Centreof Halabja against Anfalization and Genocide of Kurdish people

Armenian Solidarity with the Victims of All Genocides

Seyfo Centre

We extend a warm invitation to you to a meeting onThe Genocides of Iraqat 6.00 p.m. in Committee Room 5 on monday14th July.

We have gathered eye-witnesses and victims of the Anfal Genocide of the Kurds of 1987-88 who will recount their experiences. The Prime Minister of Iraqi Kurdistan has asked the parliaments of the world to give their support to the findings of the Iraqi Supreme Court which in 2007 has deemed this a crime of Genocide. The Iraqi parliament has recognized the finding of the Supreme Court.

We are thankful to the 179 MPs who have signed the Holocaust Day EDM (by Ian Cawsey) which mentions "Genocide .... in Iraq". Mr. Cawsey has stated to us that it was indeed the Genocide of the Kurds that he had in mind when crafting the EDM

We appeal to you, and other MPs simply to clarify your recognition of the Anfal as a Crime of Genocide by signing the EDM by Bob Spink (number 1805)before the summer recess.

World-wide Recognition will help turn a new page in Iraq, assist the healing process and help us to look forward. We believe that this recognition should be robustlyproclaimed making it impossible for future generations to be deceived as to the truth of this Genocide. We see from the Armenian example that perpetrators of Genocide willcontinually try to cover up their crimes and to convince the world that such atrocities did not happen. You Sirs / Madams, have the opportunity at this time to encourage the UK parliament to be the first legislature to support the Iraqi parliament's attempt at a path to reconciliation between Iraq's nations and ethnic groups. The cornerstone of Reconciliation must always be thetruth.

Yours sincerely

Adnan Kochar

Eilian Williams

The Genocides of Iraq

in Committee Room 5 at 6.00 p.m. on Monday, 14th July

The Anfal Genocide of the Kurds recounted by the Victims

(relevant EDM number 1805)


Shorsh Haji

Adnan Kochar

Muslih Nerwaey

Dr. Kamaran Sallaiy

Also an address on the 75th anniversary of:

The Simele Massacre of the Assyrians (relevant EDM 1925)