Vision, Vigor, Victory




President: Mrs. Cheri E. Moore Vice President: Mrs. Sasha Castle

DATE: December 18, 2013

TIME: 6:15pm – 7:55pm

LOCATION: T. N. Tatem Middle School Board Room

PRESENT: Francine McMahon; Christopher Swan; Moore, Cheri; Sasha Castle; Corrinda Liyanage; Sisira Liyanage; Shirlene Roberts; Andrew Carmichael; Kim Burgess; Giselle Muhammad; Lydia Rawlins; Wolde Selassie; Dawn Peart; Barbar Tucker; Helen Ponte; Kelly Smith, Zalia Jabber; Marissa Adderley; Livingston Wedderburn

GUESTS: Dr. Edmond Heatley; (MOE Commissioner) Dale Young; (MOE Board Rep.) Germaine Trott (MOE HR)

ABSENT: Sharon Hensdiek; Nelia Cabral; Zina Tucker;

CALL TO ORDER: Cheri Moore President, called to order at 6:15pm a special meeting requested by Dr. Edmond Heatley to address the potential move of Principal Mrs. Francine McMahon.


Removal of Principal: Dr. Heatley reported:

1.  Being considered by Dr. Heatley and has been discussed with Mrs. Francine McMahon - Principal. No decision has been made. Requested input from the PTA.

2.  The decision is being based on site leadership, instructional leadership (parent concerns/complaints, how the school is run, performance base management, and what happens with students when they arrive and leave the school is being tracked.

3.  Dr. Heatley attended the meeting to hear the PTA response to his statement.

4.  Dr. Heathley is being general with the PTA but more specific with Mrs. McMahon understanding that is their conversation. He want to make sure that we have enough information

Process of Removal: Cheri Moore reported:

1.  Cheri Moore questioned the process for consultation.

2.  Dr. Heatley mentioned the process is to speak with the principal and the PTA.

3.  Cheri Moore suggested that the Judgment from the courts states that there should be a consultation in place.

4.  Dr. Heatley has reassured that he is following the process in a dignified manner. No matter what the Law says it does not prevent him from moving Mrs. McMahon. He is in line with the current practices. He is not here to debate; he is here to simply telling us what he is doing. If it is the wrong process call him on it and he will fix it.

5.  Dr. Heatley advised that his decision is based on students attends, observational, teacher evaluation, performance and operation data there is behavioral, there is a plathum of data that is at his disposal. He has people on campus that supervise he’s been on campus all of this be involved in the decision making process.

6.  Livingston Wedderburn stated that we are here this evening without any back ground information leading to Dr. Heatley telling us that he is concerning something. What should the PTA should be provided with data; the same data that Dr, Heatley will be relaying on to making his decision.

7.  The part that concerns Livingston Wedderburn is the reluctance in the process. We are trying to set up a foundation in which we are respected and it is understood that this is the bases that decision are made.

8.  Livingston Wedderburn detects sence of this idea that Dr. Heatley has the power to make decision and he is going to make them and when you make them this is the way it is.

Benchmark: Dr. Heatley reported:

1.  TN Tatem is not meeting the benchmark of being the “top of the world”.

2.  Cheri Moore suggested that there is a departmental issue and not only an issue with the principal.

3.  The question has been raised with regards to individuals being looked at to be moved around also.

4.  Dr. Heatley is in agreement with a review of the organization as a whole, as the goal is to become more effective and efficient.

5.  Marissa Adderley suggested that Ms. McMahon not be removed and allow her to work on improving the achievements of the students.

6.  Cheri Moore mentioned the Educational Act concerning low performance schools and how the Department or Commissioner will put a plan in place for a period of two (2) years for development of the principal.

7.  Dr. Heatley mentioned the Key Performance Indicators which Ms. McMahon will be measured by this year.

Plan Moving Forward: Dr. Heatley reported:

1.  If a decision is made to move Ms. McMahon as Principal there is a plan in place.

2.  Today he is only at the consideration stage.

3.  Dr. Heatley advised that if the decision is to move Ms. McMahon the timeline will be created; and if the decision is not to move the principal there will be a plan in place as to how to move forward.

4.  It has been suggested that there will be professional development not only for the principal but for all including his self.

5.  Dr. Heatley suggested that some of the professional development will be done locally and overseas.

6.  If Ms. McMahon is moved it will be a 95% chance that she will not return to TN Tatem.

Timeline: Dr. Heatley reported:

1.  The timeline all depends on the decision made. It will not go past June, if the decision is to move Mrs. McMahon.

2.  When the decision is made Dr. Heatley will meet with PTA and advise.

3.  Sahsa Castle asked if he can ensure that the consultation process will be put in his timeline. The consultation process has to factor into his time line. She also asked if we can expect it to be put in writing.

4.  Dr. Heatley suggested the intention is not to put any correspondence in writing to the PTA regarding the decision made. As he stated after the decision to move Mrs. McMahon or not he will come back and have a meeting telling us the decision and he will lay everything out then. To him the consultation process is a give or take conversation. He wants to be upfront and transparent.

5.  Andrew Carmichael suggested that Dr. Heatley take into consideration that Mrs. McMahon has taken the school from night to day.

Outlook Post Change: Dr. Heatley reported:

1.  Leadership must be more focused on instruction and ensure that teachers are teaching Cambridge Curriculum to a level not only where students understand but pushes them to a higher level.

2.  The responsibility is to ensure that the Bermuda Public School system is stronger.

3.  Parent suggested to see improvement if decision is made with a way to view how students are doing academically in an administrative manner. Parents would like to know what does change looks like.

4.  Dr. Heatley advised that there should be growth with teachers and students once the change has been made.

5.  All school data can be tracked, which includes TN Tatem current data. We can get the data from Mrs. McMahon or Mr. Swan on how TNT is measure against other Middle School.

6.  Dr. Heatley advised that the data has been put in place one month ago.

School Visits: Dr. Heatley reported:

1.  Dr. Heatley advised every school in the ministry has been reviewed, but not all at this level of scrutiny.

Relationships: Parents reported:

1.  It is very important to consider the relationship between the students and the parents with the principal.

2.  Corrinda and Sisira Liyanage child who has transferred from private school to TN Tatem in 2012 advised that student has been on the honor roll each quarter since he has enrolled. Student is doing well academically and socially. Parent has suggested consideration of this point.

3.  Giselle Muhammad advised that consideration was made to place her child in private school, but would rather have their child in a family environment as needs have been met with teachers and principal. Parent suggested consideration of this point.

4.  Cheri Moore mentioned about the instability at the MOE regarding the amount of Minster’s over the years also having three new position being field recently, ie. Minster’s PS. and Commissioner and suggested that there should be more consideration regarding stability in the school.

Parental Input: Parents reported:

1.  Suggested the opportunity to have the parent body hold a meeting to discuss the possible changes.

2.  Dr. Heatley advised that the PTA is a representation of the entire parent body, but also mentioned that Cheri Moore has been advised that another meeting can be held if members are not in agreement.

3.  Dr. Heatley advised that parents are required to ensure their children are in the right frame of mind to learn.

4.  Dr. Heatley advised that parents should visit the campus during the day and during meetings and open houses.

5.  Livingston Wedderburn suggested that trust needs to be built so that there is no doubt.

6.  Livingston Wedderburn mentioned that parents are connected to Mrs. McMahon, but are more so connected to their children.

7.  Parent asked how much weight or is it just a scientific method to how the decision is made.

8.  PTA should have been provided with the data used to make the decision.

9.  The part that concerns Livingston Wedderburn is the reluctance in the process. We are trying to set up a foundation in which we are respected and it is understood that this is the bases that decision are made.

10.  Livingston Wedderburn detects sence of this idea that Dr. Heatley has the power to make decision and he is going to make them and this is the way it is. The days for this are behind us and this will no longer be the case.

11.  We should engage each other in a mutual and respectful way and defer to one another.

12.  Livingston Wedderburn mentioned you being here is a long process it is in context and you need to defer to that context. This meeting should become a normal part of the process.

13.  The elephant in the room is whether or not Dr. Heatley is being the sincere savvy latest person on the scene that has figure out a way of making his decision anyway.

14.  Dr. Heatley mention as we have to build our trust with him, as he also has to build his trust in us. Trust is two way.

Replacement: Dr. Heatley reported:

1.  There is no replacement, at this time, for Ms. McMahon if the decision is to remove.

2.  Christopher Swan asked coming here today is he expecting something from us because usually consultation is the similar to negotiation. Dr. Heatley came to hear he thinks that given him what we what is in the asking of question. Once he makes the decision the next step to come and tell us and the decision is final.

3.  If the decision is to move her he is going to move her and his goal is to get the process right.

Notes from Principal’s Transfer: Corrinda Liyanage reported:

1.  From letter received from the past Commissioner regarding Ms. McMahon’s development and achievements.

2.  Dr. Heatley responded with acknowledgement of letter and he did not write the letter. What the past Commissioner saw and he sees are totally different.

Development: Dr. Heatley reported:

1.  Corrinda Liyanage asked how does the Department encourage development for MOE staff.

2.  Professional Development Day which is not taken place this year.

3.  Advised there will be visits to the classrooms, and if there are any areas of development identified teachers will be sent to training and will be monitored thereafter.

4.  Cheri Moore suggested reviewing the visits made to the school, by the MOE.

Curriculum: Parent reported:

1.  Mentioned the different curriculums introduced to the school systems and questioned how often will the curriculum change.

2.  Dr. Heatley advised that teachers are being trained for Cambridge curriculum currently.

3.  Students will be looked at on growth and not only on test scores.

Any Other Business:

1.  Dr. Heatley has invited the PTA to call another meeting if required.

2.  Dale Young mentioned the removal of Ms. Alexander from Purvis to Victor Scott.

3.  Scholarships – 140 applicants for Bermuda Government Scholarships. There were 40 students who had a 3.9 G.P.A. so two (2) is not good enough. The expectation should be higher as the students can do better.

4.  Cheri Moore mentioned the students who have received good grades overseas and returned home and are jobless. This decreases the drive in young students and parents, and therefore, teachers become counsellors. The students do not see the benefit of obtaining a high G.P.A.

5.  Dr. Heatley advised that there will be “Career Pathways” introduced to the students with the business partners.

6.  Parent mentioned expectations of Mr. Heatley and expectations of Ms. McDonald.

7.  PTA to meet and present a process and formalize.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM

Next meeting scheduled: Date & Time