Sustainable Villages Tree Plantings

Site 1 - Sampford Peverell

1 x Apple on M25 rootstock Court of Wick

2 x Corylus avellana (hazel)

2 x Cob Nut

1 x Purple Cob

25 x coloured willow cuttings

Apple to be planted in larger central space crated by removal of 2 failed trees

Site 2 – Holcombe Rogus Village Hall

1 x Apple M25 rootstock, front of building Upton Pine

1 x Apple MM106 rootstock, rear of building Pitmaston Pineapple

2 x Cob Nut

Tree that needs pruning at the rear of the building is a Lime (Tilia) of some sort. Now is the time to do this, so could be done at the same time as planting.

Site 3 – Holcombe Rogus School

2 x Apple on M25 rootstock Bramley & Autumn Pearmain (from Halberton)

3 x Apple on MM106 rootstock Pitmaston Pineapple, Oaken Pin, Claygate Pearmain

7 x Cornus alba (red stemmed dogwood)

In area by tennis court where dogwood is to be planted, crown lift and Alder.

Site 4 – Uplowman School

5 x Apple on MM106 Pitmaston Pineapple, Oaken pin, Adams Pearmain, Dons Delight, Charles Ross

1 x pear on Pyrodwarf-QuinceA Concorde

To be trained as oblique cordons.

We have the offer of some apples on a weaker rootstock, M26. These could be used and planted slightly closer, thus allowing the planting of 6 apples. I am not 100% happy with all the ones available from Halberton and want to check what varieties Adam's Apples has on this rootstock, but I think it would be better to go for 5 on 106.

I will also be happy to give you and the school a few free hours one weekend to get this site properly prepared for planting

Site 5 - Uplowman Village Hall

2 x Apple on M25 rootstock Bramley (from Halberton), Cornish Aromatic

3 x Apple on MM106 rootstock Upton Pyne, Oaken Pin, Woolbrook Pippin

20 x Corylus avellana (hazel)

Site 6 – Woodenhouse Nursery

1 x Apple on M25 rootstock Bramley (from Halberton)

1 x Apple on MM106 rootstock Pitmaston Pineapple

1 x Apple on MM106 rootstock Howgate Wonder (Nursery already has this tree)