Florida’s Water Management Districts Permitting Portal
Phase II
High Level Design
Last Revision Date: March 11, 2005
To accomplish phase II of the Permitting Portal Project, which includes the creation of a common web-based spatial permit query tool, a team composed of staff from all five water management Districts of the state of Florida recommended the adoption of a “Centralized Data, Centralized Spatial Tool” approach.
The purpose of this document is to establish and document a general system design and architecture that will serve as the foundation for more detailed design specifications.
High Level Overview
As described in the technical recommendation documentation for this project, the proposed approach for this project consists of:
Creating a mechanism for regularly and automatically transferring permit data to central data/spatial servers. A single spatial tool is developed and hosted by one District (SJRWMD). The District hosting the servers is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the servers.
It is envisioned that the mechanism for extracting the tabular data from each District will consist of a series of PL/SQL scripts that will connect to an Oracle database, obtain the desired fields, format them according to a common standard, save them as a file and send them to a temporary repository in a SJRWMD server. The mechanism for transporting the data between Districts needs to be fully defined but at this point, ftp or a similar transfer/synchronization protocol is suggested. On the SJRWMD server, it is envisioned that a regularly scheduled process/script will run, retrieve new files from the temporary repository, perform final conversions & validations and then load the data into the final repository database (Data Warehouse) so that the spatial permit query tool can access it.
It is also envisioned that the mechanism for spatial data (permit boundaries & points) will follow a similar approach using scripts (SDE, etc) to extract, format, transfer and upload the data into the final repository at SJRWMD (SDE).
In the case that a required dataset is not contained in a database but in a file format (Excel, Access, etc), a specialized set of scripts will be created to extract the data, format it and transfer it to SJRWMD where it will be uploaded into the final repository.
Diagram A illustrates the general concept described above.
Diagram A – High Level System Design
Physical Architecture
The diagram shown below represents the expected configuration of the system and it includes the current Permitting Portal configuration.
Database Design Considerations
The final database design should be flexible, scalable, provide good performance and allow for additional data fields to be added as the Districts decide to offer more information through the Permitting Portal and the Spatial Permit Search Tool.
The minimum fields that should be incorporated in the initial database design include:
CUP/WUP Permits / CUP Stations / WUP Withdrawals / ERP Permits- Permit Number
- Station/Withdrawal ID
- Permit Number
- Project Name
- Station/Withdrawal Name
- Permit Sequence / Revision
- Applicant Name
- Permit Number
- Project Name
- Mailing Address
- Latitude
- Applicant Name
- City
- Longitude
- Mailing Address
- State
- Section
- City
- Zip
- Township
- State
- Received Date
- Range
- Zip
- Issue Date
- Diameter
- Received Date
- Expiration Date
- Total Depth
- Issue Date
- Permit Status
- Casing Depth
- Expiration Date
- Project Acreage
- Water Source
- Project Acreage
- Total Number of Wells
- Project Status
- Total Number of Pumps
- Current Year Water Amount
- Water Source
- Permit Sequence / Revision
Database Design Diagram