Wedding / Baptism Enquiries etc

For Weddings, Baptisms & other admin please contact Sue H 07707 806316 or

For any other church matters, please ring the Revd. Ian Crofts on 020 8363 1935 or email

This Week

Tuesday 9.00am Tea, Toys and Toast

Wednesday 9.15am All Age Morning Service

Friday 7.30pm HUB

Saturday 8 - 9am Hour of Prayer

1.00pm Wedding

Next Sunday

8.00am Holy Communion

10.30am Morning Prayer

6.30pm Cafe Church

For your Diary


Friday 13th Ladies Evening

Tuesday 17th PCC

Thursday 19th Term ends

Ladies Group
Many apologies for Ladies Group having been cancelled several times recently. The next one, entitled ‘Promises, Promises’, will now be on Friday 13th July. (the next suggested date had been June 15th but that clashes with something else)

Admission to Church Schools

As there are many parents attending Jesus Church who want their children to be considered for admission to Forty Hill School and other Church Schools, we keep a register of attendance.

Kindly email notices for the sheet to Sue by Thursday evening and copy to Ian

Welcome to

Jesus Church

Forty Hill

Sunday 17th June 2018

Trinity 4

8.00am Holy Communion

Ezekiel 17.22-end

2 Corinthians 5:6-17

Mark 4:26-34

10.30am Morning Worship

Welcome and Opening Prayer

Song The Lord's my Shepherd


Song Father God I wonder


Reading: Luke 15:11-32 Narayn


Song How deep the Father’s love


Intercessions Emeka

Song Father God who is in heaven

Hymn How great Thou art


6.30pm Holy Communion

Luke 7:36 - 8:3

8.00pm Discipleship Explored


Tea, coffee and cold drinks will be served in the Charis today after the 10.30am service and we do welcome everyone to join us. Especially if you are new please do come and say hello!

Provision for children

Today during the 10.30am service we have all the usual children’s groups. For babies and children up to 2 with a parent/carer there is an organised Crèche in the vestry where you can also hear the service. Children aged 2 but still pre-school go to Tiddlywinks – again a parent/carer stays with their child. Junior Church has two age groups (i) for 4 - 6 year-olds and (ii) for those aged 7 and over. Children go to their groups with their leaders after the ‘instrument’ song and return during the last hymn.

For families with young children the yellow leaflet ‘Families in Church’ is helpful – do ask for a copy.

For your Prayers this week
Faye receiving treatment in hospital at the moment. Frank recovering in hospital from a knee operation
For Jenny in hospital following a recent stroke and for Simon and their very young son Jack and baby sister.
Robert’s friend’s son awaiting a liver transplant.
Monday / Our church cleaning team
Tuesday /

LEP Clergy meeting at breakfast time today

Wednesday / Jane and all the staff and boys at George’s Place in Kampala
Thursday /

Bishop Sarah and Bishop Rob

Friday / HUB this evening and leaders Nick and Linda
Saturday / Steve being ordained priest in Wolverhampton today
Prayers are also welcome on the Prayer Board in the Charis lobby. They are prayed for especially each Saturday morning Prayer Hour.


Faye is still in hospital – we sent a card from church last week. If anyone who knows her is able to visit her please ask Sue Spinks or Robert for more details – she would love to see you as the days seem very long.

Homes of Promise

Catherine will have hand-made jewellery for sale in aid of Homes of Promise in the Charis after the Sunday morning service.

Discipleship Explored – new course

Discipleship Explored is a follow-on course to Christianity Explored that Heather Holgate is leading. It started last week in the Charis Centre at 8.00pm on Sunday evening and continues tonight. It is not too late to join this evening. Do speak to Heather if you are interested.

Giving update for the year to date

Thank you to everyone who has responded so far to our request for a small increase in their regular giving but regrettably we still have a shortfall of £61 per week against the income we require to pay all our bills. We are also grateful to everyone who continues to give so generously week by week. We gave out information sheets recently and copies are still available from Ian or from the Charis table. These also have information about envelopes and direct giving via the bank.

Forty Hill and Bulls Cross Study Group AGM

This public meeting is on Wednesday 27th June at 7.30pm in the Charis Centre. There will be a talk by Amanda Leck on the restoration of the Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) and Q&A with local Councillors. Free.

Last week’s Sermon

In our short series on Storms in the Bible we thought about Paul being caught up in a storm as he travelled to Rome. God did not save him from going through the storm or immediately deal with it unlike when the disciples were in the boat with Jesus. But he was given a vision, a promise that they will all be kept safe and Saul took a clear lead including preventing the sailors from escaping in a lifeboat. God our Father takes us though many difficult situations, but the way is of his choosing and we continue to look to him and trust him.