Paddleball Rules


Paddleball is played as singles or doubles. The object is to win rallies and score the most points. Points are only scored by the serving person/team. An official game goes until 21 points with the winner ahead by 2 points. The winner of two out of three games wins the match. In our class games are over at the whistle.


Always use your paddle strap and give it a twist or two.

Always know who is around you so as not to hit anyone.

Always face forward to avoid being hit by the ball or a paddle.

Always call “BALL ON!” if your ball goes onto another court and another player is at risk of stepping on it..

NEVER chase your ball if it goes onto another court.

Always stop play immediately after the whistle.

Always hand or toss the ball to another player.

Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes (highly recommended).


Prior to each serve, the server calls the score giving the server’s score first.

On the serve, the ball must hit the front wall first. It may then hit the sidewall or just rebound back over the short line within the boundaries of that court.

1. POSITION OF THE SERVER: The server may serve from anywhere in the service zone, between the short service line and the service line.

2. ILLEGAL SERVES (FAULTS): Any two illegal serves in succession is considered a serve-out. The following are illegal serves:

a.) Short Serve - a served ball that hits the playing surface before crossing the short line. Server gets one more attempt at a serve.

b.) Long Serve - a served ball rebounding from the front wall past the end line but still within the sidelines. Server gets one more attempt at a serve.

c.) Foot Fault - The server stepping out or leaving the service zone before the ball passes the short line.

3. SERVE-OUTS: the following result in a serve-out:

a.) Striking and missing the dropped serve (AKA: whiff:).

b.) Any serve striking the side wall before striking the front wall.

c.) Any ball touching the server’s clothing or body.

d.) Server not calling the score.

e.) Hitting the fence at the top of the front wall or on the side wall

on court 1 or 10.

f.) Ball landing outside of the court on another court, to the side.

g.) Server not having shirt completely tucked in.


√ The ball must be hit with the paddle in one or both hands.

√ Hitting the ball with the arm, hand, or any part of the body is illegal.

√ An attempting to return the ball, a player may only hit the ball once.

√ The ball may only bounce once before it is hit and may not bounce at all on the return to the wall.

√ A ball landing on the line is in.

√ If a ball hits the fence above the courts, or to the side it is a dead ball.


Called when play is disrupted. Can be called when:
a) Returned ball strikes the opponent on the way to the front wall.

b) Movement that bother’s opponent’s attempt to play the ball.

c) Serve goes between the server’s legs.

d) Hindrance from players on next court or ball comes on court.

e) When a player stops his swing because he/she may hit another player or the back wall/fence.


ACE - A serve untouched by the receiver.

BACK COURT - The area in the back of the short line.

BACKHAND - Hitting the ball from the opposite side of the forehand.

COURT- The playing area.

FAULTS - Illegal serve (foot fault, short serve, long serve). Server receives a second serve. Two faults in succession is considered out.

FRONT COURT - The court area in front of the short line.

HINDER - Unintentional interference with an opponent during play which results in a replay or another ball entering the court.

KILL - A ball hit that can’t be returned by an opponent.

LONG - A served ball that bounces outside the back of the court.

SHORT – A served ball that bounces before passing the service line (one closest to the wall)

SIDE-OUT - Loss of service by one player in singles.

RALLY - Continuous play during a game or practice.

VOLLEY - Hitting the ball in the air on the rebound before it bounces.


≈ Wait for the ball to drop before hitting to create a low return.

≈ Use the sidewalls.

≈ Hit the ball high and hard on the front wall if opponent is playing short, or low and soft if the opponent is playing in the back of the court.

≈ In doubles, play with one player up and one back.

≈ Use the sidewalls

≈ Move out of the service zone after the served ball crosses the short line.

≈ Use the sidewalls.

≈ Communicate.

≈ Left-handed player stands to the right of the court (dominate side hit).

≈ If serve is consistently to one place, move there!