Oncology Nursing Society

Personal Leadership Development Plan

Name: ______/ Date: ______
You will have completed the Leadership Competency Assessment (LCA) before the course, and the following questions were included in the assessment to assist you in focusing for the Pre-Congress session. The opportunity to complete the LCA will familiarize you with the Leadership Competencies, so that you can now develop your personal leadership plan. The first page will look familiar as this was included in the assessment to help you process some the information. As you identify your leadership development goals, there is a table on page two, to help you further define the goal and action plan.
Self Assessment
Identify areas of proficiency and areas for skill development / Identify strengths from the self-assessment:
How can I further apply those skills in my employment or volunteer work?
Where are my needs the greatest? Which domain or competency within that domain?
Which skills should I target to enhance over the next year?
Are there specific competencies that are needed for a role or position I am applying for or working toward?
What resources are available to me to access strengthen and/or develop my competencies?
Which Leadership Competency are you working on? / *Goals
What goal are you trying to meet? / Action Steps
How will you accomplish this step? / Time Frame
When will this be done? / Resources, Benefits and Obstacles
Why are you trying to accomplish this and who will you work with?
From DeWitt Jones
“Celebrate What’s Right with the World” / Discussion points/personal reflections:
Who have you met or had as a mentor that has been an example of inspiration?
List two or three attributes that I have that I can use to “be the best in your world?”
How can these help me in my personal development plan?
Emotional Intelligence / What surprised me or was an insight that I did not expect? And/or is there an area that I would like to target to increase my ability to manage my responses to the emotions of self and others?
How might I apply this to my current situation or goals?
Monitor Progress
Methods for monitoring progress and keeping goals on track.
Consider obstacles and alternatives / How often will you monitor your goals? Monthly? Bi-monthly? Another time period?

*SMART Goals:

S – Specific

M – Measureable

A – Attainable

R – Relevant

T – Time


Horowitz, LB. (2006). Leadership Development: Building your personal plan. Accessed at http://apps.americanbar.org/women/leadershipacademy/2006/handout/creatingyourownpersonal3.pdf, January 11, 2013.

Primi, A. (2013). A guide to goal writing. Oncology Nursing Society Human Resources.