13 FEBRUARY 2017

Subject:Large Scale Retail Development

Lead Officer:Dave Webb

Contact on 01789 260100

Lead Member: CouncillorDave Riches


The purpose of this report is to provide an update on work undertaken in respect of the future of B Q following the meeting of The Cabinet which took place on the 7 November 2016.


To note the progress made in relation to the future retention of B & Q in Stratford-upon-Avon.


1.1At the meeting of The Cabinet on 7 November 2016 consideration was given to a Notice of Motion which related to a large scale retail development. The notice was as follows:-

‘This Council's Core Strategy recognises Stratford-upon-Avon as a shopping centre of sub-regional importance.

Council notes with concern the possible closure of the last major do-it-yourself store in the town. Such a closure would have significant 'sustainability' issues, with residents having to travel substantial distances to find similar retail offers.

Policy CS23 states, 'the Site Allocations Development Plan Document will identify sites for large-scale retail development based on the justification for such provision to be made in specific locations'.

Council believes that a do-it-yourself store is an important component of any shopping centre of sub-regional importance and requests that suitable sites for such a store - with the customer parking that such businesses require- are identified with urgency and, if necessary, without waiting for the completion of the main Site Allocations Plan.’

1.2Representations were made by Councillors Barnes and Moorse together with Mr Tom Baxter and Jane Sell, PR Manager and Mark Weare, Estates Manager of BQ who committed to do everything they could to keep B Q in Stratford-upon-Avon

1.3Following the debate, The Cabinet gave an assurance that they wished to progress discussions with BQ, or others. For the retention of a DIY store in Stratford-upon-Avon. Consequently, it was agreed that the motion be deferred pending a report to the next available meeting (minute 437).

2Progress update

2.1On the 20 January 2017 a meeting took place between Mark Weare, (Estates Manager – BQ), Donna Turner (Asset & Development Manager BQ) and Dave Webb (Executive Director).

2.2This meeting had been delayed whilst both BQ and the Council looked at options to secure the future presence of B Q in Stratford-upon-Avon. The meeting was extremely productive and re-affirmed the commitment from both sides to reach a solution which established a long term future for B Q in Stratford-upon-Avon.

2.3In order to achieve this goal there is an immediate short term issue that needs to be resolved which is for BQ to negotiate an extension to their current lease agreement. On this issue, discussions have been taking place with the landlord and are currently at a sensitive stage. Therefore it is imperative that these discussions are not impeded.

2.4Subject to a successful outcome of the lease extension, a longer term solution can be progressed. There are options which can be considered which BQ are interested in. However, securing a short-term solution is the immediate priority.

2.5A further meeting with BQ is in the process of being arranged. However, if there is any more immediate progress Mark Weare or Donna Turner will be in touch.

2Options available toThe Cabinet

2.1To note the progress update.

3Evidence Base


4Implications of the proposal

4.1Legal/Human Rights Implications

4.1.1There are no legal or human rights implications.


4.2.1There are no financial implications at this stage.


4.3.1There are no environmental impacts.

4.4Corporate Strategy

4.4.1Securing the long term future of BQ supports Key Objective 1 of the Corporate Strategy ‘A flouring local economy’.

4.5Analysis of the effects on Equality

4.5.1There are no equality impacts arising from the contents of this report.

5Risk Assessment

6.1If Stratford-upon-Avon were to lose BQ there would be a major impact on the local economy. Not only through a loss of jobs but also residents who would have to travel a significant distance to find a similarretail offer.


6.1Discussions with BQ have been extremely positive and a good working relationship has been established. There is now a realistic prospect for them to secure a short-term solution by extending the lease arrangement on their current site. This will create the necessary breathing space to identify the most appropriate long term site option.

Dave Webb


Background papers:
