Sustainable Development Fund Activity Design Document Round 3
Organisation NameContact person / Name
Contract signatory / Name
Activity title
Country(s) of implementation / Duration (years)
Start date / End date
Total cost of Activity
(NZD, excl GST) / Funding requested from SDF
Activity summary (max 100 words)
Instructions: The completed Activity Design Document must comply with the indicated page limits. Only enter information where prompted by [Enter text here] or in the tables included. Ensure that you delete all of the guidance notes (purple italic writing) before submitting this document, including these instructions. For guidance on the Application process, see the SDF Guidelines and supporting material at
1. Executive Summary 3
2. Context Analysis 3
2.1 Development Need 3
2.2 Social and Economic Context 3
2.3 Other Interventions and Lessons learned 3
2.4 Consistency with New Zealand development objectives, partner plans and Millennium Development Goals 4
3. Activity Description 4
3.1 Stakeholders and Beneficiaries 4
3.2 Activity Results Framework 4
3.3 Results Diagram 5
3.4 Activity Cost and Value for Money 6
4. Implementation Arrangements 8
4.1 Management and governance arrangements 8
4.2 Sustainability 8
4.3 Cross-cutting issues 8
4.4 Critical risks and risk management strategies 8
5. Appendices 9
Appendix A: Results Measurement Table 10
Appendix B: Monitoring and Evaluation Work Plan 11
Appendix C: Risk Matrix 12
Appendix D: Activity Budget 15
1. Executive Summary
Provide a succinct summary of the Activity in a form that can be treated as a stand-alone document.It should:
· describe the development need and how the Activity will respond to the need
· state the timeframe of the Activity
· list (in bullet point form) the desired goal, outcomes and planned outputs
· state the total budget and total funding requested through the SDF
· identify in-country partners and any NZ partnerships
· summarise the implementation arrangements.
Maximum 2 pages
[Enter text here]
2. Context Analysis
Section 2 should provide an analysis of the context in which the Activity will take place. It should provide sufficient information for someone not familiar with the context and development needs to understand the issues. Please provide this information by completing the sections below. Maximum 3 pages
2.1 Development Need
Explain the development need that is being addressed and how it was identified. Describe the opportunities this Activity presents for the target community(ies). The text should allow readers to comprehend what success would look like for this Activity.
[Enter text here]
2.2 Social and Economic Context
Outline the social and economic context of the country, region and sector that impact upon the Activity. Where relevant, include key issues relating to gender equality, human rights and environment (note that these issues are covered in more detail in section 4.4).
[Enter text here]
2.3 Other Interventions and Lessons learned
Outline how this Activity will complement existing or previous interventions in the same location or sector (whether funded by New Zealand or other donors) and avoid duplication.
Outline your previous experience in this field of work, the key lessons you have learned, and how you have incorporated them into the design of this Activity.
[Enter text here]
2.4 Consistency with New Zealand development objectives, partner plans and Millennium Development Goals
Explain how the Activity supports the priorities of the SDF and the broader Aid Programme’s policy and priorities in target countries. Refer to the SDF Guidelines, the Funding Priorities Framework (FPF) and the International Development Policy Statement at
Describe how the Activity complements the plans and objectives of the partner communities and country(ies) in which this Activity will be implemented.
Describe which of the Millennium Development Goals this Activity supports.
[Enter text here]
3. Activity Description
This section should answer the question “what will this Activity do, with what resources and over what timeframe?” Maximum 8 pages.
3.1 Stakeholders and Beneficiaries
Outline the key in-country stakeholders, eg. target community partners, civil society organisations, private sector, government (local and/or national); and identify their interests in the Activity. Outline how stakeholders have been involved in the design of the Activity.
Describe who will benefit from the Activity. Also describe how beneficiaries were selected and their involvement in the Activity’s design.
Include numbers, location and demographic features. Provide sex-disaggregated data wherever possible (girls, boys, women, men).
[Enter text here]
3.2 Activity Results Framework
The Activity Results Framework consists of a results diagram, a results measurement table and a monitoring and evaluation work plan, and is at the centre of the Activity’s design. You should consult the Activity Design Guideline available at the Aid tools website to guide you in completing these components.
Please begin by completing the results diagram in the section below and then complete your Results Measurement Table in Annex A and Monitoring and Evaluation work plan in Annex B.
Provide explanatory notes to the results framework here, including how this Activity has been designed to most effectively achieve the outcomes.
Provide explanatory notes on the proposed outcomes and outputs. Describe the inputs and activities required to achieve the outputs.
[Enter text here]
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3.3 Results Diagram
Insert your completed results diagram here. It should be a vertical diagram, with the goal at the top, and should clearly illustrate how the Activity’s outputs lead to the fulfilment of intended outcomes, and how outcomes contribute to the Activity’s goal. Refer to guidance and examples on the Aid Tools Website.
A Goal is the overall, aspirational impact that the Activity is expected to contribute toward
Outcomes are the changes that will result if the Activity is successfully implemented
Outputs are the goods and services that will be delivered to achieve the outcome
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3.4 Activity Cost and Value for Money
A detailed budget must be provided as an Appendix. This should be based on the NGO’s own implementation or work plan and cost the activities in the sequence they will occur.
Summarise the budget in the table below (or one similar), ensuring that the figures are the same in both places. Figures should be in NZD and GST exclusive.
The SDF will accept multi-year applications with a preference of up to 3 years.
Years / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / % of total budgetOutput: [Enter text here]
Output: [Enter text here]
Output: [Enter text here]
Output: [Enter text here]
Direct Activity Support Costs
Other In-Country Costs
Indirect Support costs (NZ-based)
Funding Sources – list below / Contribution (NZD excl GST)
Applicant contribution* / $
Any other contributions* (where relevant) / $
Total funding required from SDF / $
Total / $
* See SDF Guidelines for matched funding requirements. Contributions cannot be in-kind.
Provide explanatory notes here, including how the Activity will use financial resources economically and efficiently. Consider the following:
• Are costs clearly justified and aligned to achieve the intended results?
• Are costs sufficient in quantity and quality to provide all the inputs required for the planned outputs?
• Does the budget avoid waste, unnecessary inputs, or duplication both within the Activity and relative to other interventions?
• Are costs market based or otherwise assessed to be fair and reasonable?
[Enter text here]
4. Implementation Arrangements
This section should set out the main issues and factors affecting how the proposed Activity would be delivered on the ground. Maximum 4 pages
4.1 Management and governance arrangements
Describe the in-country partner, their roles and responsibilities with respect to the Activity, and their organisational capacity.
Outline the specific roles and responsibilities of the NZ partner(s), and what value they will add to the Activity throughout its lifecycle. Highlight any specific expertise, support, capacity or resources that will be contributed.
Outline the governance arrangements, including the envisaged relationship with key stakeholders during the Activity’s implementation.
[Enter text here]
4.2 Sustainability
Outline the issues that are likely to affect the sustainability of Activity outcomes beyond the funding period (e.g. resourcing, asset management, institutional arrangements, political and social instability). Describe key steps you will undertake to address these issues.
[Enter text here]
4.3 Cross-cutting issues
Explain concisely how cross-cutting issues such as gender, human rights and environment, have been addressed through the design. The text should provide an explanation of the approach adopted in each case. If any of these issues are central to the activity design, they should also be fully described and included in previous sections.
[Enter text here]
4.4 Critical risks and risk management strategies
Outline the most critical risks and explain how these risks will be addressed and managed. A risk matrix should be annexed.
[Enter text here]
5. Appendices
The following Appendices are required as separate documents:
· Appendix A: Results Measurement Table
· Appendix B: Monitoring and Evaluation Work Plan
· Appendix C: Risk Matrix
· Appendix D: Detailed Budget
You may include additional documents if they provide information that is essential for understanding the design of the Activity. List additional documents below:
Document Name1
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Appendix A: Results Measurement Table
Complete this table, adding or removing lines as needed. Note that this information will form the basis of future assessments of the Activity’s progress and achievements. Where appropriate, please use standard New Zealand Aid Programme Indicators. For more information and guidance, see supporting documents at the Aid Tools website for a list of these indicators.
Results / Indicators / Targets / Baseline / Methodology and Data sourceLong-Term Outcomes
Medium Term Outcomes
Short-Term Outcomes
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Appendix B: Monitoring and Evaluation Work Plan
The following template is an example of an Activity work plan. You may wish to use your own template if available, providing it contains the information below.
Refer to the guideline Developing, Appraising and Approving an Activity Design on the Aid Tools website for the format to use and the standards that apply.
Notes when completing the table below:
Approach: Includes the methods and processes we will use in undertaking the monitoring and evaluation activities
Reporting & Deliverables: What and how the information be reported; to whom and by when; How the findings will be shared and used.
Monitoring & Evaluation Tasks / Approach / Timeline / Roles and responsibilities / Deliverables and Reporting /Monitoring
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Appendix C: Risk Matrix
Complete this table. Likelihood, Consequence, and Risk Profile columns must be populated as instructed on the following pages.
Risk Category and Description / Potential Impact / Likelihood / Consequence / Risk Profile / Proposed Risk Management / Risk managerKey to Risk Matrix
1. Risk Category and Description
Risk categories include:
· External
e.g. Economic, Political, Natural Event, Security,
· Organisational
e.g. Personnel, Capacity, Policies,
· Financial
e.g. financial management weaknesses, corruption, fraud, cost/exchange rate escalation, lack of funding
2. Potential Impact
Describe the impact
3. Likelihood
Identify the level of likelihood of the risk occurring:
Likelihood / Description /Almost certain / Expected to occur in most circumstances
Likely / Will probably occur in most circumstances
Possible / 50/50 that it might occur at some time
Unlikely / Could occur at some time
Rare / May occur only in exceptional circumstances
4. Consequence
Identify the level of consequence if the risk occurs:
Descriptor / Description (indicative examples) /Severe / Causes serious harm to Activity beneficiaries, (individual; community, organisation, or country)
Serious reputational damage to contributing partners
Major / Some harm to Activity beneficiaries, (individual; community, organisation, or country)
Achievement of Activity objectives significantly compromised
Reputational damage to contributing partners
Significant financial loss to contributing partners, organisations, communities, individuals
Moderate / Achievement of Activity objectives compromised
Costs escalate more than 30%
Significant implementation delays
5. Risk Profile
Determine the risk profile from the level of likelihood and consequence.
LikelihoodAlmost certain / Extreme risk
Rare / Low risk
Consequence / Moderate / Major / Severe
Colour / Risk level / Measures required /
Green / Low / Normal control and monitoring measures will be sufficient.
Orange / Medium / This requires measures to manage the likelihood or consequence of a risk and active monitoring.
Red / High / Extreme risks are likely to occur and would prevent achievement of outcomes, cause unacceptable cost overruns and/or schedule slippage. Significant reputational damage will occur.
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Appendix D: Activity Budget
Please refer to the SDF Activity Budget Template on the website
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