Rochester Fire Protection District
700 East Main Street, Rochester, Illinois
Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2014
- Call to order
President Suerdieck called to order the regular meeting of the Rochester Fire Protection District at 7:00 p.m. on December 10, 2014 at the Rochester Firehouse.
- Roll call
Teresa Sturdy conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: President Suerdieck, Trustee Sturdy, Trustee Fairchild, Trustee Riggs, and Trustee Cravens. Also present was Chief Mark Poffenberger, Deputy Chief Greg Surbeck and Administrative Assistant Jessica DeFreitas. Five members of the public were present.
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
Meeting minutes from November 12, 2014 were presented. Motion to approve by Trustee Cravens, second by President Suerdieck. Unanimously approved.
- Approval of Treasurer’s Report
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report by Trustee Cravens, second by Trustee Riggs. Unanimously approved.
- Chief’s Report
1. November 14-15, 2014 – PHTLS attended by five members.
2. November 18, 2014 – Pipeline Class attended by three members.
3. November 25, 2014 – MABAS/Sang. Co. attended by two members.
4. December 2, 2014 – Siren Test.
5. December 10, 2014 – Flow Test completed.
6. November Calls:
EMS – 30
Fire – 8 (brush-4, poweline-1, odor inv.-1, house fire-2)
10-50 – 7
Training – 9
Special Duty – 1
Motion to approve Chief’s Report by Trustee Riggs, second by Trustee Cravens. Unanimously approved.
- Member or Public Comments
Diana Fairchild asked if a committee had been assigned to handle the building updates. President Suerdieck stated that a committee has not been assigned.
- Old Business
A. Update on building updates.
1. Trustee Riggs has compiled a list of updates that need to be done including about 5000 sf. Of the building that could use paint and some protective wall covering is necessary in some of the high traffic areas. A more durable surface is needed for Communication Room countertop. Flooring in the offices, communication room, meeting room and kitchen areas need updated as well. Trustee Riggs is still compiling data to get bids.
B. Trustee Sturdy would like on record that she is not responsible for the missing ledger that held copies of public notifications. A new ledger will be started with clippings since July 2014.
- New Business
A. Pass 2014 Tax Levy.
1. Motion to approve Ordinance #4 for 5% increase to General Tax was made by Trustee Cravens, second by President Suerdieck. Unanimously approved.
2. Motion to approve Ordinance #5 for 5% increase to Insurance Tax was made by Trustee Cravens, second by Trustee Sturdy. Unanimously approved.
3. Motion to approve Ordinance #6 for 5% increase to Audit Tax was made by Trustee Cravens, second by Trustee Riggs. Unanimously approved.
B. Pass MABAS Agreement.
1. Motion to approve MABAS agreement was made by Trustee Riggs, second by President Suerdieck. Unanimously approved.
C. MABAS Compensation Ordinance.
1. An ordinance is to be created to reflect standard compensation rates. Motion to approve by Trustee Cravens, second by Trustee Riggs. Unanimously approved.
D. Elect FOIA/OMA Officer.
1. President Suerdieck has checked with the Attorney and the FOIA/OMA Officer does not have to be a Board Member of Fire Chief. President Suerdieck feels that since the Administrative Assistant is the person who would need to gather necessary information it would make more sense to have them be the FOIA/OMA Officer. Administrative Assistant Jessica DeFreitas has completed the required certifications. Motion made by Trustee Cravens, second by Trustee Fairchild. Unanimously approved.
E. Approve 2015 Meeting Schedule.
1. President Suerdieck has prepared the 2015 meeting schedule for review and approval by the Board. Motion made by Trustee Riggs, second by President Suerdieck. Unanimously approved.
- Closed Session
- Next Meeting
The next scheduled meeting of the board is Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 7:00 pm.
- Adjournment
Motion to adjourn by Trustee Fairchild, second by Trustee Cravens. Unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm.
Minutes submitted by: Jessica DeFreitas, Administrative Assistant
Minutes approved by: Teresa Sturdy, Secretary