Pre AP World History Syllabus 2016-2017
Professor Post
Room: 210
Phone: 903 262 1740
Tutorials: Tuesday and Thursday afternoon
Conference: 8:10-8:55
Materials needed
- 2 pencils
- 2 pens
- Highlighters (at least 2 colors)
- 1 pkg. College-ruled notebook paper
- Post-it notes
- Pencil sharpener
- Composition notebook
- 1 folder
Course Description
Pre-APWorld History offers an overview of the entire history of humankind – a study of significant people, events, and issues from ancient times to the present, both Western civilization and other significant cultures. Geography and its impact on people and events is a major theme in this course. In addition, we will analyze the development of representative government and important legal and political concepts. We will examine the history and impact of major religious and philosophical traditions. We will also analyze the connections between developments in science and technology and the growth of industrial economics. We will use a variety of primary and secondary sources such as biographies, autobiographies, novels, speeches and letters, poetry, music and works of art to support this study.
Class Expectations created together during Summer Bridge
Student Signature:______Parent Signature: ______Date:______
Unit 1: Early Humans & River Valley Civilizations
Unit 2: Classical India and China
Unit 3: Classical Greece & Rome
Unit 4: Islam & Africa
Unit 5: Byzantine Empire & the Middle Ages
Unit 6: Americas, China, & the Mongols
Unit 7: The Renaissance & Protestant Reformation
Unit 8: Exploration & Scientific Revolution
Unit 9: The Middle East, Japan, & China
Unit 10: Enlightenment, Revolutions, & Napoleon
Unit 11: Industrial Revolution & Imperialism
Unit 12: World War I and the Russian Revolution
Unit 13: The Age of Anxiety, Rise of Consumerism, and Global Depression
Unit 14: World War II
Unit 15: The Cold War
Unit 16: Decolonization & Globalization
Grading Policy
As long as you put in the effort, there is no reason to fail my class. The highest grade late work can get is a 70. Late work will not be accepted past the first day late. Please come into tutorials to discuss options for making up work. I am very willing to work with you if there is a conflict with getting an assignment in on time. Please come into tutorials BEFORE the assignment is due to discuss an extension.
There will be a minimum of 3 major grades every six weeks. This means that those grades are counted twice in the gradebook. Major grades include multiple choice tests, essays, projects, debates, and more. Daily grades are counted once in the gradebook. They include Cornell notes, notebook checks, current events, journal entries, and other class assignments.
During the first 6 weeks, we will transition from paper assignments to turning in assignments in Google Classroom.
Student Signature: ______Parent Signature: ______Date: ______