Name: ______Date: ______

How does the Economy Affect Sports & Entertainment Marketing?

  1. Search “economic impact on sports & entertainment” and “impact of sports & entertainment marketing on the economy”. Find at least 3 articles from 3 different sources. Write a 2 page typed paper (MLA style) on either the economic impact of sports & entertainment marketing or the impact the economy is having on sports and entertainment marketing. (One is how the industry is impacting the economy, one is how the economy is impacting the industry.) Below are some websites you could use. There are many others available. Do not use Wikipedia, use a reputable website (one that has a good reputation and is well-known).
  1. How do sports and entertainment differ in their economic impact? Will more people give up sports or entertainment in a bad economy? Is there a difference in Sports & Entertainment? How will people change their habits when it comes to sports and entertainment purchases if the economy is bad?
  2. Design a short survey (no more than 10 questions) to survey students and adults as to their changes in sports and entertainment purchases due the economy in the last year. Also ask what they think they will change in the next year; make sure you include everything including tickets, memorabilia, clothing, TV consumption, etc.. Make sure the survey indicates the gender, age and ethnicity of the respondent for calculation purposes. Your survey needs to have check boxes, no open-ended questions. Try to get 2 surveys on one page to save paper. Have the teacher approve the survey and then make 50 copies.
  3. Give out the survey to 50 different people. Make sure you have a cross-section of people (not all teens, not all boys, etc.). You have 2 days to get your surveys completed.
  4. Compile the results of your survey on an Excel spreadsheet. Create a chart showing the results. You will probably need a different chart for each question other than the demographic questions. Analyze the results.
  5. Write a report in business report format. In the report, you need to indicate the results of the survey and the conclusions you have drawn from the results. If you were the manager of a sports franchise or an entertainment venue, how would these results affect your decision making? Include the charts in your report. Make sure your report covers each question and the conclusions from each. Place the report in a report folder and turn in to the teacher. Deadline ______.

RubricsSports & Entertainment Marketing & The Economy

2 Page Paper on Economic Impact

Excellent (10) / Good (7-9) / Fair (4-6) / Poor (0-3)
Stayed on Topic
Had 3 articles from 3 sources
Had 2 pages
MLA Format followed
Grammar & spelling
Total (60 Max)

Questions from #2

Excellent (10) / Good (7-9) / Fair (4-6) / Poor (0-3)
Difference in
S & E impact
What will they give up?
Difference in S&E?
Habit changes?
Total (40 Max)

Report & Survey on Sports & Entertainment Purchases

Excellent (10) / Good (7-9) / Fair (4-6) / Poor (0-3)
Relevant Questions
No more than 10 questions
Demographic Info included
50 surveys
Spreadsheet & charts
Analyze charts
Report in business report format
Survey results included
Conclusions well thought out
Charts included
Report neat and organized in folder
Spelling & grammar
Total (120 Max)
CTAE Resource Network / Intro. to Sports & Entertainment Mkt. •Grades 10-12 •Unit 2 / Page 1 of 3