Social Studies
Week of: September 4-7
Houghton Mifflin Ch. 5
Renee M. Clark
MondayGPS: SS5H1b / EQ: What events led to the beginning of the Civil War?
Objective: Explain causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War
Procedure: Preread by walking through “History Makers” (p. 134-5), identify people and discuss; using the map on p. 136-7, identify key ideas. Read together “Escape Routes” (p. 137f) and discuss abolitionist and Underground Railroad. Distribute Civil War vocabulary packet. Students define abolitionist. / Materials: textbook, Civil War Vocabulary packet
Evaluation: observation
Homework: NONE
Tuesday - GT
GPS: SS5H1b / EQ: What events led to the beginning of the Civil War?
Objective: Explain causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War
Procedure: Read “World’s Apart” (Ch 5, Lesson 1) p. 140-143 with a partner. Complete guided reading sheet. If time, review lesson together by making connections to self, text, and world. Students define tariff, States’ rights, and sectionalism. / Materials: textbook, Lesson 1 guided reading sheet
Evaluation: Guided Reading Sheet
Homework: Complete Guided Reading Sheet
GPS: SS5H1b / EQ: What events led to the beginning of the Civil War?
Objective: Explain causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War
Watch “Slavery” video from BrainPop and discuss Framework questions (How do you feel about slavery? How do you think the issue of slavery changed our society? Why is it important for us to remember the hardships faced by slaves? Does slavery occur in the world today?) How is this topic relevant to today? / Materials: textbook, BrainPop
Evaluation: check homework for completion
Homework: due Friday “Why is it important for us to study (and to know) about slavery?” 1/3 page
GPS: SS5H1b / EQ: What events led to the beginning of the Civil War?
Objective: Explain causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War
Procedure: Students will read aloud “Struggle for Freedom” (Ch 5 Lesson 2 pp 148-151) and list key points using Thinking Map. Teacher will provide broad categories and students will write in details. Differentiate DI thinking map by providing SpEd students Thinking Map with blanks. / Materials: textbook, blank paper
Evaluation: Thinking Map
Homework: continue working on Wednesday night’s assignment
GPS: SS5H1a,b / EQ: What events led to the beginning of the Civil War?
Objective: Explain causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War
Procedure: Read aloud “Compromise & Conflict” (Ch 5 Lesson 3 p. 156-159). Briefly discuss compromises then focus on Uncle Tom’s Cabin and John Brown. Watch video clips on Uncle Tom and Brown using United Streaming. / Materials: textbook, United Streaming
Evaluation: observation
Homework: NONE
Books to complete: John Brown, Lincoln, Grant, Davis, and Jackson