ILMCO Meeting Minutes: November 7, 2009


Chet Bromley, Barbara Callahan, Linda Fitch, Susan Larkin, Tara Liloia, Ann McKay, Beth Meese, Sue Savage, Stewart Savage, Dave Tiedgen, Maureen Turner, Selby Turner, Norma Wales, Dave Liloia, Charles Gurney, Bob McEwen, Barb Larvey

Welcome and Introductions

Meeting called to order at 9:50am by President Dave Liloia.


Reminder of new officers that are now in place:

Dave Liloia – President (2 years)

Charles Gurney – Vice President (1 year)

Barbara Larvey – Secretary (2 years)

Bob McEwen – Treasurer (1 year)

Susan Savage – Board Member At-Large #1 (2 years)

Barbara Callahan - Board Member At-Large #2 (1 year)

Maureen Turner - Board Member At-Large #3 (2 years)

Tara Liloia - Board Member At-Large #4 (1 year)

Beth Meese - Board Member At-Large #5 (2 years)

Announcement of committee chairs:

Events and Activities – Maureen Turner, Chair

Creative Sustainable Economic Development – Norma Wales, Co-Chair

Education and School Support – Tara Liloia, Chair

Communications – Beth Meese, Chair

Nominating Committee – Charles Gurney, Chair

Secretary’s Report (Barb Larvey) – Minutes from our October 3, 2009 meeting are posted on and shared paper copies are on the tables. Stewart Savage motions to accept the minutes as submitted. Beth Meese seconds. Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report (Bob McEwen) – The Treasurer’s Report will be posted on As of November 7th, our balance is $813, which includes a loan for materials from Cathy Tudhope of $300. Thus, cash-on-hand is $513. No bills to date.

Cook-out at TR Day made some money: spent $210 and brought in $50-$75. We were able to return unused product supplies for credit. Chris Smith paid for the soda as his donation to the event. The Shrine donated a $25 gift card. (A thank you note will be sent.)

South End Café returned unsold totes and lures. Who has the inventory?

Standing Committee Updates

Events and Activities (Maureen Turner, Chair) – Maureen was asked by Island Arts to chair “Native American Activities”. August 22, 2010 event scheduled. More information to follow.

Creative Sustainable Economic Development (Norma Wales, Co-Chair) – Looking at revitalizing the center of town. Do we want an ATM? There are many grants available. This is a large undertaking and will be looking at more members to be on this committee.

Education and School Support (Tara Liloia, Chair) – It is time to get a fundraiser for the Ski Program started. We are still looking for a Rec. Department Chair. The school was closed Wed., Nov. 4 thru Fri., Nov. 6 due to a high percentage of illness among both students and staff.

Communications (Beth Meese, Chair) – Posters were distributed at various locations as a reminder of today’s meeting. Announcements were in the Islander, on ILMCO website in addition to our beautiful painted signs which were on display. An e-mail communication reminder will also be set-up.

New Business

Martha Walton (not in attendance) – would like to see a Winter Carnival/First Night here on ILM.

ILM Puppet Show – Dave distributed a flyer announcing the Professional Puppet Presentation that will be held on Friday, November 13th at 9:30am at the School. Lunch will be provided at 11:00am and is free of charge. RSVP by Wednesday.

Grand Isle County Mentoring Program (Guest Speaker – Karen Browning from the Grand Isle Mentoring Program). Ms. Browning was here to discuss her new initiative in Grand Isle County to assist our school aged children. This is a 1-year commitment and does involve some training. Information and brochures were provided (placed in the ILMCO library file).

Button-up Workshop (Guest Speaker - Li Ling) Ms. Ling presented a lengthy, but detailed workshop including a slide show on ways to save energy around the home this winter. Numerous handouts, brochures, pamphlets, and a DVD were available (placed in the ILMCO library file). Anyone who attended received a $150 rebate for energy audits of their home.

Bob McKwen reported at the most recent Vermont Historical Society Meeting that Tara Liloia was presented a prestigious “Award of Merit” for her recent publication titled Images of America: Lake Champlain Islands. The next big event for the Historical Society will be Celebration of the Civil War in 2011.

Linda Fitch shared an incident, “intended vandalism”, that occurred at Fisk Farm in addition to 3 other locations on ILM on Wednesday, Nov. 4th between 7-8pm. It involved a dark hatchback vehicle deliberately turfing the lawn. From this incident we decided that it would deem appropriate to have a Neighborhood Watch call system in place – something that is immediate. Yes, there is Front Porch Forum, however, that is after the event which is also a good method to inform your neighbors. Dave will meet with Monty Maas and Steve Reeves to discuss this further.

Our next meeting will be Saturday, December 12th in the afternoon at a site to be determined. This would be a Christmas party/meeting. More details to come. (Mark your calendars - this is the 2nd Saturday in December)

Tara Liloia motions to adjourn the meeting. Barbara Callahan seconds the motion. Meeting adjourned at 12:32pm.