- March 1, 1971A Report on the North Congregational Church [Portsmouth, New Hampshire]
- July 31, 1974Report on Two Early Buildings within the Claremont (N.H.) Urban Renewal Area
- February 15, 1977Memo to Linda Wilson . . . Re: Old Boathouse and Wharf at the New Castle Coast Guard Station
- July 5, 1977Architectural Analysis of the Ira Allen House, Dalton Road, Littleton, New Hampshire
- March 1, 1978Matching Grant-in-Aid Proposal for the William H. Long Memorial, Hopkinton, New Hampshire (First Draft)
- May 15, 1979Architectural Analysis of the Bridges House, East Concord, N.H.
- August 4, 1980Report on Field Inspection of McKee Inn, Lancaster, New Hampshire on July 25, 1980 in Response to Critique given in Letter of Carol D. Shull, dated July 11, 1980.
- September 25, 1980Report on Conditions Observed at the East Alton Meeting House during an Inspection on September 23, 1980
- December 5, 1980Report to Linda Wilson on the Old Sandown Meeting House
- January 5, 1981Summary of Evidence Regarding the Authenticity of the “Daniel Webster Birthplace” in Franklin, New Hampshire, with Recommendations for Further Investigation of the Building.
- July 1, 1982Report on Examination of the First Floor Framing of the Meeting House at Sandown, New Hampshire, 1 July 1982
- October 2, 1983Memorandum to Commissioner George Gilman . . . Regarding “OldState House” at Strawbery Banke, Portsmouth
- October 31, 1983Report to the EpsomTown Hall Committee
- December 13, 1983Memorandum to Commissioner George Gilman . . . Regarding “OldState House” at Strawbery Banke, Portsmouth
- August 8, 1984Old Patch House, Rhododendron State Park, Evaluation of Existing Conditions and Review of Proposed Plan of Rehabilitation
- September 4, 1984Summary of Findings Regarding the Authenticity of the “Daniel Webster Birthplace” in Franklin, New Hampshire
- December 1984The Current State of Knowledge Concerning the Governor John Wentworth Mansion at Wolfeborough, New Hampshire, With Recommendations for Investigation of Sources of Additional Information
- March 5, 1986Potential National Register Integrity and Significance of the “Hurley House” and the “Old School” at SunapeeState Park
- February 14, 1987The Lane-Peake House, Northfield, Vermont. Historic Structure Report for NorwichUniversity, Northfield, Vermont
- April 17, 1987Description of the George Frost Homestead, Durham, New Hampshire
- [May 22, 1987]Glidden Tavern, Chester, New Hampshire: Architectural Description, based in an Inspection in October, 1981
- July 1987Summary of Documentary Evidence, Old State House, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- December 14, 1987Report on the South Wolfeborough Fire Station
- February 16, 1988OldTown Hall, Pittsfield, New Hampshire, Summary Report of Inspection
- April 5, 1988Report of Inspection: Dwelling House at 314 Court Street,Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- August 19, 1988Letter to Regina Lammers, Portsmouth Planning Department, regarding the True Priest house and tenant house at 33 Islington Street and 20-22 Tanner Street
- December 8, 1988Memo to Gary Hume . . . Re: John T. Morgan (Sewell) House, 27 Pleasant Street, Laconia
- March 2, 1989Memorandum of an inspection of the Purported Concord Friends’ Meeting House at 39-41 Franklin Street, Concord, N.H.
- March 3, 1989Report to Gilford, N.H., Historic District Commission, Board of Selectmen, School Board . . . Re: The Alvah Wilson [Benjamin Rowe] House
- May 26, 1989Memo to Gary Hume and Christine Fonda . . . Re: Tilton Quarry, Hanover, New Hampshire
- July 10, 1989Report of Inspection of 238-240 North Main Street, Concord, N.H., on July 10, 1989
- July 17, 1989Memorandum of a Site Visit to the Franconia Iron Works Blast Furnace, 6 July 1989
- July 17, 1989Report of Inspection of 238-240 North Main Street, Concord, N.H., on July 10, 1989
- July 31, 1989Water Penetration: Franklin Pierce Homestead,Hillsborough, New Hampshire
- August 10, 1989Memorandum to Alice Phipps . . . Re: Dwelling House on Prescott Hill Road, Grafton, N.H.
- August 18, 1989Letter to Carolyn Smith, Director, LowerShakerVillage, Enfield, N.H., evaluating the Laundry/Dairy Building
- October 6, 1989Letter to Lee Buchanan-Gregory, Town Administrator, Lee, N.H., regarding the Lee Town Hall Energy Project
- November 14, 1989The Morrill-Lassonde House and Barn: Report of an Inspection for the New Hampshire Art Association
- November 29, 1989Memorandum of an Inspection of Three Buildings at FranklinPierceCollege, Rindge, New Hampshire
- December 4, 1989Architectural Assessment of the “Castle in the Clouds,” Moultonborough, New Hampshire
- January 1990AdamsFemaleAcademyBuilding, Lane Road, Derry, New Hampshire: Architectural Assessment
- April 26, 1990Abel Twitchell House, Harrisville, New Hampshire: Report of an Inspection Made on March 12, 1990
- May 31, 1990Moffatt-Ladd House, Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Report of an Inspection Made on May 24, 1990
- July 27, 1990Recommendations for Archaeological Monitoring of the Dismantling of the Causeways and Abutments of the DurhamFallsBridge, Durham, New Hampshire
- August 23, 1990Memo to Gary Hume . . . Re: Cottage at Ragged Neck, RyeHarbor
- September 26, 1990Report on Guest House [Mott House], Woodbury Langdon Estate, Fox Point, Newington, New Hampshire
- November 7, 1990Memorandum for the File, Jesse Garvin House, Chichester, New Hampshire
- February 27, 1991Memorandum for the Record, Old Allenstown Meeting House, Allenstown, New Hampshire. Report of an Inspection, February 26, 1991
- March 5, 1991Site Visit Report: DeerfieldTown Hall [Deerfield, New Hampshire]
- April 29, 1991Memorandum for the Record, StableBuilding, Pillsbury State Park
- May 29, 1991Recommendations for Long-Range Planning, Joshua George House, Warner Lower Village, New Hampshire . . .
- July 18, 1991Report on the Stylistic and Structural Integrity of the Boarding House of the FormerFrancestownAcademy, and on its Potential for Adaptation to Present-Day Town Needs
- July 24, 1991Report and Recommendations, Heating System, StoneMemorialBuilding, Weare, New Hampshire
- July 30, 1991PittsfieldGrammar School (OldHigh School), Historic Preservation Report
- September 13, 1991Remarks on the Feasibility of Moving the Conner Farm and the Conner Tenant House, N.H. Route 101, Exeter, New Hampshire, in Mitigation of Highway Widening
- November 1991New HampshireIndustrialHeritagePark: Initial Statement of Purpose and Long-Range Plan
- February 26, 1992Memo to Nancy Muller and Wilbur LaPage regarding Remaining Structural Problems at the Hay Estate
- March 15, 1992The Cate Homestead, Moose Mountain Road, Brookfield, New Hampshire: Report of an Inspection
- May 13, 1992Memo to Gary Hume . . . Re: Impact of the Proposed Nursing Home Addition to BrownBuilding at Glencliff Home for the Elderly
- June 12, 1992Report on the Jonathan Dana House, West Lebanon, New Hampshire
- June 17, 1992Report on the Moultonborough Inn, Moultonborough, New Hampshire
- July 1, 1992Report on the Sawyer House at the Daniel Webster Birthplace Site, West Franklin, New Hampshire
- July 22, 1992Report on the Weeks Estate, Lancaster, New Hampshire
- July 27, 1992Report on the Withington House, Brookfield, Vermont
- August 7, 1992Report on the Old Visitors’ Center, CrawfordNotchState Park, Hart’s Location, New Hampshire
- August 15, 1992Report on the Ichabod Hitchcock House, New HampshireVocational TechnicalCollege, Claremont, New Hampshire
- August 21, 1992Construction and Development of The Fells as a Paradigm of the Summer Home Movement
- October 15, 1992Report on the BardPlumerFarmBuildings, N.H. Route 16, Milton, New Hampshire
- November 4, 1992Report on the Julian Dodge House, Bradford, New Hampshire
- November 4, 1992Report on the Joshua P. Marshall Barn, East Main Street, Bradford, New Hampshire
- December 14, 1992Report on the GoldenRodGrangeBuilding, Swanzey, New Hampshire
- December 17, 1992Report on the Folsom Tavern, Exeter, New Hampshire
- January 8, 1993Report on the PlymouthTown Hall and Court House, Plymouth, New Hampshire
- January 12, 1993Report on the Park Hill Meeting House, Westmoreland, New Hampshire
- February 4, 1993Report on the Tuttle House, Back River District, Dover, New Hampshire
- February 15, 1993Report on the Old Town Hall, Gilmanton Iron Works, New Hampshire
- March 17, 1993Historical Sites and Historical Archaeological Features on the Merrimack River Between Garvin’s Falls Dam and the Confluence with the SuncookRiver
- March 27, 1993Report on Water Infiltration: “The Fells”--John Hay Wildlife Refuge
- April 2, 1993Report on the PlainfieldTown Hall, Plainfield, New Hampshire
- April 20, 1993Report on the HoratioT.ColonyHouseMuseum, Keene, New Hampshire
- April 20, 1993Report on the TiltonIslandParkBridge
- May 1993Memorandum on the WalkerBuilding, New HampshireHospital
- June 15, 1993The SanbornFarmBuildings, Loudon, New Hampshire
- July 1993Old Allenstown Meeting House, BearBrookState Park, Allenstown, New Hampshire
- July 9, 1993Report on the William Cario, Jr., House, 5 Squamscott Street, Newfields, New Hampshire
- August 3, 1993Report on the Remick House, Groton, New Hampshire
- September 27, 1993Report to the Trustees, James E. Nichols Library, Center Harbor, New Hampshire
- December 10, 1993Report on Conditions in the Crawl Spaces beneath the Hay House, John Hay National Wildlife Refuge
- December 15, 1993Report on the PlainfieldTown Hall, Plainfield, New Hampshire
- December 20, 1993Report on the SearlesSchool and Chapel, Windham, New Hampshire
- December 30, 1993Report on Immediate and Long-Term Maintenance Needs of the Conner Farm, N.H. Route 101, Exeter, New Hampshire
- January 1, 1994Memo to Nancy Muller . . . Re: Grano Barn, Northwood [New Hampshire]
- March 21, 1994Memorandum on the Huckins House, Hemenway State Forest, Tamworth, New Hampshire
- March 31, 1994Report on the Early Settlers’ Meeting House, Ossipee Historical Society, Leighton’s Corner, Ossipee, New Hampshire
- April 9, 1994A Brief Report on the Dyer Foss House, Gosling Road, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- April 14, 1994Report on Fire Damage, Conner Farm, Exeter, New Hampshire
- May 25, 1994Report on the Smith Meeting House Complex, Gilmanton, New Hampshire
- July 18, 1994Report on the MeridenTown Hall, Plainfield, New Hampshire
- July 21, 1994Memorandum on Door Changes, New Hampshire State House, Concord, New Hampshire
- July 25, 1994Report on Conditions beneath “The Fells,” Newbury, New Hampshire
- August 2, 1994Report on the Brickett House, Evans Notch Ranger Station, White MountainNational Forest
- August 3, 1994Report on the William H. Hill Homestead, Strafford, New Hampshire
- August 18, 1994Report on the Eagle Block, Newport, New Hampshire
- August 23, 1994Report on the LempsterTown Hall, Lempster, New Hampshire
- September 7, 1994Comments on the Proposed Rehabilitation of the CressonBridge at Sawyer’s Crossing, Swanzey, New Hampshire
- September 22, 1994Report on the Col. John McDuffee House, Old Dover Road,Rochester, New Hampshire
- September 30, 1994Report on the FirstParishChurch (Londonderry Meeting House), East Derry, New Hampshire
- October 7, 1994Notes on the Engraved Copper Plates for Bills of Credit, Acquired at Auction by the State of New Hampshire on October 7, 1994
- October 9, 1994Report on the Robert Bartley House (Windham BuildingDepartment Headquarters), 4 North Lowell Road, Windham, New Hampshire
- November 13, 1994Report on the James Aiken, Jr., House, Main Street, Antrim, New Hampshire
- November 14, 1994Notes on the Greenland Hotel, 480 Portsmouth Avenue, Greenland, New Hampshire
- November 28, 1994Report on the Clement & Rossiter Store (Esersky’s Hardware Store), Claremont, New Hampshire
- December 2, 1994Report on the Gove House, “Elmfield,” Hampton Falls, New Hampshire
- December 7, 1994Notes on Inspection of the Meeting House, Dwelling House, and Chapel Wing, CanterburyShakerVillage
- December 28, 1994Transcription of Field Notes: Inspection of Col. Ebenezer Hinsdale House, 28 December 1994
- January 16, 1995Report on the Carriage House and Garage, Wentworth-CoolidgeMansion, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- January 24, 1995Report on the Hill-Woodman-Ffrost Homestead, Durham, New Hampshire
- January 31, 1995Report on the Enoch Page, Sr., House, South Sutton, New Hampshire
- February 8, 1995Recommendations for Short-Term (Twelve-Month) Maintenance, Hill-Woodman-Frost Homestead, Durham, New Hampshire
- February 28, 1995Report on the North Portico [of the] Clement & Rossiter Store (Esersky’s Hardware Store), Claremont, New Hampshire
- April 10, 1995Report on the Hoar House, 47 Prescott Road, Epping, New Hampshire
- April 12, 1995Report on the United Church Building (Formerly the BaptistChurchBuilding), Danbury, New Hampshire
- April 21, 1995Memorandum of an Inspection of the Dr. Solomon M. Whipple House, New London [New Hampshire]
- April 24, 1995Report on the Samuel Bartlett House, Northwood Narrows, New Hampshire
- June 30, 1995Report on the Samuel Emerson House (Oakland House), Moultonborough, New Hampshire
- August 9, 1995Report on the Hugh Sheridan House, AshuelotVillage, Winchester, New Hampshire
- August 22, 1995Statement of Significance, CavenderRoadBridge, Hancock-Greenfield, New Hampshire
- September 8, 1995Report on the Gilmanton Village Manufacturing Company Mill (Fenwick Hosiery Company Mill), Belmont, New Hampshire
- September 27, 1995The American Postal Workers’ Accident Benefit AssociationBuilding and Its Relationship to Colonial Revival Architecture in Portsmouth, N.H.
- September 29, 1995Notes on the Power Plant, Pacific Mills, Dover, New Hampshire
- October 7, 1995Notes on the Date of Construction of the Danville Meeting House
- November 1, 1995Statement of Significance, Thompson’s CrossingBridge, Antrim-Bennington, New Hampshire
- December 4, 1995Report on the FirstParishChurch Parsonage (James Thom Store), East Derry, New Hampshire
- December 19, 1995Notes on the Thomas Burns (Curtis Hidden Page) House, Gilmanton Corners, New Hampshire
- December 1995The Samuel Emerson House (Oakland House), Moultonborough, New Hampshire: Documentation for The Historic American Buildings Survey
- January 6, 1996Report on Ice and Water Damage, MeridenTown Hall, Plainfield, New Hampshire
- January 8, 1996Report on Roof Conditions, PlainfieldTown Hall, Plainfield, New Hampshire
- January 23, 1996Report on Horse Sheds, PeterboroughUnitarianChurch, Peterborough, New Hampshire
- February 22, 1996Memorandum of Bridge Inspection, Bridge No. 090/107, Bridge Street, Pittsfield, New Hampshire
- March 5, 1996Report on the Second Rindge Meeting House, Rindge, New Hampshire
- April 19, 1996Report on Exterior Mortar Conditions, Litchfield Public Library (Aaron Cutter Memorial Library), 269 Charles Bancroft Highway, Litchfield, New Hampshire
- May 11, 1996Report on the District Number Eight Schoolhouse, Peterborough, New Hampshire
- June 30, 1996Report on the Hall-Colony House, 104 West Street, Keene, New Hampshire
- June 4, 1996Memorandum of an Inspection on the John Elwyn House, ElwynRoad, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- July 3, 1996Memorandum of inspection of Russell-Colbath House, White Mountain National Forest, Albany, N.H., on July 2, 1996
- August 7, 1996Report on the Deacon Peter Heald House, Temple, New Hampshire
- November 14, 1996Report on Moisture Conditions, Wentworth-CoolidgeMansion, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- November 21, 1996Report on the Powder Major DeMerritt House, Madbury, New Hampshire
- December 1996Historic Structure Report on the Eagle Block, Newport, New Hampshire [with David C. Fischetti, P.E.]
- January 26, 1997Notes on the Maintenance and Rehabilitation of the Captain Enoch Remick House and Related Buildings, Tamworth, New Hampshire
- April 24, 1997Report on the Jacob Gerrish House, New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands Manager’s Residence, State Forest Nursery, Boscawen, New Hampshire
- April 30, 1997Recommendations for Roofing and Insulating the Allison House, 7 Washington Street, Concord, New Hampshire
- August 13, 1997Report on the Deacon John Bell House, Elm Avenue, Antrim, New Hampshire
- September 10, 1997Recommendations for Short-Term Maintenance at the Upham-Walker House, Concord, New Hampshire
- November 11, 1997Report on the Buck Street Community House (District Number 3 Schoolhouse), Thompson Road, Pembroke, New Hampshire
- November 13, 1997Notes on the Clough Tavern, Canterbury, New Hampshire
- February 2, 1998Report on an Inspection of the FirstChurch of Christ. Scientist, 33 School Street, Concord, New Hampshire
- April 11, 1998Notes on an Inspection of the William McCrillis House, Corner ofMcCrillis and Gile Roads, Nottingham, New Hampshire
- April 29, 1998Notes on Floor Paint Colors, Entry (Stairhall) and Kitchen, Pierce Homestead, Hillsborough, New Hampshire
- April 30, 1998Notes on the Doctor Walter J. Roberts House, 9 Academy Street,Rochester, New Hampshire
- July 26, 1998Second Report on the Weeks Estate, Lancaster, New Hampshire
- August 14, 1998Same, revised with comments by architect Robert S. Bast
- September 7, 1998Report on the GrotonTown House, Groton, New Hampshire
- March 15, 1999Report on the Odiorne Homestead, Odiorne’s Point, Rye, New Hampshire
- September 26, 1999Report on WattannickGrangeBuilding (OldHudsonTown House), Hudson, New Hampshire
- October 22, 1999Report on the Old Parsonage, Newington, New Hampshire
- December 13, 1999Report on the Starrett-Hartshorn House, 22 North Main Street,MontVernon, New Hampshire
- January 13, 2000Notes on Photographs of the Mellen House, Durham, NewHampshire
- April 4, 2000Notes on the John Berry House, First Crown Point Road, Strafford,New Hampshire
- April 12, 2000Report on the Locomotive Roundhouses, West Lebanon (Westboro), New Hampshire
- July 18, 2000Notes on the Reverend John Caverly House, Route 202A, Strafford, New Hampshire
- March 20, 2001Notes on the David Clark House, Buck Street Bridge, EastPembroke, New Hampshire
- August 21, 2001Report on the Welch Hillside Farm, Hancock, New Hampshire
- November 18, 2001Report on the Trustees’ Building, CanterburyShakerVillage,Canterbury, New Hampshire
- February 23, 2002Notes on the Origins of Arched Stone Bridges in the ContoocookRiverValley of New Hampshire
- June 21, 2002Central Street (Center) Bridge, Bridge No. 113/064, Bristol-New Hampton, New Hampshire
- August 7, 2002Report on French’s Tavern, Dublin (uncompleted)
- August 18, 2002Notes on Materials and Construction Techniques, Bath-Haverhill Covered Bridge, Bath, New Hampshire to Haverhill, New Hampshire
- September 1, 2002Report on the Heald House, Heald Road, Wilton, New Hampshire (report begun on November 5, 1999)
- September 8, 2002Report on the Blaisdell-Winslow House, Northwood, New Hampshire
- October 3, 2002Notes on the Rolfe Barn, Penacook, New Hampshire
- October 9, 2002Report and Preservation Assessment on the New England College Covered Bridge (1972), Henniker, New Hampshire
- February 23, 2003Nathaniel Foye House, Foye’s Corner, Rye, New Hampshire (revised April 2, 2003)
- March 22, 2003Report on the Troy Railroad Depot, Troy, New Hampshire
- April 15, 2003Tamworth Town House, Tamworth, New Hampshire
(revised April 28, 2003)
- June 2, 2003History of the Depot or MeadowBridge (Bridge No. 122/110),Shelburne, New Hampshire (First draft: November 17, 2002)
- October 8, 2004Report on TrinityChurch, Route 175, Holderness, New Hampshire
- October 12, 2004Report on the FrancestownAcademy Boarding House, the “Beehive,” Greenfield Road, Francestown, New Hampshire
- November 12, 2004Report on the Stephen Rowe Bradley House, Walpole, New Hampshire
- February 13, 2005SuncookVillageSchool, SuncookWaterWorksBuilding, Pembroke, New Hampshire
- April 28, 2006Notes on the Hayward-Hutchinson House, 19 Maple Street, Pine Valley, Milford, New Hampshire
- May 28, 2006NewburyCenter Meeting House, Newbury, New Hampshire
- January 7, 2007Report on the Barnard Tavern, Deerfield, Massachusetts
- April 15, 2007Report on the Mastey House, Canterbury, New Hampshire
- June 17, 2007Robert Armstrong House, 88 Range Road, Windham, New Hampshire
- June 21, 2007Old Allenstown Meeting House Historic Structure Report, May 3, 2004; revised June 21, 2007
- July 14, 2007Guidelines for Rehabilitation, Pier and Wright’s CoveredRailroadBridges, Newport, New Hampshire.
- July 24, 2007Notes on the Cartland House, Lee, New Hampshire
- November 11, 2007Report on the Fogg-Rollins House, Exeter, New Hampshire
- December 15, 2007Report on the Noah Parker House, 182 Market Street, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- January 2008Architectural and Social Context for the PortsmouthAcademyBuilding and the Morton-Benedict House, and Construction History of the Academy
- August 30, 2008Briefing Paper on the Connecticut River Bridge (Bridge 058/127) on Route 4 Between West Lebanon, New Hampshire, and White River Junction in Hartford, Vermont
- September 18, 2008Report on Observations at the BathVillageCovered Bridge, Bath, New Hampshire
- December 2008Report on the OldHaverhillAcademyBuilding (Pearson Hall), Haverhill Corner, New Hampshire