Turpin Band Boosters Mtg.- Apr. 3, 2017
Meeting called to order by Booster President – Tina Arvizu
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Previous meeting minutes were APPROVED
TREASURER’S REPORT: Steve not present but information presented by Tina. Minimal expenses for March, received $430 from Kroger Rewards. Treasurers report was APPROVED.
BAND DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Joe Wesche & Shaun Day
Joe Wesche: Band Awards need to be ordered for May concert. NY- Upcharge for Wicked is now up to $130 so no longer an option. The travel company want to have a parent meeting this spring. We need to purchase a new shed for band storage. Working with administration to find a location on property. Looking at something around 15’X30’, prices seem to be anywhere from $3000-$7000.
After Prom: Anna Anderton & Anne Sells
Volunteers needed for 4/22!
Band Camp: Tina Arvizu & Nanette Bentley
Chaperone Coordinator: Justine Jones
FHIMA Rep.: Kristen Gygi
Fundraising: Connie Feick
Hospitality: Karen Schofield
Membership: Karen Schofield & Board
Pit Crew: Jennifer Mayhall & Nick Gressle
Publicity: Nanette Bentley
Senior Night: (fall football game) Need Volunteer!
Senior Plaques: Rebecca Brinkmiller & Nanette Bentley
Spirit Wear: Karen Schofield
Sunshine: Tina Arvizu
Uniforms: Debbie Klenk
Yard Signs: Mike Brinkmiller
Spaghetti Dinner 3/11/17- TBB donated a gift basket
Mulch Sale- Final receipts not in yet but total expected to be much lower than last year. Competition from Anderson football mulch sale the week before ours a big problem.
Budget meeting set for 4/11/17, 7:00pm at Arvizu residence
Still considering fundraiser for next year’s band trip
Band Blast- Auction Chair Amanda Mosbaugh, Co-Chair Barb Lyon – Donation letters went out 3/1/17
Prefer to have outside if nice weather. Nagel not coming this year. Karen will look into grilling hotdogs.
Fall Competitions – Debating BOA competition at Welcome Stadium or the Ohio State OMEA competition.
Next Meeting: Monday, May 15, 2017, 7:00pm
PLEASE CHECK www.turpinband.org for Calendar Updates