Trauma Registry Meeting and
CTN Inc. Meeting Agenda
July 29th, 2015 1100 to 1300
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, Colorado 80246
Carson Room
Dial in available: 712-432-3148
Conference Code: 914468
Colorado Trauma Network (CTN) Meeting
  1. CTN Roll Call
/ Karen Maciejko
All / 5 Minutes
  1. Secretary’s Report/Minutes
Attendance: Lynn Anderson, Debora Arugar, Deng Saynourath, Tamara Connell, Martin Duffy, Nancy Frizell, Karen Maciejko, Toni Moses, Kim Muramoto, Joan Palen, Grace Sandeno, Holly Valverde, Sara Young, TJ Dock, Alicia Luevano, Kiva Thompson, Melissa Migliero, Kerri Wenke, Sarah Gardner, Garrett Chism, Marilyn Johnson, Bonnie Matthews, Andrea Moore, Eileen Brown, Samantha Meza, Ted Raschkes, Kami Clemente. On phone: Jodi Greenwood, Karen Whinery, Kristi Willis, Candace Lozano, Chris Duran, Doug Whittley, Gina Gomez, Annie Shannahan, Peggy Clark, Chad Seeburger, Lisa Waddington, Christine? / Karen Maciejko / 5 Minutes
  1. Treasurer’s Report
Balance: $13,000 ish (need exact amt from Tamara)
won’t be handing out paper balance anymore / Tamara Connell / 5 Minutes
  1. CTN 2015-16
  • Goals and Education
  1. CTN Future:
  • Direction & participation
Nancy: CTN used to be separate from SEMTAC with subcommittees, now seems not as vigorous, lacking participation from LIII facilities, opened discussion, what are goals, are there education requests? Mike Archuleta will send out survey monkey request. Martin:suggested xmas party with registry education. PP for TNC orientation.
Ted: new Trauma Services Director at Swedish and happy to help, also offered to come out to anyone in the group and evaluate PI process.
Suggestion made for mentorship program. Tamara suggested a full day xmas gathering, split between registry training and Martin’s PP on TNC orientation. Martin suggested this time next year we evaluate how ICD 10 is going and direct education efforts based on this. Martin: could we create a blog? Tamara asked who would be able to host this event. This request may go out in the survey monkey. In the meantime, send ICD 10 related questions to Martin. Toni Moses offered to host the Christmas event, December 11. / Nancy Frizell
. / 20 minutes
  1. ICD-10 Training Update
/ Nancy Frizell: / 5Minutes
  1. Education: Brain Injury Alliance
/ Liz Gerdman-see attached presentation / 10 Minutes
  1. Survey Monkey –see notes below
/ Nancy Frizell
  1. Roundtable
/ All / 10 Minutes
Trauma Registry Meeting
  1. ASPEN codes for facilities; to be discussed, do we want to keep the state report codes the way we have them or convert to a software data base that includes much more detail?
  2. ICD-10 and TBI; presentation by Martin on the specific ICD-10 codes that would be used in epidemiological research and by individual facilities to determine TBI codes.
  3. Appendix III, V, VIIA, VIIB, VIIIB; discuss their value in the ICD-10 world
  4. Brief presentation on what will be discussed at STAC: Chapter 1 Rules draft revision, Inclusion criteria: superficial injuries, iatrogenic injuries, frostbite
  5. Triage Codes: PELVICFX currently is associated with another system injury; discuss having an isolated pelvic fracture triage code.

Martin: ICD10 fields will be accepted 10/1/15. ICD 9 fields active until 12/31/16.
All facilities will be submitting ICD 10 by 1/1/16 (preferably 10/1/15)
Doug: TB update soon (next couple of weeks) and will be able to turn on ICD 10 and can dual code if desired. States it will be really easy for everybody, it’s no big deal
Sherrie: if PRQ reports are currently in icd 9 will we have to run new reports?
Doug: there will be ICD 10 updates added to reports.
Sherrie: will we have to rerun reports based on ICD10?
Martin: crosswalk ICD 9/10 for head injury codes. See martin’s notes
Appendix III: assigning injury location type. Martin asks opinion of the group if there is a need to keep appendices as we move forward.
Sherrie: many of us have been through training, but many are new and having updated ICD 10 appendices would be valuable as people come and go.
Tamara: leave ICD 9 appendices up until it’s phased out.
Martin: we need to begin using ICD 10 before we know what is useful.
Martin: Aspen codes for facilities, has never been cleaned up, many outdated or obsolete facilities are still listed.
Grace: some facilities are listed yet do not qualify as an interfacility transfer according to the rules. Aspen codes come from a separate department in charge of licensure. Martin has an excel spreadsheet that can be kept current as facilities open and close. He proposed having a state code in order to keep a manageable list.
Also states there is not currently an ideal way to track pt from point of injury through d/c.
Discussion from STAC last year to remove superficial injuries, (not captured from NTDB) iatrogenic injury, (are we going to track injuries related to CPR, OR?) from inclusion criteria—chapter 1 (registry) rules revision—task force –will be discussed today at STAC. / Martin Duffy/CDM
See attached notes from Martin / 1 Hour

President: Mike Archuleta, St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center

Vice President: Nancy Frizell, Valley View Hospital

Treasurer: Tamara Connell,Castle Rock Adventist Hospital

Secretary: Karen Maciejko, Good Samaritan Medical Center