Field Trip Checklist

As soon as the trip is planned:

q  Fill out the online Field Trip Request form at

q  Reserve buses. Call Dana at 254-4080.

q  Go to to fill out the Easy Trip Transportation form.

q  Create permission slips for students that also include the parent’s cell phone, student cell phone, and student medical information.

q  Check the HSMS google calendar to make sure there are no conflicts for your desired date. Once you have a clear date, add it to the HSMS google calendar and send an “invite” to all HSMS faculty and staff. Even if they don’t “accept” the invitation, it will add it to their calendars.

At least one week before trip:

q  List of students to all teachers (don’t forget electives).

q  Basic itinerary to all teachers – i.e. departure time, return time, etc.

q  List of students to cafeteria staff so they can alter the amount of food they prepare.

q  List of students to nurse.

q  Have at least one adult chaperone for every 15 students (this is NHCS policy). Chaperones must fill out/return the Chaperone Agreement located at

q  Alert cafeteria about bagged lunches for students on Free/Reduced if necessary. Include the students’ lunch numbers in the list so the cafeteria workers don’t have to look up every student.

The day before or of the trip:

q  Get meds/training (for epi-pen/glucogon guns) from nurse.

q  Send out an updated list of students going if there were changes.

Other suggestions:

q  For trips that begin and end during school hours – have an emergency sign-in/out form for the parents to sign if their child will be traveling to or from the trip with the parent.

q  If you are going on an extended trip (all day or out of the county), make sure each student has identification. You may want to do nametags or wristbands that have the student’s name, school name, YOUR name, etc.

q  For extended trips or trips that require prolonged physical activity (theme park, overnight trip, etc.), make a copy of the permission slip/medical information and leave at the first aid station or a central location. That way, if a student is separated from the group or unable to communicate, between their identification and medical form, someone will know who to contact.

q  Be especially aware of students with peanut/nut allergies. If one student on the bus eats a peanut butter product, it could send an allergic student into anaphylactic shock.

q  Use to send mass texts to students and/or family (when you’re 30 minutes from the school if after school hours, reminding students to return to buses at a certain time, etc). Remind101 doesn’t show your phone number, you can include up to 10 classes, and you can even schedule reminders for future dates.