San Martin Perchlorate Community Advisory Group (PCAG)

Meeting Agenda

Friday, February 13, 2004 (2 p.m. – 4 p.m.)

San Martin Lions Club Hall (12415 Murphy Avenue)

1.  Pledge

2.  Introductions

3.  Administrative Items

a.  Additional Agenda Items?

b.  Attendee Sign-In Sheet (Add name/contact info to get on mailing list)

c.  Approve January 9, 2004 meeting minutes

d.  Approval of proposed meeting dates; see attachment for schedule

e.  Comment cards

4.  RWQCB Update Eric Gobler, David Athey (5 minutes)

a.  Review of February 6th Regional Board meeting

5.  Soil Feasibility Study Report GeoSyntec, Olin engineering consultant (1 hour +)

6.  Real Estate Update (10 minutes)

a.  Questions from last meeting

7.  Groundwater Guardian Program Tracy Hemmeter (10 minutes)

a.  Update of first meeting

8.  Additional Topics -- As Time Allows:

a.  Comment cards response

b.  PWG Update

c.  Monitoring well map and overall well detection map

9.  Next Meeting – Friday March 12th (2 pm - 4 pm)

a.  Suggested Agenda Topics??

10.  Adjourn

11.  Hall Clean-Up


COMMENT: If you cannot attend, please notify Sylvia

or (408) 683-2667

Perchlorate Community Advisory Group (PCAG)

2004 Meeting Dates

2pm -- Friday, January 9th, 2004 at San Martin Lions Club Hall (SMLCH)

2pm -- Friday, February 13th at SMLCH

2pm -- Friday, March 12th at SMLCH

2pm -- Friday, April 9th at SMLCH

7pm -- Thursday, May 27th at SMLCH

Evening Meeting for community that cannot attend afternoon meetings and

due to conflict with Regional Board 5/14 meeting.

2pm -- Friday, June 11th at SMLCH

7pm -- Thursday, July 22nd at SMLCH

Evening Meeting for community that cannot attend afternoon meetings and

due to conflict with Regional Board 7/9 meeting.

2pm -- Friday, August 13th at SMLCH

7pm -- Thursday, September 23rd at SMLCH

-Evening Meeting for community that cannot attend afternoon meetings and

due to conflict with Regional Board 9/10 meeting.

2pm -- Friday, October 8th at SMLCH

2pm -- Friday, November 12th at SMLCH

2pm -- Friday, December 10th at SMLCH

or (408) 683-2667