Leadership Scenario's

Krisanne Chavis

University of Phoenix



Leadership Scenario's


The following paper will depict possible leadership models that would be beneficial in resolving problems within a school district, if I were to be hired by the school board as the school superintendant. School districts can be dysfunctional and posses many problems within the basic structure, employee performance, and student misconduct rates becoming worrisome. A variety of leadership models can be used to solve these type issues. These would include; situational, visionary-super, and transformational leadership models.

Situational Leadership

The situational leadership model describes that the leader must lead according to the issue at hand. Leadership characteristics must be formed to accommodate the situation not the preferred method of the leader. A situational leader must be flexible to a variety of situations and circumstances. Communication in general is one sided, where the leader defines the task and roles of the subordinates and closely monitors. Generally, decisions are made by the leader and followed out by the subordinates. This type leadership works well for subordinates who lack confidence, but possesses enthusiasm, and show commitment (Wren, 1995, p. 208-209). Situational leadership would be an effective leadership method used in communicating the desired employee performance level desired. The situational leadership model would be an effective model to use because the leader adjusts leadership style when appropriate or when needed. Leaders possessing this ability demand followers to conform ways of thinking as well, demand higher levels of performance. Situational leadership model holds the belief leaders vary their emphasis on task and relationship behaviors to best deal with different levels of follower maturity within varied situations.

Visionary and Super Leadership

A super-leader is one who leads others to lead self through designing and implementation thus, allowing, and teaching employees to become leaders. Super-leaders accomplish this goal by assisting followers to develop into effective self-leaders by providing them with the behavioral and cognitive skills necessary to develop self-leadership skills. Super-leaders create a value system, model good leadership traits, reward, and encourage their followers (Wren, 1995, p.214). Super-leaders encourage and foster self-leadership in individuals and teams. Super-leaders strive to create more leaders than followers. The visionary model of leadership development is based on the idea that leaders develop skills with practice. A successful visionary leader often has a natural charisma or an ability to speak in a way easily understood that encourages people to follow. Visionary leaders know how to capture an idea and capture followers. A visionary leader can listen to others and apply an understanding of what he or she they hear (Wren, 1995, p. 403). A successful visionary leader can articulate the desires of the group he or she is leading.The visionary leader inspires movements and helps to develop new and innovative change within an organization. A visionary leader constantly deepens the follower’s self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-awareness (Wren, 1995, p. 403). The visionary leader understands he or she cannot lead without followers willing to put his or her inspirations into action. Therefore, the visionary leader is not intimidated by others and is not afraid to promote the leadership from within the group of followers. Furthermore, the visionary leader always listens to the experiences and opinions of his or her team. The visionary-super leader model would best be applied when as the superintendent would employ the model to empower educators to become leaders within his or her own individual classrooms and school structures. Super leadership allows all personnel to continue developing and to become leaders of their own destination. As acting superintendant using the super leadership model would provide myself would determination, self-empowerment, and the needed skills in which to instill upon the entire working force within said organization.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is not an acquired trait or title, but rather a process of influencing people by addressing genuine psychological needs. Ultimately, effective transformational leadership is about followers rather than leaders. Transformational leadership is a process by which the follower is motivated to exceed the status quo arrangements and immediate personal needs or aspirations through a leader’s vision and inspiration (Denning, 2005). In essence the transformational leader possesses the ability to motivate people to perform tasks to the best of his or her ability using rewards such as pay raises, accountability to the leader, deadlines, and promotions (Avollio, 2008). Transformational leaders are in tune with the motives, desires and beliefs of the group as an entire entity. In large part the leader’s style and agenda are determined by the followers. As much as leaders, followers typically have somewhat valid longings, as individuals, to achieve, and excel (Chen, 2005). Transformational leadership simply appeals to those longings. For this reason, transformational leadership is situation determined often by the followers. In other words, leaders do not simply lead, but in a sense they are inspired by the driving force of their followers. Employing the transformational leadership model could be effectively used in preventing student referrals for inappropriate conduct of student behaviors. In recent situations within educational systems student referral rates dramatically climbed causing mistrust within the educational setting. As acting superintendent incentives could be used for students, educators, and middle management to deter behavioral referrals. Rewarding all within the educational settings gives all incentives to perform at a higher level of caring. In modern day technology many leadership methods yield positive results. Good leaders strive to empower followers to become leaders themselves. This can be accomplished by empathetic to the needs of others, providing positive feedback, offering promotion, accepting feedback, and working toward common goal. Leadership is a privilege and a powerful tool; leadership will not yield success without strong values, morals, and the acceptance, and faith by followers. Leaders must constantly strive to further educate themselves and empower their followers.

Most Effective Model

I believe the most effective model as acting superintendent to solve the various problems mentioned would be the combination of all the aforementioned leadership models. As a leader I do not believe that any model can be effective when dealing with a variety of persons with varied views, beliefs, and behaviors. Leaders must remain flexible and open to change and innovative ideas. Leadership is ever learning from others and change must occur. Leadership involves allowing the group to take responsibility for task decisions; growth ability, and leadership opportunities without harboring the belief of a threat. Leadership requires self-belief and self-worth, thus having the ability to pass along to others. Leaders use a combination of varied models can not only but also conquer the situation at hand, but allow others to grow and gain needed knowledge base. One must embrace leadership and recognize that knowledge must be passed along to build a strong workable system. Being a super leader requires one to foster other leader’s growth within an organization. Having the responsibility of superintendent is not one to be taken lightly and one must take on the responsibility of fostering effective leadership daily from fellow colleges. This papers scenario as acting superintendent would empower me as well as the system to nurture staff, students, and parents alike to harvest leaders throughout the entire system, thus rectifying any issues that may arise. The use of leadership models is needed in order for any institution to function appropriately and successfully. Thus, demanding that a variety of models be employed and nurtured throughout leadership roles. Leaders must always remain open and accepting of others input, if one wishes to remain successful and have success surrounding them.

In order for success to prevail leaders must define expectations, be open to change, give, and encourage constructive feedback. Leaders should encourage feedback even negative feedback in order for the organization to flourish. Leaders should foster the ability to take constructive criticism from followers and use the information to benefit the cause. Leaders should not use constructive criticism against followers. An open-door policy should be in effect in order for positive –open communication to occur (Oyinlade, 2006). Leaders should provide followers with a clear precise outline of expectations, rewards, and the expected result. Followers need to know what is expected of them, receive encouragement, and empowerment, if they are expected to be productive leaders themselves.


Leaders are formed by people others will follow, for various reasons. Such as they may have a likeable sense of humor, people may like their style, they may be good at organizing events, leaders are people willing to tell other people what to do but have the respect of other people as well, or gain that respect. Many imagine a person with leadership qualities are those who; outwit their opponents in military situations, politicians who convince and channel groups into action, and people who take control of a crisis. To be an effective leader one must posse’s four basic qualities. First, leaders must be innovative and able to influence others. Second, in order for their to be followers leaders must exist. Third, leaders must appear when crisis situations arise. In other words, they appear with an innovative response when needed. Finally, leaders are people who have a clear idea of what they want to achieve and why (Schwartz, 2009). Thus, leaders are people who can think and act creatively in non-routine situations and who set out to influence the actions, beliefs, and feelings of others. In order for leaders to address contemporary leadership issues and challenges leaders must apply techniques that involve clear communication, the capacity to listen and empathize with followers and ultimately the ability to persuade followers (Oyinlade, 2006).


Avolio, Bruce. & Yammarino, Francis. (2007). Transformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead (2nd ed.). Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Chen, Jui-Chen., & Silverthorne, Colin.(2005).Leadership effectiveness, leadership style and employee readiness.Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26(3/4), 280-288. RetrievedMay 28,2010,fromProQuestdatabase.

Denning, Stephen. (2005). A Journey by Narrative. Strategy & Leadership. Transformational innovation, 33(3), 11-16. Retrieved May 28, 2010 from, ProQuest data base.

Oyinlade, A Olu. (2006). A Method of Assessing Leadership Effectiveness: Introducing the Essential Behavioral Leadership Qualities Approach. Performance Improvement Quarterly, Vol. 19 (1), 25-40. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from ProQuest data base.

Schwartz, D. O. (2009, July). Commentary: Leadership qualities necessary during times of crisis. Retrieved May 25, 2010, from Long Island Business News: from ProQuest data base.

Wren, Thomas, J. (1995). Leader's Companion: Insights on Leadership Through the Ages. New York: The Free Press.