Our trip to Universal is fast approaching! Below you will find a few brief, BUT VERY IMPORTANT NEW updates and action items.

Please remember that our travel dates are February 8th-10th, 2017 (Wednesday-Friday)

We will depart late morning after a normal school arrival time on Wednesday, 2/8 and will return to HiRMS on Friday, 2/10 close to midnight.

Please remember our payment schedule and process. The FINAL payment window goes live THE WEEK AFTER THANKSGIVING

We must and WILL hold strictly to these dates…a missed payment window will result in forfeiting the trip:

Final/3rd Payment Window Wed, Nov. 30th – Wed, Dec. 14th $125.00 (final payment to tour co. after 12/14)

[ If your child owes a different balance due to fundraising or other reason, we will let you know.]

[ Online Payment Center can ONLY accept a payment in the amount of $125. If you owe a different amount, please send in cash or check.]

Please refer to the original eligibility requirements to attend to the trip from the first letter


·  Academics: Next week, teachers will begin looking at first quarter averages to see if students met local standards. If a student was failing more than 1 core and 1 encore class at the quarter, they MUST BRING THESE GRADES TO PASSING BEFORE DECEMBER 14th. If your child is not meeting these requirements, a teacher will be contacting you by 12/9 to let you know your child is in danger of losing the trip and what that means regarding final payment. You should know already if they are in the ‘danger zone’ by referring to PowerSchool. Basically, students need to be meeting local standards for 2nd quarter. The final payment window will be open for 2 weeks, so you will know eligibility before making the final payment. Remember, before 12/14, the $50 deposit is non-refundable, but all other monies would be refunded. After 12/14, NO MONEY CAN BE REFUNDED.

·  Behavior: If there are behavior issues that impact your child’s trip eligibility, a teacher or Ms. Snyder have probably spoken to you already about this. If it is a more recent development, you will be contacted by 12/9. Multiple suspensions do result in the loss of trip eligibility.

·  Attendance: Ms. Snyder is also pulling a list of excessive absences and will speak with those students/parents about where they stand.

·  Ms. Snyder will ultimately make all determinations for behavioral and attendance eligibility with the input from a panel of teachers and assistant administration.


The deposit amount of $50 paid previously cannot be refunded. Any further payments are refundable up until December 14th. After that date, no money can be refunded. If you desire a refund, you must request so in writing to your child’s team contact. Determinations for academic, behavioral, and attendance eligibility will be made prior to this date. HOWEVER, if a behavioral incident occurs AFTER 12/14 that Ms. Snyder deems disqualifies them from the trip, no refund will be issued.


We have plenty of teachers from HiRMS available to cover our chaperone needs for this trip. No ‘tag-alongs’ can be allowed for the safety of our students, per County policy. Parents/family cannot meet up/hang out/follow with the group.


As soon as we receive all payments and our final attendance list is determined, we will quickly begin the process of roommate selection. In general, students will be able to select what friends they want to room with FROM THEIR TEAM, four to a room. This will occur before Winter Break. Teachers reserve the right to alter room selections, but will guarantee that every student rooms with at least one friend of their choosing.


If your child has a food allergy on file with the school nurse, we will be sure to let the hotel know about these allergies for the breakfast offerings they provide. All other meal locations are at the discretion of the students, so it will be their responsibility to ask and make informed choices at eating establishments.


A medical packet from Nurse Snell will be sent home the week after Thanksgiving. The cover sheet of that packet details everything that is required by Cabarrus County for the trip. Please follow those directions carefully and adhere to all deadlines. At the very least, ALL STUDENTS MUST RETURN THE COMPLETED BLUE FORM. Please contact Nurse Snell directly with any questions regarding these matters.


Guardians of the Galaxy: Bielinski Justice League: Raines The Avengers: Ritch

The next letter home will come in December before Winter Break, covering finalized itinerary and further trip procedures and expectations. We will provide you all the information you will need! As always, thank you!