Causeway Coast and Glens


Title /Task/Activity/Equipment/Workplace / Location / Premises / Site / Revision
Office Activities
RA Ref. No / Date / Review Date / Assessed by / Approved by Manager
Who might be harmed? / Employees Contractors Public Maintenance Other (specify)
General Controls: All staff must maintain good housekeeping; Avoid trip hazards e.g. trailing cables should be directed away from walkways; Always carryout a visual inspection of electrical equipment looking for defects – DO NOT USE FAULTY EQUIPMENT; Always use office equipment as per manufactures instructions and according to its purpose; The workstation and display screen equipment(DSE) must be organised to suit the individual and suitable controls implemented as per DSE assessment; Office staff induction training will include familiarisation of premises & relevant risk assessments; Fire is a significant hazard & staff must familiarise themselves with the arrangements in place & reduce the risk of fire by avoiding overloading of electrical sockets, smoking in designated area only & filing documentation in filing cabinets.
Hazards / Risk / Existing Controls / Initial Risk / Additional Controls / Residual Risk
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL / S
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL
1.  Sip, trip & fall. Injuries may include fractures, bruising, cuts, etc / 1.  Office layout / furniture positioned to ensure safe access/egress
2.  Adequate lighting
3.  Maintain good housekeeping
4.  Ensure no trailing cables, cabinet doors left open, etc. / 3 / 2 / 6 / 1.  All staff to monitor & review good housekeeping & cables directed away from natural walkways / 2 / 2 / 4
2.  Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Work-related upper Limb Disorders (WRULD), headaches, eye strain, back pain, / 1.  Operator trained in use of DSE to adjust equipment as appropriate, change of task & good posture
2.  Specific workstation assessment completed & actions implemented
3.  Report shortcomings or ill-health to your Line Manager / 3 / 2 / 6 / 1.  Operator / Manager to monitor, review & complete annual DSE assessment / 2 / 2 / 4
3.  Manual Handling (MH) Injuries may include: back pain, cuts, sprain/strains, pulled muscles / ligaments, / 1.  Induction training covers MH technique & good posture
2.  Staff to lift ONLY within their capabilities & if necessary ask for assistance
3.  Light objects on high shelves with heavier on lower shelves
4.  Where appropriate use mechanical aids / 3 / 2 / 6 / 1.  All staff to monitor & review manual handling technique & good posture at workstation / 2 / 2 / 4
Hazards / Risk / Existing Controls / Initial Risk / Additional Controls / Residual Risk
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL / S
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL
4.  Fire could be fatal or serious injuries to people and damage to the property / environment / 1.  Induction training covers fire awareness / arrangements
2.  Fire Emergency & Evacuation Policy Procedure in place
3.  Fire Safety Arrangement include:
a.  Means to raise the alarm
b.  Fire escape & fire fighting
c.  Signage & relevant training
4.  Maintenance of fire equipment documented
5.  Good housekeeping – this includes the filing of all document at end of shift & daily removal of waste
6.  No smoking in buildings designated smoke area.
7.  All staff to familiarise themselves with premise layout. / 4 / 1 / 4 / 2.  Manager(s) to monitor & review fire arrangements are adequate in their area of responsibility
3.  Individual persons are responsible for filing their documentation at the end of shift. Keep workstation tidy / 4 / 1 / 4
5.  Electrical
Electrocution / shock / burns to all users / 1.  Electrical installation & portable appliance maintained by competent contractor
2.  Avoid overloading of electrical sockets
3.  Electrical installation is RCD compliant
4.  Use electrical equipment as per design
5.  Pre checks prior to use & report defects. DO NOT USE FAULTY EQUIPMENT / 4 / 2 / 8 / 1.  Staff to inspect, monitor & review use of electrical portable appliance for signs of damage / faults / 4 / 1 / 4
6.  Personal Safety (lone working, violence, etc) Injuries may be physical or mental such as fractures, bruising, stress etc / 1.  Lone Working Policy/Procedure in place and communicated to employees
2.  Procedure for signing in/out, book in place and utilised by staff
3.  See Separate Risk Assessment where lone risk is significant.
4.  Usually other colleagues are present during the day but consideration / assessment where staff may be working alone / 3 / 2 / 6 / 1.  Manager & staff to monitor & review arrangements for personal safety are adequate / 2 / 2 / 4
7.  Working at Height fall & may result in fractures, bruising, etc / 1.  Portable stepladder available for access when working at height e.g. high shelf. Ladder informal inspected prior to use & a formal inspection every 6-12 months
2.  Any defects reported. DO NOT USE FAULTY EQUIPMENT
3.  Adequate lighting & level floors
4.  Store light items on the top shelves with heavier items on the lower shelves / 3 / 2 / 6 / 1.  Staff to avoid WAH if reasonable practical & monitor & review WAH arrangements in place are adequate / 2 / 2 / 4
Hazards / Risk / Existing Controls / Initial Risk / Additional Controls / Residual Risk
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL / S
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL
8.  Office Equipment
a) Printer / Photocopier
Irritation to skin from ink or toner; Low level of UV Light creating sore eyes; Paper Jams – exposure to hot or moving parts, sharp edges / pinch, also electrical parts. Noise, heat & dust may must cause discomfort if in the same room or poor ventilation
Overheat plus dust may cause a fire / 1.  User to undergo familiarisation of equipment & comply with manufactures instructions
2.  User to undertake a visual inspection for obvious faults & report to IT department
3.  Do Not use a damage / frayed power cable
4.  Avoid contact with ink or toner & if exposed to skin wash it off with soap / water.
5.  Use PPE - disposable gloves to change toner cartridge
6.  When photocopying keep the lid down to avoid glare
7.  When clearing a paper jam; isolate power; be careful of hot surfaces; sharp edges & pinch points. Follow manufactures instructions /or seek assistance from IT
8.  Regularly maintenance by service contractor & Annual PAT of electrical equipment.
9.  IT department provide assistance to resolve minor problems.
10.  Large printer / photocopier in standalone room / 3 / 2 / 6 / 1.  Manager & IT Officer to monitor & review suitable arrangements for all printers / photocopiers
2.  Accidents / incidents should be investigated / 2 / 2 / 4
b) Guillotine
Finger amputation / lacerations to user / 1.  User to familiarise themselves with the safe operation of the guillotine especially safety features e.g. finger guard.
2.  User to implement safe system of work, keeping fingers away from the Danger Zone – contact with knife edge
3.  Use the guillotine as per manufactures instructions. Do not exceed the maximum number of pages per cut
4.  The user must concentrate on the task, avoid distractions & take proper care
5.  Ensure good housekeeping of workstation / 4 / 2 / 8 / 1.  Management to monitor & review suitable arrangements for the guillotine / 3 / 2 / 6
c) Laminator
Burns / 1.  Visual inspection for faults which should be reported
2.  User to familiarise themselves with the controls & operate as per manufacture instructions. Infrequent use
3.  Keep fingers out of the Hot Zone. When finished switch off / 3 / 2 / 6 / 1.  User to monitor & review laminator is in good working order & use as instructed / 2 / 2 / 4
Hazards / Risk / Existing Controls / Initial Risk / Additional Controls / Residual Risk
S (1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL / S
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL
c) Paper Shredder
Clothing or jewellery entanglement, finger amputation, laceration,
overheating may result in a fire / 1.  User to familiarise themselves with shredder controls & operate as per manufactures instructions
2.  Avoid loose clothing or jewellery when operating shredder
3.  IT person or Manager responsible for their equipment must ensure safety devices are in good working order e.g. safety sensor, safety lock or interlocking switch
4.  Avoid overheating or overfeeding the shredder
5.  Never shred large paperclips, laminated doc. Etc.
6.  To clear paper jam use reverse mode button to help clear the cutters. Also regularly empty wastebasket
7.  Always isolate power supply if maintenance / cleaning
8.  Ensure good posture (bulk shredding is undertaken by contract) / 4 / 2 / 8 / 1.  Management to monitor & review suitable arrangements for the paper shredder / 3 / 2 / 6
d) Other: Projector, DSE, Fax Machine, etc.
Electrical, cut if in contact with moving parts & MSD / 1.  User to familiarise themselves with office equipment
2.  Avoid looking directly at projector light
3.  Do not block vents or openings in projector case
4.  User to carry out a visual inspection of all office equipment prior to use for defects. Do Not use faulty equipment
5.  All electrical equipment to be PAT tested regularly (frequency will depend on environment. Office low risk)
6.  All DSE users must complete DSE risk assessment / 3 / 2 / 6 / 1.  Management to monitor & review suitable arrangements for the projector, fax machine or any other office equipment & liaise with IT where appropriate / 2 / 2 / 4
9. Stress may affect employees due to pressure of work, lack of control, harassment, bullying. Symptoms may include: depression, anxiety, / 1.  Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy in place and communicated to employees
2.  Health & Well-being Officer employed by Council & Health Works Committee to promote health & well-being of staff
3.  Early intervention is key, therefore employees must report issues in confidence to line Manager / HR
4.  Stress assessment completed in 2011 in partnership with HSENI / 3 / 3 / 9 / 1.  Manager & staff to monitor & review arrangements in place for Stress Management especially with Council changes / 2 / 2 / 4
10. Hazardous substance
Toner for printers skin irritant, Tipp-Ex (solvent) correction fluid, / 1.  Use of disposable gloves & good personal hygiene when changing toner / ink
2.  Include hazardous substances as part of Induction training
3.  Changing of toner infrequent by competent person / 2 / 2 / 6 / 1.  Consider using mouse correction tape
2.  IT to provide disposable gloves / 2 / 2 / 4
Hazards / Risk / Existing Controls / Initial Risk / Additional Controls / Residual Risk
S (1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL / S
(1-5) / L
(1-5) / RL
11. Safe Access / Egress to workplace
Cold weather conditions ground slippery, walkways obstructed, etc.
Injuries may include fractures, bruising & cuts / 1.  All walkways to be kept free of obstruction.
2.  Cold weather policy / procedure implement as required
3.  Management to undertake weekly inspection of premises
4.  In severe weather staff to exercise due care & attention & wear sensible footwear
5.  Maintenance of premises & staff to report faults or shortcomings in safety arrangements / 3 / 2 / 6 / 1. Management & staff to monitor & review safe access / egress arrangements in place are adequate / 2 / 2 / 4
Method Statement:
1.  Staff to operate equipment as per training (buddy or other), instruction, information and manufactures instructions
2.  Ensure good posture when operating equipment especially display screen equipment
3.  Maintain good housekeeping; all documents and equipment have a place and after use should be replaced in its rightful place
4.  Staff should organise their work load, take their comfort breaks and cultivate good working relationships with their Manager / colleagues and develop coping mechanisms to meet date lines or prioritise work to manage stress.
5.  Report faulty equipment or shortcoming in health, safety or well-being to your line manager in confidence
Next review due: / Reviewed by: / Date:
Next review due: / Reviewed by: / Date:
Next review due / Reviewed by: / Date:
Next review due / Reviewed by: / Date:

A Risk Assessment is a careful examination of anything in your workplace that could cause people injury or ill health. A hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm. Risk is the likelihood of a hazardous event occurring and the severity of the event. Likelihood (1-5) is a measure of the chance that the hazardous event will occur. Severity (1-5) is the outcome of the hazardous event. The Risk Level is determined by multiplying the numerical value for likelihood and severity. Issued 01.08.2014 by CCGDC - HSU

All staff to sign they have read, understand and will implement the Office Risk Assessment preventative control measures as required.

No / Signature / Date / No / Signature / Date

Office RA R3 15.05.15 STOP THINK ASK Page 1 of 7

Causeway Coast and Glens



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Item / Action required / By /
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