Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) / Andriy Donets
Address(es) / Budivelnykiv 13, apt. 153
08720 Ukrainka, Obuhiv district (Ukraine)
Telephone(s) / +38 050 255 46 35 / Mobile: / +38 050 255 46 35
E-mail /
Nationality / Ukraine
Date of birth / 20 November 1978
Gender / Male
Work experience
Dates / July 3 – December 19, 2000
Occupation or position held / UN Volunteer within Youth Partners in Development Programme (YPD)
Main activities and responsibilities / Voluntary work for children and young people in Ukraine and Sweden implementing inclusion projects for children in summer camps in Ukraine (Theodosia, the Crimea) and for children with emigrants background in Bolnas Commune (Sweden)
Name and address of employer / Centre for international youth exchange (CIU, Sweden)
Ludvigsbergsgatan 22, SE-118 23 Stockholm
Type of business or sector / NGO
Dates / 01 April 2002 – December 2012
Occupation or position held / Project coordinator, trainer
Main activities and responsibilities / Responsible for fundraising, project management, implementation of learning/training activities, development of educational and informational materials
Name and address of employer / Donetsk Youth Debate Centre
Illicha 79, office 31, 83003 Donetsk (Ukraine)
Type of business or sector / Youth NGO
Dates / 15 January 2006 →
Occupation or position held / Multiplier of the EC Youth in Action Programme in EECA
Main activities and responsibilities / Voluntary work as a multiplier. The main task is to promote cooperation between Programme and Partner countries in the EECA region within Youth in Action Programme. The main types of activities are presentations, workshops, trainings, counselling and coaching, information activities, support of the web-site about YiA in Ukrainian
Name and address of employer / SALTO EECA
Mokotowska Street 43, 00-551 Warsaw (Poland)
Type of business or sector / Youth work
Dates / January 2007 →
Occupation or position held / EVS trainer in Ukraine
Main activities and responsibilities / Development and delivery of EVS training cycle in Ukraine
Name and address of employer / SALTO EECA
Mokotowska Street 43, 00-551 Warsaw (Poland)
Type of business or sector / Education and training
Dates / January 2013 →
Occupation or position held / Capacity development programme director
Main activities and responsibilities / Managing functioning of the Capacity Development Marketplace mechanism
Name and address of employer / ISAR Ednannia, Predslavinska str. 26a, office 53, Kyiv, Ukraine
Type of business or sector / Civil Society Organisations
Specific training
Dates / August 2006
Activity / Training of Trainers “European Voluntary Service in Eastern Europe and Caucasus” provided by SALTO-YOUTH EECA RC
Dates / August-September 2006
Activity / Long-term Training for the YOUTH Trainers provided by SALTO-YOUTH EECA RC and Youth Partnership
Dates / April 2009 - November 2010
Activity / Long-term Training for Trainers "TALE" (''Trainers for Active Learning in Europe''), provided by Youth-Partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Commission
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s) / Ukrainian, Russian
Other language(s) / English
Self-assessment / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
European level (*) / Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production
Language / C1 / Proficient user / C2 / Proficient user / C1 / Proficient user / C1 / Proficient user / C1 / Proficient user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Social skills and competences / Excellent team work skills obtained during implementation of youth projects and trainer's work;
Excellent ability to work in multicultural environment gained during my voluntary service abroad and management of international projects;
Interpersonal, intercultural and social competences and civic competence developed during implementation of different kinds of educational activities involving participants from different social and cultural backgrounds, both on national and international level;
Competence to communicate meaningfully and respectfully with others obtained during NGO work while debate and negotiations with different stakeholders in the youth field and social sphere (public authorities, managers of International foundations, etc.) as well as during direct work with young people
Organisational skills and competences / Excellent management skills developed during implementation of youth projects, courses, conferences and other public events;
Good leadership skills (often manage the projects of 2 and more employees and manage international teams within international projects)
Computer skills and competences / Excellent computer skills, particularly of MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), good command of graphic applications (Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw), fairly good knowledge web-content management applications.
Artistic skills and competences / Fairly good sense of graphic design. I participated in designing of all publications and web-sites of my organisation
Other skills and competences / Competence to integrate socio-political contexts of learners into an educational programme;
Competence to facilitate group learning processes;
Competence to design educational programmes;
Competence to motivate and empower learners;
Competence to act out ones potential for creativity and innovation;
Competence to develop an educational approach based on the key-concepts, values and consolidated practice of non-formal education;
Competence to design educational activities in line with the values and purposes of European youth programmes and policies;
These competences were developed during my work within NGO sector, youth work and as a trainer, improved during the TALE TC and confirmed by the certificate.
Additional information / I work as youth trainer in Europe
I’m a member of the trainer’s pool of the Youth Department, Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation, DG II of the Council of Europe.

International Training Courses delivered:

April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
February 2008
October 2008
October 2009
March 2010
September 2010
October 2010
September 2011
September 2011
October 2011
January 2012 –
May 2013
May 2012
June 2012
June 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
February 2013
April 2013
April 2013
June 2013
August-September 2013
September 2013
October 2013
October 2013
November 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
June 2014 / Trainer, "Youth 4 Europe" Contact making seminar" (Chisinau, Moldova) in cooperation with Danish NGO SILBA
Trainer, "Organisation and development of international youth activities" Training course (Goteborg, Sweden) in cooperation with NGO Culture Clinic
Trainer/facilitator, "East 2 West, West 2 East" Contact making seminar (Krakow, Poland) in cooperation with association STRIM
Trainer, "Good, Better, THE BEST" Training course (Santander, Spain) in cooperation with association Ser Joven
Resource person "Tools for Working with Disadvantaged Youngsters in an Intercultural Setting" Training course (Crimea, Ukraine) in cooperation with Outward Bound Slovakia
Trainer, Eastern Express TC (Istanbul, Turkey) in cooperation with Turkish NA and SALTO EECA RC
Facilitator "Participation of young people in the process of youth policy development" Seminar (Donetsk, Ukraine) in cooperation with Donetsk Youth Debate Centre
Trainer "Free Style Facilitation", training course (Crimea, Ukraine) in cooperation with Dutch NGO United World Collages
Resource person "Power of experience" Training Course (Crimea, Ukraine) in cooperation with Austrian Association for the Advancement of experience, learning and training in youth work (ELT)
Facilitator for European Youth Conference within Polish EU Presidency (Warsaw, Poland) for Ministry of Education of Poland.
Trainer "Free Style Facilitation", training course (Lofou, Cyprus) in cooperation with Cyprus organisation NGO Support Centre
Trainer "East West EVS" TC (Sozopol, Bulgaria) in cooperation with Bulgarian NA and SALTO EECA RC
Trainer "Youth Peace Ambassadors" (Strasbourg, France; Budapest, Hungary, on-line facilitation of learning) for Council of Europe Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation
Trainer for “International youth activities for young people with immigrant background” (Lisbon, Portugal)
Trainer/facilitator for Seminar for young parliamentarians from the Russian Federation and other Council of Europe countries (Strasbourg, France) for Council of Europe Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation
Trainer for “Involving young immigrants into international youth activities” (Paris, France)
Trainer for “Inclusion of young immigrants through development and organizing community youth initiatives” (Oslo, Norway)
Trainer for “Initiatives of young immigrants for local communities” (Zlata Idka, Slovakia), for the World Congress of Ukrainian Youth Organisations
Trainer "FreeStyle Facilitation", training course (Crimea, Ukraine)
TC “International youth activities for social inclusion in local communities” (Athens, Greece), for the World Congress of Ukrainian Youth Organisations
TC “Opportunity to make new home” (Madrid, Spain), for the World Congress of Ukrainian Youth Organisations
TC “Organising and implementing international youth activities with young people with immigrant background” (Prague, CR) for the World Congress of Ukrainian Youth Organisations
TC “EastWestEVS” (Lviv, Ukraine) in cooperation with Polish NA and SALTO EECA RC
TC “Outdoor education for inclusion of disadvantaged youngsters” (Crimea, Ukraine)
TC “New circumstances, new possibilities” (Bucharest, Romania), for the World Congress of Ukrainian Youth Organisations
Trainer/facilitator for Seminar for Youth leaders and members of youth parliaments from Russian Federation (Strasbourg, France) for Council of Europe Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation
Training of Trainers for medical staff on education for using e-TB manager software (National registry of TB infected persons) for USAID funded national project on combatting TB (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Trainer/facilitator for Seminar for Youth leaders and members of youth parliaments from Russian Federation and CIS (Strasbourg, France) for Council of Europe Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation
Facilitator for Eastern Partnership Youth Forum (Kaunas, Lithuania)
Trainer for “More than a friend” TC for EVS mentors (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Training of Trainers for medical staff on education for using e-TB manager software (National registry of TB infected persons) for USAID funded national project on combatting TB (Kyiv, Ukraine).
TC “Take the things into your own hands” (Vienna, Austria) for the Association of Ukrainian Youth in Austria
Training course for the network of multipliers in youth participation, human rights education and youth policy development and implementation in Ukraine (Chernihiv, Ukraine) for the Council of Europe Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation
TC” Social inclusion of young immigrants through youth community initiatives” (Sofia, Bulgaria) for the Youth Association “Buki”
TC “Pandora’s box. Creativity for Employment” (Kyiv, Ukraine)
TC “Integration through participation” (Tallinn, Estonia) for Association of Ukrainian Youth
Training of Trainers for medical staff on education for using e-TB manager software (National registry of TB infected persons) for USAID funded national project on combatting TB (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Trainer "FreeStyle Facilitation", training course (Leuven, Belgium)
International Youth Camp “Dialogue” (Kaluga region, Russian Federation)
National level Trainings / On the National Level started to work as a trainer in 2002 for my own organization and for other Ukrainian partner organizations. The main target group was juvenile offenders serving their sentences in prison or is on probation. The main training topics were: Communication skills; Conflict Management; Decision making; Combating antisocial behavior; Children rights. As well I worked with school children on democracy and participation topics.
Since 2004 my organization started to work actively with European Integration issues so I've been involved in developing trainings on European awareness and European Integration for schoolteachers and young people. Since 2005 I started to receive invitations from partner organizations to develop trainings on European issues and International youth activities.
Since 2002 I’ve been delivering trainings for Youth Workers, Teachers, Youth Leaders in Ukraine on Topics:
-Non-formal Education in Youth Work
-Project management
-Intercultural learning in Youth Work
-NGO capacity building
- European awareness and European integration
- International Youth Work and Cooperation
- Conflict Management
- Training of Trainers
I work as a trainer and facilitator for different international organizations and foundations working in Ukraine.
In 2006-2010 I was involved as trainer and facilitator into capacity building and institutional development of the Network of the Centres for European Information (sort of Eurodirect) in Ukraine supported by George Soros Foundation.
In 2009-2011 I was involved in development and implementation of the National educational programme on facilitation and facilitation of activities organized within USAID funded UNITER project in Ukraine.
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