Regular Meeting of
Monday June 6, 2016
Mayor Christopher Jackson called the regular meeting of the Walhalla City Council to order, 7:00 P.M., Monday June 6, 2016 at City Hall.
Alderman Present: Steve Gapp, Myrna Styles, Erin Brusseau, Mike Belanus and Hailey Moore.
Absent: Karen Dumas
Also Present: Robert Melaas, Kenny Tetrault, Chelsey Tetrault, Jason Berg, Brian Mathison, Matthew Wright and Larry Dubois.
Moved by Belanus to approve minutes of Monday May 2, 2016 and the Special meeting Tuesday May 10, 2016 second by Brusseau. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Gapp to approve Financial Statement as presented, second by Styles. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.
Brian spoke to the Council on the need for a pump for the Pool. Council discussed the need for a pump. Moved by Belanus to order the pump for the pool, second by Brusseau. Ayes: Gapp, Styles, Brusseau, Belanus and Moore. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Council asked Brian questions regarding the mosquito sprayer that is needed. Moved by Belanus to get the new mosquito sprayer for $9000.00, second by Styles. Ayes: Gapp, Styles, Brusseau, Belanus and Moore. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Police has been having problems with loose dogs, Matt is requesting a kennel that can be used when picking up animals.
Moved by Belanus to deny the building permit for Robert Melaas, second by Moore. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried. Moved by Belanus to approve Armando Moreno, Gary Smith, Susan and Brian Danielson, Don Gibney, Oliver Lee, Presbyterian Church, Eric Lien for Pembilier Nursing Center, second by Moore. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.
Committee for City Buildings met with the Hospital director, Darla and Deb Fraser to talk over ideas to promote the Walhalla Clinic.
Moved by Belanus to accept the Addendum to the Lease Agreement with CCMH, second by Styles. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.
Moved by Belanus to pay all bills presented ,second by Brusseau. Ayes: Gapp, Styles, Brusseau, Belanus and Moore. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Hearing regarding a variance for Mr. Tetrault: Mr. Dubois read the letter from Mr. Tetrault to the Council, and handed the letter and signed petition to Council to look at. A lengthily discussion with Mr. Tetrault and the City Council, Council members were explaining to Mr. Tetrault the process on permits and variances. Moved by Belanus to deny Mr. Tetraults’ variance, second by Styles. Ayes: Gapp, Styles, Brusseau, Belanus and Moore. Nays: None. Motion carried. The building will be torn down.
Pembina Show & Shine got their insurance in place for the Demolition Derby on July 1, 2016. City will obtain a copy of the insurance papers.
Moved by Belanus to approve Beer Garden for the 4th of July weekend for Snaps Sports Bar and a Beer Garden for the Walhalla Inn for July 16, 2016 for the rib fest, second by Moore. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.
Move by Belanus to Block Streets off Central Ave from 9th Street – 11th Street, also Alley to Alley on 11th Street intersecting with Central Ave, second by Gapp. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.
Maintenance Fee will be increased $1.00 to help with the increase of tar, the mosquito fogger and the increase of insecticides for fogger.
Mayor Jackson will be handling getting someone to fix the Library roof.
Moved by Moore to adjourn the meeting, second by Belanus. Ayes: All, Nays: None. Motion carried.
Mayor Auditor
Bills paid for June 2016 Meeting
Acme Electric $ 24.99
Advanced Business Methods $ 455.62
AmeriPride $ 80.75
AT&T $ 107.41
Behms Plumbing $ 164.44
BNSF Railway $ 86.95
Bowen Pest Control $ 86.00
Brenda Fletcher $ 45.41
Cardmember Services $ 160.20
Clark Construction $ 138.75
Ferguson Waterworks $ 234.76
Fleming & Dubois $ 1650.00
Follett School Solutions $ 550.00
Gary Bourbanis Masonry $ 790.00
Gendreau Electric $ 50.00
Hawkins, Inc. $ 2596.70
Jason Berg $ 530.02
Mar-kit Landfill $ 5258.50
Matthew Bender & Co $ 81.78
Michael Todd & Co. $ 736.81
Midcontinent Comm $ 70.53
Montana-Dakota Utilities $ 389.25
Nature’s Best $ 71.64
Newman Signs $ 588.54
Nodak $ 144.25
Northdale Oil $ 186.30
Northeast Regional Water $ 13441.47
One Call Concepts, Inc. $ 31.00
Ottertail $ 85.53
Premium Waters Inc. $ 17.00
Recreation Supply Co. $ 2744.69
Schill’s Shop $ 189.75
Shirley Robillard $ 696.42
State Historical Society $ 3928.00
Supermarket Foods $ 29.41
United Telephone $ 1994.43
United Telephone $ 839.30
Verizon Wireless $ 168.46
Walhalla Building Center $ 311.68
Walhalla Coop $ 1710.05
Walhalla Mountaineer $ 198.86
Total $ 41665.65