ApprovedMay 2011



ADD means theaddition of aplayer to ateam's roster. ASSOCIATION meansIdaho Youth Soccer Association. COMMITTED means

1.a.Not beingpreviouslyrostered to anotherorganization;and

1.b.Payment ofanyfunds toan organization for teamregistration; or

1.c.Signing a club rosteror team /club commitment form; ELIGIBILITY TOPLAY means registered, notunder suspension.

FIFA means theFederationInternationale de FootballAssociation forwhich the United States

SoccerFederation is theUnited States affiliate.

DISTRICTLEAGUE means a league formed through the stateassociationforthe purposeof encouragingleagueplayin one ofthe four districts inIdaho.

GAME ROSTER means thelist of players who willparticipate in aparticular competition. INVOLUNTARY RELEASE means the removalofaplayer from ateam'sroster at therequest

ofteam authorities.

IYSA means theIdaho Youth Soccer Association.

MEMBER means anOrganizational Member ofIYSA as defined in theIYSA Bylaws. REGISTRATION meansthe signingof an intent to playthe sport ofsoccerand the payingof

fees to become amemberof this Association

ROSTERINGmeans assignment ofa registered player to ateam.

SANCTIONEDEVENTmeans the authorityextended byUSSFor oneof its affiliates, i.e. IYSA, toconduct an official competition and/ortravel outof thestateorcountry.

SUSPENSIONmeans thetemporarywithdrawalof rightsand privileges such as, but not limited to:the right to play, coach or otherwiseadminister orparticipate(directlyor indirectly) in the

gameof affiliated soccer. Anyperson orgroup(team, club, league, Member, Board, etc.) that has been suspended shallbein less than good standingforthe entireterm of thesuspension with allrights and privilegeswithdrawn unless specificallystated otherwisebythe suspending authority.

TEAM means agroup ofseven or more, not to exceed 22 for U17 and older teams or 18 soccer players forU16 andyounger teams ofaspecifiedUSYSagegroup, properlyregistered with a Member and under theguidanceof oneor more coaches

TEAM ROSTER means a listof registered players eligibleto playforateam. TRANSFER means themovement of a rostered player from oneteam to anotherteam. USSFmeans theUnitedStates SoccerFederation.

USYSmeans theUnitedStates Youth Soccer.

VOLUNTARY RELEASE means the removal ofaplayerfrom a team'srosterat the request of the player.

YOUTHPLAYER means an individual who turns 5years of ageduringthecalendaryearorone who has not reached 19years of agepriortoAugust 1 immediatelybeforethestart of any seasonalyear.


All coaches, players andmanagersassociated withan Organizational Member (Member)mustbe registered.

Section 2. Youth Players

Ayouth player is onewho has not reached theageof nineteenyears of ageprior to August 1st immediatelyprecedingthestart of anyseasonalyear. Aplayer who reacheshis nineteenth birthdayon or after August 1stofthe current seasonalyear shallbe allowedto completethe seasonalyear.

Section 3. Local Registration

1.Residency -A player must register in theMember's areain which heor sheresides with his or her parent(s)orguardian(s), or in the caseof astudent in residence ataboarding school, collegeor university, theplayer mayregisterin theMember'sareain which the boardingschool, college,or division ofthe collegeor universityis located. Anyother questions of residencymaybedetermined by IYSA.

2.InterstatePlay -All players orteams wishingto competein a leagueoperatingin a state otherthan thestateinwhich theyare registered, must receivewritten permission by submittingthe appropriate form and dues toIYSA. Permission must be obtained from a) the State Association wheretheyare registered, and b)the State Association wherethey wish to play. Approvals,if granted, areapplicableforonlyoneseasonalyear and anew approval must be obtained eachyear.

3.Dateof Registration-the player is registeredfrom themoment theplayersigns the

Registration formand paysthe appropriatefees.

4.RegistrationFee -Theplayer registration feesforthe seasonalyear shallbedetermined bytheIYSA Board ofDirectors.

5.Insurance -All playersregistered withIYSAare required to havein effectthe medical insuranceprogram approved and/or provided bytheAssociation. The costof insurance (liabilityand medical) is set bythe insurancecompanyeachyear. Therefore, an increase ordecreaseincostsshall be passed directlyon to theIYSA Member.

6.Medical ReleaseForm-All players are required to submitaproperlycompleted registration form to theirMember Registraras well as aMedical Release Form.

7.Member Registrar- Each Membershall haveitsown Registrar, who shallsubmitthe appropriatefeesand forms toIYSA after verifyingthe player's proof-of-agedocument.

8.Deadlines-All registration fees, forms and team rosters must be submitted bythe deadlines to avoid late charges:

oAugust 1st- Fall-All competitive rosters and anyrecreational rosters forthose teams involved in district leagues

oSeptember 15th- Fall-Recreational rostersforteams not involved in adistrict league

oFebruary1st– Anynewcompetitive rosters and anynew recreational rosters involved in district leagues

oMarch 15th– Anynew recreationalrosters forteams not involved in district league

9.Member Responsibilities -Each Member shallberesponsible forinsuring proper registration ofthe players and coaches, affiliation ofthe teams, proper accountingof fiscal transactions and accuratereportingto theBoard ofDirectors ofthisAssociation.

10.Non-payment of Fees-No player mayparticipatein any IYSA-sanctioned event, includingStateCup Tournament, if such player fails to pay(or makearrangements for payments satisfactorytoIYSA), anyfees, dues, travel expenses orother amounts payable bysuchplayers toIYSAor anyof its sanctioned programs.

11.Freedomof Choice -A player must be allowed the freedom of choicetoparticipate in anyaspect of thesoccerprogram that is offered byhis/her Member, i.e. ifaplayer has both recreational and competitive programs available, theplayer maymakea choicein which program he/she wishes to participate.

12.Illegal Recruiting

a. Recruitingof playersforteams and clubs is subject to the rules of and restricted by IYSA to certain dates andactivities. Contact with players or parents orguardians ofplayers is also subject to the rules of and restricted byIYSA.

b. Theseasonalyearas defined forIYSA is from August 1stuntilJuly31st. c. A player is registered with anIYSA team for thefullseasonalyearwhen:

i.The affiliateregistrationor commitment form is signedand dated bytheparents or guardians of players under 18years ofage, or byplayers that are18yearsofageor older, and

ii.Theteam roster has beensubmitted to and acceptedby IYSA.

d. Anyonewho benefits from recruitingcan bein violation of the recruitingrestrictions, i.e., affiliates, clubs, teams, coaches, administrators, parents or players.

e. Theparents orguardiansofaplayer under 18years of agemustbe contacted priorto any communication with a player.

f.Recruitingorattempting to recruit anyplayer orplayer’s parents orguardians with offers of materialgoods,gifts, freetrips, scholarshipsor anyothersimilar benefits isillegal recruiting. Nothingherein shall prohibit teams or clubs from helpingplayers with fees and equipment when documentedfinancial need exists.

g. Recruitingorattempting to recruit anyplayer, orplayer’s parents orguardians to leavea USYSA team with which the player is registered forthe seasonalyear in order to playwith anotherUSYSA team duringthecurrent or the next seasonalyear is illegal recruitingunless the recruitingoccurs duringthe team tryout perioddescribed below.

h. Recruitingorattempting to recruit anyteam to leaveaUSYSA club with which theteam is affiliated duringthe seasonalyear in order to playwith another USYSA club duringthe current or thenext seasonalyear is illegal recruitingunless therecruitingoccurs duringthe team tryout period described below.

i.Anyplayer practicingorplayingfor anaffiliate, withwhich theyarenot registered, is considered illegal recruitingunless permission is given from the registeredaffiliate and is documented.

j.Priorto theteam tryout period discussed below,contact with playersparents/guardiansand

players’whoarenotrostered with anaffiliateor club is restricted to:

i.General correspondencebymail orInternet.

ii.Jamborees or activities generallyavailable to thepublic.

Information madeavailable to players orplayer’sparents orguardians shall be limited to general information regardingthe affiliate, club, etc.At no time prior to theteam tryout period shallanyaffiliate,club, team, coach or administrator make anyoffer to provide a roster position, playingopportunityor anyother commitment.

k. Affiliates, clubs orteams are allowed to hold teamtryouts forthenext seasonalyear commencingat the followingdates andunder thefollowingconditions:

i.U10 boy’sandgirl’s teams and older - commencingon the Mondayfollowingthe completion oftheIYSAStateCuporPresidents Cuptournament, which ever is later.

ii.Affiliates, clubs orteams are allowed to makeoffers for roster positions, playing opportunities or other commitments duringthis tryout period.

iii.The affiliateregistrationform cannot becompleted until the commencement of the signingperiod discussedbelow.

iv.Affiliates, clubs or teams shallnot restrict aplayerfrom tryouts with other affiliates, clubs or teams, unless the signingperiod described below has commencedand the player has signedan affiliate registration orcommitment form. Allparentsand players shall benotified that theydo not have an obligation to commit to ateam in order to participate in atryout.

l.Affiliates, clubs orteams are allowed to haveplayers orthe parents orguardians ofplayers, as applicable, sign theappropriate affiliateregistration or commitment form commencingon the Mondayafter theinitial dateof theapplicable team tryout period. Affiliates, clubs or teams shallprovide playersand the parents orguardians ofplayers with information regardingtherestrictionson changingaffiliates, clubs or teams registrationduringthe

seasonalyear. . This information shallbe clearlyindicated on the registration or commitment form or an attached document

m.Allegations of inappropriate orillegal recruitingshall be subject to ahearingbyan impartial hearingpanel comprisedofnot less than threepeople appointed bythe President ofIYSA and conductedaccording to theIYSAHearings Policy. In theevent thehearingpanel determines that inappropriate orillegal recruiting has occurred,the hearing panel shall determinethe appropriatedisciplinaryaction accordingtoguidelines approved bytheIYSA Board. Thetype andextent ofthedisciplinaryactionshall be at thediscretion of thehearing panel, subject toIYSAguidelines.

n. Ifthe hearingpanel determines that inappropriateorillegalrecruitinghas occurred anda disciplinaryaction is taken, the partysubject to the action shallhavethe right to appeal the decision in accordancewith theIYSA Appeals Policy.

Section 4. CompetitiveRegistration

1.Registration -Each competitive team shall be required to submit to the Member registrar the followingforms: coach registration form,competitive roster, proof-of-agedocument, play-upform (if needed),and medical releaseform.

2.Member Registrar- TheMember registrar willmakesurethat theplayersareproperly rostered in the appropriateagegroupand submitthe competitive roster,alongwith the coach registration form,and anynecessaryplay-up forms toIYSA.

3.Player Passes and CoachPasses-Player passesand coach passes will beissued by IYSAand arerequired for allIYSA-sanctioned events. Clubs havethe option of using theirplayer passes to allow players to participatewith other club teams aslongas they abide bythe play-upruleof nomorethan twoyears(refer to Rule4, Section 2, item #2, for additional clarification).

4.Names -Competitive players must use their first and last name as itappears on their proof-of-agedocument on allregistration materials.

5.Adding a Player-A team mayaddan unlimited numberof currentlyunregistered players to its rosters in agivenagedivision throughout theseasonalyear subject to the maximum rosterlimitation of 18 players forU15andyounger teams and 22 for U16 and older


6.Transfers—Anyplayer committingto an organization is considered registered with that organization for the entireseasonalyear unlessgranted atransfer.Anyplayerthat is granted atransfer to another organization is ineligible to playfor their neworganization in theNational Championship Series, i.e. StateCup, for that playingyear.

Exception 1. This rulewillnot applyif aplayers signs with ateam after tryouts and the team subsequentlyfolds beforethestart ofthe next season. For"Fall Teams"this means priorto thefirst scheduledgame in the fallforthat team or for "SpringOnlyTeams"this means priorto the firstgame forthat team after the team is registeredwith theState. In thesecases theplayer will beconsidered as

an add/drop ratherthanatransfer.

Exception 2. A playermovinginto the District duringthe playingyearwillbe consideredanew playerratherthanatransfer.

Exception 3. A playermovingbeyond 50 milesoftheir current areaof residence, maybegrantedatransferwith permission to playat StateCup,but must applytoIYSAforaruling.

Exception 4. A player beingdropped from one organization via the add/drop form then added toanotherorganization willbeeligible forStateCup however it is stillconsidered atransfer againstthereceivingteam.

All other requestsfor exceptions will be considered on a casebycasebasis,and must be submitted in writingtoIYSA for consideration.

1. Anyplayer transferring within theirorganization for theyear is also considered atransfer but mayplayat StateCup.

2. A player transferringfrom one organization to another must waitaperiodofseven (7) daysfrom thetime ofState Registrar approval beforebeingeligibleto play. A player transferring from within their own organization forthatyear is eligibleto play immediatelyfollowingthe approval of theStateRegistrar.

3. Teams that wish to participatein theNational Championship Series i.e. StateCup, are limited to five (5)total transfers per USYSA National Championship Series Team EligibilityRule, Section 221.

4. All requestsfortransfers shallbesubmitted on the appropriateform to theIYSA Registrar, and shallcontain the followinginformation:

4.1 / Signatureof theplayer, ifplayer is 18years of ageor older; or
4.2 / Signatureof theparent/guardian of theplayer iftheplayer is under 18 years of age;
4.3 / Signatureof the releasingcoach;
4.4 / Signatureof releasingregistrar;
4.5 / Signatureof the releasingTechnical Director;
4.6 / Signatureof the receivingcoach;
4.7 / Signatureof the receivingTechnical Director;and
7. / 4.8 / Signatureof receivingregistrar.

8.Releaseof Player- A coach shallbepermitted to releaseaplayer from his/her own team

roster onlyunder specialcircumstances, e.g. movingfrom the area, repeated unexcused absencesfrom practicesessions and/or games, orrepeated ungentlemanlyorunladylike conduct at practicesessions and/or games bysubmittingthe appropriate Add/Drop/Transfer form. Dropping aplayer against his/herwillfrom ateam is prohibited unless the coaches show cause.

8.StateCup Competition-Additional rules governingrosters and players forcompetitions leadingto theU.S. Youth Soccer National Championships (commonlycalled "StateCup" inIdaho) arereferenced in Rule8.

Section5. Recreational/Developmental Registration

Inaddition to the general registration rules, the followingrulesapplyto recreational and developmental players and teams not involved in district leagues.

1.Registration- Players shallbe registered on a recreational roster.

2.Play-Ups – Please refer to the play-up policy document.

3.LeaguePlay -for recreational and developmentalteams involved in district leagueplay, allof thedistrict rules must be followed in addition to these rules. Alldistrict league recreational and developmental teams willbeissued player passes.

4.Roster -A district leaguerecreational team must keep their roster from thefallinto the springand submitanychanges to it on theRecreational RosterChange Form.

5.Transfers-Transfers must be submitted on the Recreational TransferForm. (However,

if theteam is not participatingin thespringleagueand is beingdissolved, alettermustbe sent statingthat the teamhas been dissolved.)

Section 6. Types ofTeams

IYSArecognizes threetypes of teams:

1.Girls' Teams areteams with females only.

2.Boys' Teams areteams with males only.

3.Coed Teams areteams with both malesand females andshall be considered aBoys'team for anysanctioned leagueor competition.


Section 1. General

As part ofthe USYS andIYSA Risk Management/KidSafeProgram,all coaches, managers, refereesand volunteersmustbe registered with their local Member andIYSA.

Section 2. Fees

Feeswillbedetermined bytheIYSA Board ofDirectors.

Section 3. Registration

1.Coaches willsubmitan Application to Coach to theirlocal Member along with their Coach's Codeof Conductwith the appropriatefeesto their MemberRegistrar who will then submit the requiredpaperwork and fees toIYSA. These forms must be completed and submitted everyseasonalyear.

2.As part ofthe Risk Management/KidSafeProgram, coaches, managers, referees and volunteers, will also needto submitaVolunteer Registration Disclosure Form (VRD)to IYSA. This form mustbe completed and submitted every year. Althoughabackground check willbedone everytwoyears, therewillberandom checks done every year.


Proof-of-Ageshallconsist of anyoneof thefollowing: a birth certificate,auniform services identification and privilegecard(DDForm 1173)issued bythe uniformedservices of theUnited States or birth registration issued byanappropriate government agency, board ofHealth

Records, passport, alienregistration card (green card)issued bythe UnitedStates government, a certificate issued bytheImmigration and Naturalization Service attested to ageor a certification of an American citizen born abroad issued bytheappropriategovernmentagency. A birth certificate from aforeigncountrymustbeaccompanied byanotarized English translation. The translator's qualificationmustbe attached. Hospital, baptismal or religious certificates will not

be accepted. Anyplayermaybe called upon to provehis/her legal agebytheBoard of

Directors, the Registrar, the District Commissioner orthe Member President.

Section 2. AgeDivision

1.Theagegroup that aplayer is assigned to dependsupon the player's ageonAugust 1stof the seasonalyear. Theonlyexception is aU6 playerwho turns at least fiveyears old duringthecurrent calendaryear.

U-19 player has not reached 19thbirthdaybefore August 1st U-18 player has not reached 18thbirthdaybefore August 1st U-17 player has not reached 17thbirthdaybefore August 1st U-16 player has not reached 16thbirthdaybefore August 1st U-15 player has not reached 15thbirthdaybefore August 1st U-14 player has not reached 14thbirthdaybefore August 1st U-13 player has not reached 13thbirthdaybefore August 1st U-12 player has not reached 12thbirthdaybefore August 1st U-11 player has not reached 11thbirthdaybefore August 1st U-10 player has not reached 10thbirthdaybefore August 1st U-9 player has not reached 9thbirthdaybeforeAugust 1st

U-8 player has not reached 8thbirthdaybeforeAugust 1st

U-7 player has not reached 7thbirthdaybeforeAugust 1st

U-6 player has not reached 6thbirthdaybeforeAugust 1stor who turns 5years old duringthe currentcalendaryear

2.Play-Up Consents- Please refer to the play-up policy document.

Section 3. MaximumMinimumRosterSizes

1.No competitive team participatingin theNational Championships (i.e. StateCup) shallbe allowed to rostermorethan eighteen(18) playersorless than seven playersforU15 and younger teams and no morethan twenty-two(22)orless than seven(7)players forU16 and olderteamsat anygiven time duringthe seasonalyear.

2.Suggested minimum and maximum rostersizes as indicated:

Group / Game
Format / Roster Size
Minimum / Maximum
U6 / 3v3 / 3 / 6
U7-U8 / 4v4 / 4 / 8
U9 / 6v6 / 6 / 12
U10 / 7v7 / 7 / 14
U11-U12 / 9v9 / 9 / 16
U13-U19 / 11v11 / 11 / 18-22*
*see#1 aboveregarding StateCup Teams

3. Unless the event rules specify differently, the maximum game day roster shall not exceed 18

Section 4. ImproperRegistration

Anyteam playingaplayer who is over-ageor who is improperlyentered on the team's roster shall forfeitthegame(s)in which that player tookpart and mayface furtherdisciplinaryaction bythe Member and/orBoard ofDirectors ofthisAssociation.


Ifpermitted under club, leagueand Memberrules,and subject to StateCup Rules, aplayer may be rostered onamaximum of twoIYSA teams within the same clubprovided that the teams are in different leagues andsubject to anyoverridingtournament orleaguerestrictive rules. Aplayer maynot beregistered with morethan one clubat anygiven timeduringtheseasonalyear; however aplayer wishingtoparticipate in an internal recreation league forone club and a competitive team with another clubmaydo so with the permission of both clubs.

A player registeredwith IYSA mayalso be registered with and/or playwith another organized youth soccerassociation,e.g.AYSO.


Ayouth player will be permitted to playan unlimited number ofamateurgames without losing his/heryouth eligibility. Theyouth player must obtain permission from his/heryouthcoach or other authorized team official. Theyouth coach orother authorized team official shall, in writing, or byform, request eligibilityclearancefrom theStateYouth Association. Theyouth coach or other authorizedteam official shall, in writing, or byform, requestpermission from the StateAmateurAssociation. When the above clearanceand permission havebeengranted, the

StateAmateurAssociation has solediscretion in permittingayouth player to playseniorgames and willbe responsible for establishingthe procedureunderwhich this willbeimplemented. In the event ofaconflict between anamateurtrialgame and ayouthgame, theyouthgame shall takeprecedence. Ayouth player who is requiredto sign an amateur form shallretainyouth eligibility.