7 Extension

1. Write the words below in your own language. You can use a dictionary.

1. strike ……………… 2. brave ……………… 3. destroy ………………

2. Read the text about Austin’s frightening experience.

Lightning strikes
Have you ever heard of someone surviving a lightning strike? Believe it or not, this happens very often. Lightning strikes about 2,000 people around the world every year and most of these people survive.
Austin Melton from Oregon, USA survived a lightning strike when he was 14 years old. He was playing basketball in his school when the storm started. All the lights in the school went out, so the students ran outside to watch the storm. They saw lightning above the football field and saw it hit the school building. Many students were frightened, but not Austin. He wanted everyone to know that he was brave, so he walked across the football field. Suddenly, lightning hit his head and his body. Austin’s friends ran to help him, but they were too frightened to touch him. A teacher called an ambulance and Austin went to hospital. All the students were worried. The lightning destroyed Austin’s shirt and shoes, but he was still alive. It was amazing!
Austin has discovered a lot of important information about lightning since his experience. For example, lightning is more dangerous than most people think – and it usually hits the highest object around. If you walk into a field, you will become the highest object in the area and the lightning will probably hit you. Also, it is dangerous to stand near high trees or buildings. The best place to be during a storm is in a car, bus or building, but lightning can enter open windows and doors, so it’s important to close them.
There are often thunderstorms in Oregon, but now when Austin sees lightning, he doesn’t run into a field! In fact, he hasn’t been outside in a storm since his accident.

3. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. When lightning strikes someone, they usually .

2. Austin Melton lives in .

3. The lights in Austin’s school went out because there was .

4. During the storm, Austin wanted people to think that .

4. Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Perfect Simple.

1. what / Austin / learn / about lightning

2. how / Austin’s behaviour / change / since his accident

5. Answer the questions in Exercise 4 according to the text.



6. Write a blog entry by Austin about his experience.