CiscoIP Phone Quick Reference Guide
Basic Campus Calling Information
Basic PhoneFeatures
Voice Mail
Volume and Ringer Sound
Buttons andFeatures
MeetMe Conference Calls
BasicCampus Calling Information
Toplaceacall to another phone on campus:
• Dial the four digit extension of the party you wish to reach.
Toplaceacall to any number off campus:
• For local calls—Dial 9, then the seven digit phone number.
• For long distance calls—Dial 9, dial 1, then the seven digit phone number.
• For international calls—(most campus phones are not pre-authorized to make international calls. If you need to make this type of call, contact the T&C Helpdesk at ext. 8552 and it can be activated as needed.)—Dial 9, dial 011, then dial the remaining digits of the party you are trying to reach.
(Note: A “Soft key” is a physical button on your phone that has various functions based on the mode you are using the phone in at any given time.)
(Any of the below listed methods enable you to place an outgoing call.)
•Lift thehandsetanddial thenumber.
•Presstheline buttonforyourextension,thendial.
•Ifyouareusinga headset,presstheHeadsetbutton,thendial.
•Ifyouhaveestablishedspeeddial numbers,pressa Speeddialbutton.
•Ifyouhaveselected a numberfromadirectory,presstheDialsoftkey.
•Lift thehandset.
•Ifyouareusinga headset,presstheHeadsetbutton.Ifnecessary,pressthelinebuttonofthe incomingcall.
•Ifyouareusinga headset,presstheHeadsetbuttonortheEndCallsoftkey.
•Ifyouareusingthespeakerphone,presstheSpeakerbuttonorthe EndCallsoftkey.
Toview missedcalls:
1. PresstheDirectoriesbutton. (The button with the open book symbol.)
2. Press1 forMissedCalls.
1. PresstheDirectoriesbutton.
2. Findthedirectorythatyouwant,thenpressthecorrespondingitemnumber.Forexample,press 3forPlacedCalls.
3. PresstheDialsoftkeytospeeddial a selectednumber.PressEditDialtoaddorremovedigits beforedialing.
Note:Toenteranyletter onyourLCDscreen,usea correspondingnumberkey.Pressthekeyone or moretimestodisplaya particularletter. Forexample,press2 oncefor“a,” twice for“b,”and threetimes for“c.” To backup,pressthesoftkey.
•Toreturntothecall, presstheResumesoftkey.
•If multiplecalls areonhold,usetheNavigationbuttontoselect thedesiredcallbeforeyoupressResume.
•Ifmultiplecalls on multiplelinesareonhold,pressthe line buttonfortheline to
whichyouwanttoswitchandusetheNavigationbuttontoselect thedesiredcall. Press
Note:BecauseengagingtheHoldfeaturegeneratesmusicora beepingtone,avoidputtinga conferencecall onhold.
1. Duringa call, presstheMoresoftkeyandthentheConfrnsoftkeytoopena newline andput thefirstpartyonhold.
2. Place a call toanothernumber.
3. Whenthecall connects,pressConfrnagaintoaddthenewpartytothecall.
Note: Also see the “MeetMe Conference” section below for more conferencing options.
1. Duringa call, presstheTrnsfersoftkey.Thisputs thecall onhold.
2. Dialthenumbertowhichyouwanttotransferthecall. Assoonasyouhearringing,orafter the partyanswers,pressTrnsfer.
1. PresstheCFwdAllsoftkey.Youwill heartwobeeps.
2. Enterthenumbertowhichyouwanttoforwardall ofyourcalls.Enterthenumberexactlyasyou wouldifyouwereplacinga call tothat number (i.e., 9 + number.)Ananimatedphoneiconflashes inthe upper-rightcornerofyourLCDscreen.
3. Tocancel call forwarding,presstheCFwdAllsoftkey.
PresstheMutebutton.Todisengagemute,pressMuteagainorlift thehandset.
ToaccessyourVoiceMailfromyourIP phone:
PresstheMessagesbuttonandfollowthevoiceinstructions.(The Messages button is the button with the envelope symbol.)
Note:Whenyoureceivea newmessage, a flashingenvelopeicondisplaysonyourLCD screen.Dependinguponyour phoneconfiguration, thelightonyourhandsetglowstoindicatethat youhavereceiveda new message.
1. Dialtheapplicablenumbertocall voicemail:
a.Ifyouarecalling voicemailfromoncampus,dial x8850.
b. Ifyouarecalling voicemailfromoff-campus(oranoutsideline),dial
2. Ifyoudialedtheoff-campusphonenumber,press*whenvoicemail answers.
3. EnteryourID(yourphoneextension),thenpress# .
4. Ifrequired,enteryourvoicemail password,thenpress #.
APDFfile containinga chartofavailable voicemail commandscanbedownloadedat:
PresstheupordownVolumebuttonwhilethehandsetisinits cradle.
1. PresstheSettingsbutton.
2. Press2 forRingType.
3. UsetheNavigationbuttontoscrollthroughthelist ofringtypesandpressthePlaysoftkeyto hearsamples.
4. Highlighttheringyouwant,thenpresstheSelectsoftkey.
5. PresstheOKandSavesoftkeys.
Duringa call, presstheupordownVolumebutton.Pressthe Savesoftkeytoapplythenewvolume leveltofuturecalls.
•Pressthe? buttononce,thenpressa buttonorsoftkey.
•Highlighta featureintheDirectories,Settings,orServicesmenu,thenpressthe?buttontwice quickly.
MeetMe Conference Calls
What is a MeetMe Conference?
The MeetMe conference feature allows for the quick setup of phone based conferences, by allowing on-campus and off-campus users to dial in to a shared phone number that will automatically join the caller to the conference. MeetMe numbers are shared by all campus users and must be scheduled like a regular conference room.
To reserve a MeetMe conference number:
Using Microsoft Outlook Calendar(or Microsoft Outlook Web App Calendar,)create a new meeting invite. From the new meeting interface, select the “Scheduling Assistant” button. At the bottom left side of the Scheduling Assistant window, select “Add Rooms”.A “Select Rooms: All Rooms” window will open and from here you can select one of the available MeetMe Conference lines as a resource as an attendee. As with rooms, MeetMe numbersare available on a first come first served basis.
The available MeetMe numbers are labeled as follows:
MeetMe Conference Room 3580
MeetMe Conference Room 3581
MeetMe Conference Room 3582
MeetMe Conference Room 3583
MeetMe Conference Room 3584
MeetMe Conference Room 3585
MeetMe Conference Room 3586
MeetMe Conference Room 3587
MeetMe Conference Room 3588
MeetMe Conference Room 3589
To initiate a MeetMe conference from you IP phone:
1. Go “off-hook” by lifting the handset, or pressing the speaker button on your IP phone.
2. Press the More softkey (softkeys are the four buttons running across the bottom of the phone’s display screen.)
3. Press the MeetMe softkey, (If MeetMe is not shown, press the More softkey until MeetMe is available.)
4. Dial the four digit MeetMe number you previously reserved. Once you have entered this “meeting room”, other participants are then free to dial in and will automatically be joined to your conference call. Advise others who will be a part of your conference call to dial either the four digit extension that you reserved (for on-campus callers), or for off-campus callers, (805) 437-XXXX (where the X’s are the four digit extension that you reserved.) If participants call into the number before you have “opened” the MeetMe room by calling into it, they will simply get a busy signal.
Note: MeetMe calls can only be initiated from an on campus IP telephone.