The Village of Weston Special Council

November 15, 2016

The council meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeremy Schroeder at 6:30 p.m., followed by the pledge of allegiance. A roll call of the council members was then taken: Mr. Greg Stevens, Mrs. Sarah Easterwood, Mr. Shad Kendall, Mrs. Dawn Blandy, and Mrs. Danelle Langley were present, Mr. William Barnhart was absent. Motion to approve Mr. Barnhart’s absence was made by Mrs. Easterwood and 2nd by Mrs. Langley – vote: approved 6 – opposed 0.

Citizens and Visitors:

Vera and Ray DeWitt, Terence Green, and Tim Schroeder

This meeting was called to discuss the Marcs Radio system and the possibility of doing a multi-group grant with Pemberville-Freedom Fire Department. The deadline is November 18th.

The EMS can not get the grant on their own, they must obtain them through the fire department.

This grant would 90% for equipment and 2 years fees.

Cost to village for fire department $7,500 – EMS $26,059 – there would be a $10 per radio per month fee of $10 (additional $130 for fire and $60 for EMS after the grant expires)

Private server fee of $20 per month lowered to $10 since fire and EMS.

Fire – 19 portables – 6 mobiles – 1 vehicle – EMS 4 portables – 2 mobiles (1 radio per seat required)

EMS will keep their current pagers.

Marcs towers – they maintain – 1 tower near Grand Rapids with the possibility of another 2 towers in the future.

This will be a Statewide system that most of the State is already using.

Mr. Stevens made a motion to sign the grant application – 2nd by Mrs. Easterwood – vote: approved 6 – opposed 0.

The grant application was signed by Mayor Schroeder and Mrs. Coburn, fiscal officer.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:49 p.m.


Jeremy Schroeder, Mayor


Jeannette E. Coburn

Fiscal Officer