Test on pronoun

Time: 5 minutes

Identify the one underlined word or phrase A, B, C, or D that should be corrected or written.

1- Water insects have multitudes of little branching tubes within them bodies whichare always full of air. 2- State universities bear the name of their state, and its achievements are recognized as state achievements,

3- It was Vitus Bering, the Danish sea captain, who discovered Alaska on its voyage to Russiain 1741. 4- The color of the Red sea is due to a minute alga, or sea plant, whoseforms huge patches of a blood red tint. 5- Coconut oil produces a soap whom will lather in salt water as well as fresh.

6- Today we know that the earth is one of nine planetswho orbit the sun.

7- Ozone has his origin in a number of sources, a prime one being the automobile engine.

8- The only bird know to shine at night is the barn owl of Western Europe, which actually shines through a fungus sticking to their feathers.

9- Nero Claudius Caesar, to please themselves, killed his mother, his brother and all his advisers, and finally killed himself out of self love.

10- Every student must make up their own study list of the classes he is going to take at the beginning of the quarter.

11- Everyone does not know that words like chicory, cumin, crocus, and saffron all come to we from the Sumerians in Mesopotamia in 3000 BC.

12- Narcissus, a character in mythology, gazed at his own image in a pool so ardently that he fell into itself and drowned.

13-The cobras when them strike raisethemselves high above the ground on their tails and then fall forward.

14-BothYellowstoneNational Park in Wyoming and Wairakei, New

Zealand, are geothermal areas famous for itshot-spring systems.

15- Sinaitic is the name of an alphabet which developedtheir symbol from Egyptian hieroglyphics.

16- Heat, left to their own devices, always flows from a given place to another place thatis colder.

17- Most fungi are scavengers who grow on the remains of plants and animals, causing them to decay and change into rich oil.

18- Every scientist knows that gravity is the force thatmaintains the earth and the planets in its orbits around the sun.

19- The ordinary cold, which isours most common sickness, is a viral disease whosecure has not yet been found.

20- The International Red Cross, whichhas helped so many nations, won the Nobel Prize three times for their efforts to reduce human suffering.

Exercises on Pronouns

From the four underlined words or phrases A,B,C or D, identify the one that is not correct.

1- The penguin chicks can not go into the water to get themselves own food until they have waterproof coats of feathers like their parents.

2- Balloons rise into the air because they contain a gas who is less

dense, or lighter, than air.

3- The narwhal is the only animal in the world that has a tusk on only

One sideof it body

4- Silver is too soft to use by itself, so it is mixed with another metal

to make themselves harder.

5- Most slugs and snails breathe using a lung which opens through a

small hole in the side of its bodies.

6- Every fuel has their own particular temperature at which it begins

to burns.

7- Harriet Tubman, she an escaped slave, led more than three

hundred slaves to freedom on the underground railroad.

8- Dreaming, like all other mental processes, it is a product of the

brain and its activity.

9- Snails produce a colorless, sticky discharge that forms a protective

carpet under them as their travel along.

10- George Washington Carver won international fame for his

agricultural researches, who involved extensive work with peanuts.

11- Enzymes enable the smallest virus to enter cellsin order to

reproduce themselves.

12- Jack London, whom was known for his stories of Alaska, lived

there during the Klondike gold rush.


1- Because they are so secretive, blind snakes are seldom seen and its habits are not well-known.

2- costume jewelry is made of plastic, wood, or inexpensive metal,

and they may be set with semiprecious or imitation stones.

3- In Babbitt and other novels, Sinclair Lewis presented critical

portraits of middle-class American who thought of them as model


4- Compared to those of animals, the fossil record for plants is quite


5- The Puffer is a type of fish that can inflate one's body like a balloon.

6- Wind erodes the land by picking up grains of sand and hurling it against rocks.

7- Phlebitis, an inflammation of a vein, can develop in any part of

the body, but in most commonly occurs in their legs.

8- Robert Frost was not well known asa poet until he reachedthe


9- Warning coloration protects a skunk by reminding the animal's

enemies of their ability to spray a foul-smelling liquid.

10- Ten percent of blood plasma is made up mainlyof blood proteins

which enable itself to clot.

11- Pigeons, like many migratory birds, read the position of the sun

and the stars in order to orient them.

12- The pioneers raised corn as their chief crop because they kept

Well in any season and could be used in many ways.

13- Musical comedies, as an American form of entertainment, often

Take its subjects from America's present or past.