Interlingua school of foreign languages

Belgorod Sviato-Troitsky bul. 3

(4722)32-12-86; 35-65-05


«Successful English Teaching at school»

(Happy series, New Matrix and Exam Excellence)

5December, 2008 (Friday)

10.00 - 10.30 / Registration of participants
10.30 - 11.45 / Make yourself at home!
Learning a language can be hard, so it makes sense to start young. But even then, it takes plenty of time before children begin to feel at home with the language.
So what can we do to help? If we want to teach effectively we will need engaging materials, a variety of methodological techniques and a lot of patience. In this session we will look at how classroom routines, games, songs and visual materials can all be used to support our teaching objectives and create an effective learning environment.
11.45 - 12.00 / Break
12.00 - 13.15 / Teaching teenagers - how can we manage?
Teaching teenagers can present us with many challenges - especially when we try to promote communication skills. Teenagers are very often reluctant to speak in class. However, with a flexible approach and a good coursebook, these challenges can be met. The focus of this session will be on classroom management - the decisions taken by the teacher which determine how each stage of the lesson unfolds.
13.15 - 13.30 / Break
13.30 - 14.45 / Learning to fly
We teach our exam classes in the warmth and comfort of the classroom 'nest', but on the day of the exam our students will have no-one to help them. It is our job to equip them to 'take off' all by themselves. This session will look at some of the ways we can use Oxford Exam Excellence to help our students get ready for their 'flight'.
Lecturer: / Edmund Dudley
Born in England, I grew up in both the UK and the USA. I have a degree in English Language and Literature from the University of Durham and an Advanced Diploma in English Language Teaching from the University of Manchester.
I have been teaching English in Hungary full-time since 1992. Between 1992 and 1998 I worked full-time in a small-town primary school, teaching mixed-ability classes in all the year groups from grade 1 up to grade 8. Between 1998 and 2002 I was the co-ordinator of the Devon-Baranya Schools’ Programme, responsible for a team of British teachers working in Hungarian schools. I continued to teach English at primary level and also taught a course in Classroom Techniques to pre-service teachers at the University of Pécs. Since 2002 I have been a full-time teacher of English at Babits Gimnázium – a secondary school in Pécs, Hungary. Since 2002 I have also worked regularly for OUP in Hungary at teacher-training events, summer courses and methodological conferences. In 2007 I also had the opportunity to work with teachers in both Lithuania and Estonia. My areas of special interest include motivation, student-centred approaches, classroom management, learner autonomy and materials making. I am married to a Hungarian and have two daughters.
Venue address: / Interlingua school of foreign languages
ul. Koneva 4a, Belgorod
How to get to the place: / by buses: 13 k, 17, 20a, 26, 129k, 229 (rynok Solnechny / ul. Koneva)

Questions and pre-registration:

Tel.: (4722) 32-12-86, tel./fax: 35-65-05