Regular Meeting


July 17, 2013

The Pike County Water & Sewerage Authority held its regular monthly meeting on July 17, 2013, at 8:30 a.m. in the boardroom of the Authority’s Building at 94 Gwynn Street, Zebulon, Georgia. Members present were: Steve Brown, Vice-Chairman, presiding; Larry Lynch, Tommy Powers and Mark Whitley. Tommy Burnsed was not present.

Also present were: Donna Pearson, Office Administrator; Gordon Ross, citizen; Rick Jeffares, Vice -President of Georgia Rural Water; Scott Huckaby, System Operator; James Jenkins, County Commissioner and Yvonne Langford to record the minutes.

Mr. Brown called the meeting to order.


Ms. Pearson said Mr. Gordon Ross needed to be included in the agenda under personal appearances.


Mr. Lynch made a motion to approve the agenda with the change. The motion passed on a second by Mr. Powers with Mr. Brown, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Powers and Mr. Whitley voting for the motion.


Mr. Lynch made a motion, seconded by Mr. Whitley, to approve the minutes of the June 19, 2013 meeting. The motion passed with Mr. Brown, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Powers and Mr. Whitley voting for the motion.


Mr. Whitley gave the financial report. It was noted that this report is for June 2013 which is the final month for the 2012 – 2013 fiscal year and there will be some adjustments for this period.


Mr. Whitley made a motion to approve the financial report. The motion passed on a second by Mr. Powers with Mr. Brown, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Powers and Mr. Whitley voting for the motion.


Mr. Rick Jeffares with Georgia Rural Water was present to address the issues regarding the problems with the well on Shackelford Road. Mr. Jeffares said he had been advised the Authority is having problems with hydrous sulfide at one of the well sites. He advised the Authority there was no option but to put in a gasifier. Locust Grove had the same problem and as soon as the gasifier was installed all complaints ceased. He explained the process used by the gasifier and the possibility that when it is installed there may be a need for a new pump. The estimated cost is between $150,000 and $400,000. Discussion was held regarding whether or not there are less expensive solutions. Mr. Jeffares said he would do some research on whether or not there are other less expensive ways to treat this problem. It was noted the Authority had been advised by Carter and Sloope that this could be treated chemically which appears not to be accurate. The issue was raised as to whether or not there is a possibility of getting a USDA grant to remedy this situation.


Mr. Ross said he lives at 1901 Hemphill Road and he is interested in getting water service to his house. His driveway is less than 100 yards from the hook-up and he has been denied access. When the water lines were being installed he was advised that Hemphill Road was not on the list to be served. His well water is not satisfactory. The cost to get the line to his driveway is $2,624.50. He has someone that will install the line from the driveway to his house. He wanted to know whether or not the Water Authority would install the water line to his driveway. Discussion was held regarding how many houses there are on Hemphill Road. Mr. Ross was advised that the Authority expense would be greater than what he was quoted because they would have to meet standards and they would have to bore under the road to get to his residence. The estimate is between $15,000 and $20,000. The Water Authority does not have funds available to provide additional water lines. Ms. Pearson said she could run a survey of the Hemphill Road residents to determine whether or not they would be interested in a water line for their area. Mr. Ross said he should probably have a new well drilled. He did not understand the issues and had a better understanding of what is involved. He expressed appreciation to the Water Authority.


Further discussion was held regarding the expense involved to resolve the problem with the Shackelford Road Well. This problem was discussed prior to putting in the well at this location and Carter and Sloope assured the Authority this issue could be resolved with chemical treatment. It was decided that Ms. Pearson would contact USDA to see if there might be a way to get emergency grant funds to cover the expense involved.


Ms. Pearson said the annual inspection had been done on the Patton Road tank and there were no issues. The Water Authority needs to consider an annual maintenance contract on the tank.


Ms. Pearson said the insurance company has advised the Authority they need to have an inspection, evaluation and certification done by a certified electrical engineer to include the office building, wells, and all equipment.


Mr. Whitley made a motion, seconded by Mr. Lynch, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed with Mr. Brown, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Powers and Mr. Whitley voting for the motion.


Steve Brown – Vice-Chairman

______Yvonne M. Langford - Recorder