 1705 Sep 1d. Anna Elisabeth+ 1718 Nov (13)

* 1708 Jan 18s. cord Henrichm 1737 HitzemanAuh 53

* 1710 May 29 d. Anna Catharina

* 1712 Mar 22d. Ilse Margreta+ 1721 Sep 7 (9)

Auh 31Johan Hinrich Auhagen, Kobb. s. of Meyer Otto A.+ 1716 May (25)Auh 24

LH 4m 1713 Jun 20Anna Margreta Ebeling aus LHm 1717 LanghorstEbl 26

No children

Auh 34Tonnies Auhagen aus Kobb., Meierm 1727 Berens Auh 24

Kobb 1m 1714 Jun 21Anna Catharina Hohmeyer+ 1726 Nov 3 (38)Heurs

* 1715 Feb 22d. Anna Catharinam 1739 SchweerSwr520

* 1717 Nov 2s. johan Toennies ottom 1748 HeineAuh 56

* 1720 Dec 10d. Christina Sophie Ilse ?m~1750 MeyerMey455

* 1723 Aug 3d. Anna Maria

She was the daughter of Meinert Hohmeyer

--WJ: Auh 34 husband remarriage is Auh 44

--WJ: fabricate XyH013 to handle father of Auh 34 wife

Auh 36Henrich Auhagen aus LH+ 1716 May (53) 1663Auh 22

LHm 1715 Apr 29Anna Margaretha Frie v. LF Frese?+ 1719 Oct 8 (51) 1668Fri 24

* 1716 May 2s. Johann Christian+ 1716 May (0)

Auh 38Cord Henrich Auhagen aus LH+ 1761 Sep (70) 1691Auh 26

LH 7m 1717 Feb 18Catharina Elisabeth Hartman + 1761 Oct 18 (64) auhagen

* 1719 Jan 3d. Anna Catharina Elisabeth m 1739 HardekopfHkp410

* 1721 May 9d. Anna Engel Maria

* 1723 Nov 27s. Johan Conradt+ 1728 Apr 25 (4)

* 1727 Sep 14s. Johann Henrich m 1757 SenneAuh 60

* 1731 Dec 23s. Johan Otto+ 1732 Dec (1)

* 1734 Jun 6s. Cord Heinrichm 1758 HefemeyerAuh 62

Auh 42Hans Hinrich Auhagen aus LH+ 1761 May 12 (63)Auh 30

LH 6m 1722 Apr 19Anna Margarethe Widdel aus LH 18+ 1752 Mar 25 (55) Wid 38 * 1722 May 17 s. Hinrich Julius m 1747 Deseniss Auh 58

* 1723 Aug 22d. Anna Catharina Sophiam 1752 BoeversBov 63

* 1727 Sep 21d. Sophia Margaretha, bey dem Krueg

* 1731 Apr 8d. Ilse Maria+ 1735 Sep (4)