Natural Science1EP


Programming of teaching units


Lesson 1. Bodies in action

1. Objectives in terms of skills and relationship with multiple intelligences

1. Recognising and understanding basic aspects of how the human body works, establishing a relationship between the potential consequences for individual and collective health, assessing the benefits inherent to healthy daily habits such as physical exercise, personal hygiene and a balanced diet to improve the quality of life, showing an attitude of acceptance of and tolerance towards individual differences. (Mathematical. Science and Technology Competence / Naturalistic Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence)

2. Using scientific method to plan and create projects, and make simple devices and equipment, by observing, making hypotheses and carrying out practical research, with a view to reaching conclusions that, at the same time, enable the students to think about their own learning process. (Learning to Learn / Intrapersonal Intelligence)

3. Using information and communication technologies to obtain information, as learning tools and tools for sharing knowledge, and rate how they contribute to improving everybody’s living conditions, and suggest how to prevent risk situations from occurring when they are being used. (Digital Competence / Naturalistic Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence)

2. List of Contents / Assessment Criteria / Learning Standards

Contents / Assessment Criteria / Learning Standards
• Presentation of the lesson contents. P
• Introduction to the lesson vocabulary. P
• Identifying the parts of the human body and how they work. C
• Distinguishing left / right. P
• Parts of the head. P
• Developing empathy in relationships with others. The practical solution to conflicts. P
• Emotions and feelings. P
• Suitable habits for leading a healthy life. V
• Health and sickness. Healthy habits. P
• Rating the importance of the joints in body movement. P
• Locating some joints. C
• Human skeleton: functions and location of some bones. C
• The locomotor system: muscles. C / • Identifying and locating the main parts of the body, establishing a relationship between the vital functions in which they are involved, to encourage basic healthy habits providing examples associated with hygiene, a balanced diet, physical exercise and rest as ways of staying healthy, looking after well-being and ensuring that the body works properly.
• Being familiar with and appreciating the relationship between well-being and having certain habits: a varied diet, personal hygiene, regulated physical exercise without excesses or daily rest.
• Being familiar with and appreciating the relationship between well-being and identifying their emotions and those of their colleagues. / • Identifying and describing the parts of the human body.
• Describing the functions of muscles, bones and joints.
• Developing the habit of caring for the body, understanding the importance of personal hygiene, rest, suitable use of spare time and caring for the body.
• Identifying their own emotions and feelings and those of their colleagues and behaving empathetically
• Knowing what effects life style has on health.
• Forging their own identities and personal autonomy.
• Me and you: understanding healthy habits.
–Distinguishing between left & right, and between right-handed & left-handed people.
–Identifying and writing about theparts of the body.
–Knowing the colour of your hair and eyes.
–Listing and drawing different part of the face.
–Associating different feelings with their expressions.
–Learning the importance of doing exercise, resting properly and healthy eating.
–Identifying the jointsand the places where the body bends.
–Indicating which joints are used in different situations.
–Identifying the mainbones in the human skeleton.
–Explaining what purpose bones serve, and their main characteristics.
–Listingparts of the bodyandtheir bones.
–Identifying the main muscles in the human body.
–Explaining the main characteristicsof muscles.
–Identifying the muscles that are used in different situations.
–Brainstorm the key contents of the lesson to focus attention and permit activation of necessary prior knowledge (in this case, think, while looking at the picture, about three things that can be done with their bodies, and share the ideas with their colleagues).
MOTIVATION / –Ask the students some questions about their feelings. The students must then look at a wall and answer some questions about the emotions that the persons depicted on it are showing.
–Present the vocabulary that is essential to the lesson.
–Explain to the students that in this lesson subjects will be dealt with associated with what we do in the parts of the body, the parts of the head, facial expressions and health.
  • Conduct a study to find out how to distinguish between salt and sugar. The students have to follow a methodology: Think and tick, Experiment and Analyse. They will have to put forward a hypothesis about the sense that will be useful to distinguish between the two elements. They will then conduct an experiment following the instructions in the book. Once they have obtained the data, they will analyse it, answer the questions and come to a conclusion.
  • The students will have to perform different practical activities associated with Amy’s birthday. They will have to associate a drawing with the parts of Amy’s body, and the feelings of different children. Finding a response to the communication, they will then draw a healthy salad and indicate which senses are used in the different situations.

SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES / –What is this?: answering the teacher’s questions about the parts of the student’s own body.
Left and right. Front and back: carrying out the actions indicated by the teacher. In a queue, the students will pass the ball on following the teacher’s instructions in different positions. Sing and dance the song The Twist Left and Right.
–If you’re happy and you know it!: listening to and learning the proposed song, and replace the beginning and the end with other parts of the body.
–Fruit brochette: make a brochette with the fruit brought from home and left-over chocolate, following the established steps.
–We are mimes: drawing actions from daily life indicating the joints used, and staging this with mime so that the classmates can guess what is being represented..
–Play with your joints!: play different games and think about what joints are being used.
–Skeleton puzzle: cut out a skeleton printed on paper and stick it properly arranged onto a sheet of paper. The students will give their opinions about the outcome and refer to the bones they are familiar with.
–Sport training: think of games that exercise the different muscles, draw them on a piece of paper, writing down the muscles used and explain all this to the class.
Photocopiable reinforcement files
–Associate the labels with the parts of the body.
Photocopiable consolidation files
–Colour in the happy face.
–Draw something that makes you happy.
Resources for assessment (material for the teacher)
–Photocopiable assessment file:
• Write down the parts of the body.
• Indicate whether the different parts of the body are joints, muscles or bones. / Programming and teaching instructions
Guides for continuous assessment
–Skills work / Multiple Intelligences.
–Assessment of the skills / Multiple Intelligences Individual Record.
–Portfolio contents.
–Assessment report.
 Using reading skill strategies:
Silent reading (self-regulation of comprehension).
Reading aloud.
 Reading texts comprehensively.
 Reading other written texts, digitalised texts, interactive activities…, to obtain information, learn, have fun or communicate.
 Reading parts of a text.
Oral / Written Expression
 Oral activities to break the ice to create a suitable atmosphere and introduce the topic.
 Suitably expressing what is learnt orally/in writing, using the required vocabulary.
 Writing answers to lessons associated with the lesson content.
 Listening to sounds made by objects and activities and identifying them.
 Looking at images and making comments about them.
 Using open-ended questions, information search tasks, games…
 Singing songs.
On-line Resources (
–Interactive Digital Book
Web Links
Label the parts of the body (
Put the bones in the right place (
Songs Head, shoulders, knees and toes and If you’re happy and you know it!(
Song The twist left and right (
Cut-out of a skeleton (
–Being able to describe a classmate.
–Distinguishing between the different parts of the body.
–Understanding the different facial expressions and feelings.
–Knowing the difference between right and left.
–Identifying and describing the parts of the human body.
–Describing the functions of the muscles, bones and joints.
–Developing habits to look after the body, realising the value of personal hygiene, rest, using spare time properly and attending to the body.
–Identifying their own emotions and feelings and those of their colleagues and behaving empathetically.
–Knowing how life style affects health.
–Forging their own identities and personal autonomy.
–Student’s book Natural Science 1, edebé
On-line Resources
–Interactive Digital Book
–Art and Science
Other resources
–Activity book Natural Science 1, edebé
–Digital whiteboard
–Educational resources
–Consumable material / –Classroom; others spaces.
–Approximate time: three weeks. / The methodology proposed enhances the construction of significant learning through the following sequence:
• Adapting the way the contents are presented to the students’ linguistic ability where English is concerned.
• Initial motivation and eliciting prior knowledge.
• Gradual and well thought-out inclusion of contents through examples taken from everyday situations, with contextualisations that make it possible to transfer, generalise and increase learning, and which are associated with the skills identified.
• Applying the learning to a variety of activities (application, reasoning, working with skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative group, interactive, reinforcement, further learning...), classified into degrees of complexity adapted to the students’ skills and different cognitive styles.
• Different kinds of digital resources, using not only the digital whiteboard but also the computer. These resources include activities incorporated into the learning sequence, interactive activities and a careful selection of Internet links.
Lesson 1
–The lesson work begins with a double-page image associated with the contents of the lesson that includes a task involving ways of eliciting prior knowledge (Look and think).
–The content to be worked on is presented with the section You will learn about and the key vocabulary from the lesson (Vocabulary).
–The content is developed sequentially, structured into double pages, which feature images that provide insight into what is necessary when it comes to understanding what is explained.
–Every sequence features a range of both oral and written learning activities, which enable the user to work on the content (Talk about it, Did you know?, Notebook Activities, Online).
–Investigate is a proposal that is at the end of every two or three lessons. It is an experimental activity linked to the content in question and that contains the main stages of the scientific method.
–A comprehensive task or Put into Practice is presented with activities for working on and assessing skills and multiple intelligences. Contextualised activities are proposed, involving situations that the students will find real and commonplace, in which they must set in motion and apply what they have learnt. These activities take into account the different abilities and learning styles (reading, reasoning, movement, dramatisation, visual representation, etc.…).
–Final activities, in which the student can go over the contents using activities of all kinds.
–Wide-ranging student tasks carried out in everyday class activities.
–Wide-ranging student assessment activities (book, photocopiable files…).
–Group work.
–ICT activities: interactive, Internet links
–Individual dossier.
Appraisal of the approach and processes followed, as well as the result obtained. / –Individual and group questions.
–Oral expression.
–Individual oral test.
Observation and appraisal of each student’s degree of participation and the quality of their involvement. / Programming and teaching instructions
Guides for continuous assessment
–Skills work / Multiple Intelligences.
–Assessment of the skills / Multiple Intelligences Individual Record.
–Portfolio contents.
–Assessment report.
Preparing the class and teaching materials / What is programmed is in keeping with what actually takes place in the classes.
The distribution in time is balanced.
The classes are adapted to the group characteristics.
Use of a suitable methodology / Significant learning objectives have been taken into account.
Interdisciplinarity is considered (in activities, handling of subject matter, etc.).
The methodology enhances motivation and the development of the students’ abilities.
Regulating teaching practice / Degree of student monitoring.
Suitability of the resources used in class for the learning.
The teachers have agreed upon the promotion criteria.
Assessment of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to the students and the families / The criteria for a positive assessment are linked to the targets and contents.
The assessment tools enable their users to record numerous learning variables.
The grading criteria are adapted to the types of activity planned.
The Assessment Criteria and the grading criteria have been made available to:
The students.
The families.
Use of measures to cater for diversity / Measures are taken in advance to find out what learning difficulties there are.
A response has been found for the different abilities and learning speeds.
The measures and resources offered have been sufficient.
Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-educational reports..
1 …… / 2 …… / 3 …… / 4 …… / 5 …… / 6 …… / 7 …… / 8 …… / …
–Individualised attention in the classroom to carry out the proposed activities.
–Adapting the programming activities.
–Individualised attention inside and outside the classroom to carry out the adapted activities.
–Significant curricular adaptation due to Special Educational Needs (SEN).
–Curricular adaptation due to high intellectual capacity.
–Adaptations made to the curriculum material due to late inclusion in the Education System.

Lesson 2. My senses

1. Objectives in terms of skills and relationship with multiple intelligences

1. Recognising and understanding basic aspects of how the human body works, establishing a relationship between the potential consequences for individual and collective health, assessing the benefits inherent to healthy daily habits such as physical exercise, personal hygiene and a balanced diet to improve the quality of life, showing an attitude of acceptance of and tolerance towards individual differences. (Mathematical. Science and Technology Competence / Naturalistic Intelligence)

2. Using scientific method to plan and create projects, and make simple devices and equipment, by observing, making hypotheses and carrying out practical research, with a view to reaching conclusions that, at the same time, enable the students to think about their own learning process. (Mathematical. Science and Technology Competence / Intrapersonal Intelligence, naturalistic intelligence)

3. Analysing and selecting information about the basic properties of some materials, substances and objects and regarding environmental facts and phenomena, with a view to putting forward a variety of hypotheses, checking how they evolve through planning and carrying out projects, conducting experiments and by everyday experiences. (Learning to Learn / Intrapersonal Intelligence, interpersonal)

2. List of Contents / Assessment Criteria / Learning Standards

Contents / Assessment Criteria / Learning Standards
• Presentation of the lesson contents. P
• Prior knowledge. C
• Introduction to the lesson vocabulary. P
• Parts of the body: the five senses. P
• The sensory organs and how they work. C
• Ways of looking afterthe sensory organs. P
• Means of communication. P
• Developing scientific thought. P
• Checking the most important contents of the lesson. P / • Knowing about themainparts of the human body and their characteristics.
• Knowing about themainsensory organs and how they work.
• Conjecturing about events that occur naturally and those that happen when caused deliberately, by experimenting or experience.
• Doing a projectand submitting a report. / • Correct usage of the vocabulary for the lesson.
• Identifying and locating the mainorgans forthe five senses and how they work.
• Adopting the habits that are necessary to look after the sensory organs.
• Conducting simple experiments and minor research work, considering problems, making hypotheses, reaching and coming to conclusions, andinforming about the results.
• Me and you:heeding different pieces of advice for looking after the sensory organs.
–Explaining why the five senses are necessary, and what their functions are.
–Understanding how the world is perceived through the senses.
–Explaining what is perceived throughthe senses, and doing so using the correct vocabulary.
–Identifying thesensory organs themselves.
–Talking about a situationwiththe sensesin which they are bought into play.
–Talking about different situationswiththe sensory organsin which they are brought into play.