UPM-FBMK/ SEM 2, 2012-2013/PPG/ BBI 2409/ MODULE



A phrasal verb has two parts. It has a verb and a preposition. For example, take away, get away, take up etc. A phrasal verb often has a special meaning. It is often difficult to figure out the exact meaning of a phrasal verb, but you can get a general idea of the meaning by thinking about the meaning of the verb and the preposition. The context will help you gain a more complete understanding of the meaning. For example:

1. Show up: arrive or come

2. Show off: brag or show how great you are

3. Show around: to familiarize someone with a new place

Examples of some phrasal verbs are as follows:

Phrasal Verb / Definition / Example
break down / stop working properly / The truck broke down in the desert.
fill in / substitute / Who is going to fill in while you are gone?
kick back / sit or lie back (to relax) / After work, I like to kick back in front of the TV and relax.
pass away / die / After battling cancer for several years, he finally passed away at the age of 87.
stand out / be very noticeable / Zara is so beautiful! She really stands out in a crowd.
dress up / wear elegant clothes / She always dresses up at work.
run away / leave home permanently before you are a legal adult / The child ran away because her parents beat her.
run out of / not have any more of something / We ran out of milk this morning, so we need to go to the store.
take off / when a plane or rocket leaves the ground / My stomach felt funny when the plane took off.
write down / record / Write down the directions so you do not forget them.

Exercise 1

Read these sentences. Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions.

  1. Why are you just standing around? Don’t you have any work to do?
  2. His name is Philip J.Johnson. The “J” stands forhis middle name, Jackson, which was his grandfather’s name.
  3. I don’t understand why you let him treat you so badly. Why don’t you stand up foryourself?
  4. He’s my boss. I don’t like the way he treats me, but if I stand up tohim, I might lose my job.

Phrasal Verb / Definition
Stand around / support or defend a person or idea that is being attacked.
Stand for / refuse to accept bad or unfair treatment from a person or organization.
Stand up for / stand somewhere and not do anything.
Stand up to / represent a word, name, or idea, especially in a short

Exercise 2

Write your own sentences with the phrasal verbs from Exercise 1.

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

1.Billy spent fifteen minutes looking ______his geography book.

2.During the day, Suzie listened ______the radio while she worked in the house.

3.She borrowed some sugar ______her neighbour.

4.At school, the children laughed ______a funny story.

5.Mary lent her red pencil ______a classmate.

6.During class, Ahmad dreamed ______going outside and playing.

7.I threw ______my mother’s letter by accident.

8.I can’t figure ______the answer to this math problem.

9.These days it’s really hard to bring kids ______.

10.Please think my suggestion ______and give me your opinion.

Exercise 4

Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verbs from the box provided.

call back pick up put on throw out wake up
look up put down take off turn on write down

1. I ______at 6:00 am every morning.

2. Then I take my shower and ______my clothes.

3. I ______the television to listen to the news.

4. When I get to the office, I ______my coat.

5. I ______my bag on the floor, next to my desk.

6. Then I ______the phone.

7. I listen to my calls and ______important messages on a note pad.

8. When a person says it is urgent and gives me a number, I ______the

person ______.

9. I read all the mail. I ______letters that I do not want.

10. I cannot remember the numbers, so I ______phone numbers all the time.