Friday, 29 April – Sunday 1 May

Theme: Do we have a psychological necessity for identification? Can identity travel with freedom?

The Krishnamurti Centre, Summer Hill, Sydney proposes a Krishnamurti Gathering at the Fitzroy Falls Conference and Adventure Centre (FFCAC), located at 71 Ryans Lane, Fitzroy Falls, NSW, between Friday, 29 April – Sunday 1 May. Check in: after 2pm; check out: flexible. Refer to:

We apologise for the short notification but a special weekend offer has just become available.

The FFCAC is located 20 minutes from Moss Vale in the NSW Southern Highlands. Moss Vale is a little over two hours from Sydney by train, and one and a half hours by car. Car-pooling may be able to be arranged if required. Pick up can also be arranged from Moss Vale train station at 2.30pm on Friday 29 April. . Explorer train arrives at 1.54pm, City Link train arrives 2.13pm. See: (

The FFCAC serves vegetarian food and offers dormitory style accommodation (3-4 per room). Separate arrangements can be made for couples at additional cost. The FFCAC is set on 40 acres of natural bushland with beautiful local walking trails, lakes, and waterfalls nearby. Come and join us for the last of autumn in this scenic location.
Attendees are required to bring their own sheets/blankets/quilts/sleeping bags. The FFCAC only provides a fitted sheet and one pillowcase per bed. Between the 29 April-1 May the weather is forecast to be 8 - 18 degrees, sunny-cloudy, with possible light showers so attendees should dress appropriately especially if bushwalking.

As in previous gatherings attendees will be asked to assist with the setting up before meals, and cleaning up after meals and prior to departure. Vegetarian food is provided but attendees with special dietary requirements, or preferences, should be prepared to cater for themselves. Please notify the organizers about any special dietary requirements when booking. The FFCAC will do its best to assist, but attendees should be prepared to take responsibly for their own needs.

To determine if this “proposed” Krishnamurti Gathering can go ahead the numbers attending MUST be confirmed no later than Wednesday 13 April and full payment made by Monday 18 April . We require confirmation that 15–25 people will attend this gathering so as to secure the FFCAC booking and maintain the reduced cost of $140 per person. This amount covers accommodation, all meals, and gathering activities including dialogues, DVD’s, and bushwalks. Travel to and from the FFCAC, and any other costs must be met by each individual.

The organizers will only go ahead with booking the FFCAC if a sufficient number of people indicate they will attend. After numbers have been confirmed we will forward BSB and account bank details to all participants and full payment must then be made by Monday 18 April.

Please email your intention to attend to Andrew Hilton at: by Wednesday 13 April.
If you require further information please contact Andrew Hilton: 0412445945. Thank you.