Important changes to the ABAE’s Articles of Association
This briefing note has been produced by the Board of the Amateur Boxing Association of England (ABAE) and contains details of proposed changes to the ABAE’s Articles of Association. The changes relate primarily to the structure of the voting membership of the ABAE – so as to empower Clubs - and formal recognition of AIBA Professional Boxing in England. A decision on whether to accept or reject these changes will be made at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on Sunday 24th November 2013.
This decision has huge consequences for the future of boxing clubs and everyone involved in grassroots boxing in England and we are asking you to please read this document so that you are fully aware of the seriousness of the issue and understand what is at stake for everyone that cares about and works within the sport in this country.
Further details of the changes are set out below. If the changes to the Articles are not accepted then we have been warned that the ABAE is likely to be suspended from AIBA indefinitely. This has potentially massive implications for clubs, coaches and boxers. It would leave English boxing isolated from the international scene. English boxers would be prevented from training with and competing against non-English boxers at home or abroad . The ABAE would be left without any connection to any boxing outside of England.
Added to this, Sport England which funds grassroots boxing in England has informed the ABAE that if the new Articles are rejected then it will withdraw its funding of the ABAE and the sport will lose £5 million that is earmarked for grassroots boxing.
To ensure that you and your club are fully aware of this situation and the consequences for the sport, this document has been produced to provide you with an overview of the issues and set outs ways in which you can make your voice heard via your Regional Association.
If you have any questions about this document please contact us at or call our Freephone number 0800 023 2692.
In July 2013, the international governing body for boxing, AIBA, brought a disciplinary case against the ABAE. The AIBA Disciplinary Commission ruled that that the ABAE’s current Articles of Association do not comply with AIBA bylaws and regulations and need to be reformed to bring them into line so that they comply with AIBA rules and statutes.
AIBA’s judgement made it clear that a failure to comply with the ruling of the Disciplinary Commission would result in another disciplinary case being brought against the ABAE. This will have serious implications and almost certainly result in the suspension or expulsion of England by AIBA.
As a result of the Disciplinary Commission, the ABAE set-up a Compliance Commission in the summer of 2013 to address these issues. Working in conjunction with AIBA, the Commission has proposed a series of amendments to the ABAE’s Articles which will ensure it is compliant with AIBA rules and statutes. To follow is a summary of the key changes to the ABAE’s Articles that are proposed by the Compliance Commission.
Technical Rules, AIBA Professional Boxing and World Series Boxing
The new updated Articles formally accept all AIBA statutes and bylaws in addition to all Technical Rules for the sport. This includes full recognition of WSB (World Series Boxing) and APB (AIBA Professional Boxing). It is the intention that, on acceptance of the Articles, the AIBA Technical Rules will be adopted in full from the 1st January 2014 notwithstanding any further agreements that have been reached with AIBA on specific operational issues. A consequence of full recognition of WSB and APB is that the ABAE would be renamed “England boxing”, because AIBA no longer permit the use of the word “Amateur”.
The new Articles also respond to AIBA’s concerns about the on-going compliance and stability of the organisation by recognising the ‘boxing clubs’ as the voting members of the ABAE and provide a clearer definition around membership and the classification of members. This means that the clubs now have the right to vote at General Meetings and are generally treated as “members” of the organisation under company law. The intention is to recognise that the delivery of the sport takes place through the affiliated clubs, to bring the Clubs closer and more involved in the decision-making process within the ABAE.
It means that any boxing club of more than 20 members will be able to cast a vote on all major voting issues at future General Meetings, thereby giving clubs a greater say in the running and direction of the sport in England.
The new Articles also provide for a Code of Conduct, to which all members of the ABAE will be required to adhere (i.e. individuals, clubs, regional associations and other affiliated organisations) that provides a further framework to ensure and maintain future compliance. These changes have all been developed at the request of and with the input of AIBA
In addition to this, Sport England, which has committed to invest £5 million in boxing over the next four years, has also agreed that these changes to the Articles will ensure the ABAE is ‘fit for purpose’ and can therefore continue to receive public funding under this constitutional arrangement. Sport England has expressed concerns that, without these changes, the ABAE’s governance is not sufficiently stable to receive public funding.
Along with changes above (to Technical Rules and Compliance) further amendments to the Articles have included an element of cleaning-up to ensure that they are fully compliant with the Companies Act 2006 and UK Company Law.
If you would like to see a copy of the proposed new Articles please request them via .
A Company Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) has been called for Sunday 24th November 2013 when the decision on whether to accept or reject the new Articles will be made. That is a decision which the existing voting members, i.e. the Regional Associations, are legally required to make.
If the Articles are rejected the ABAE has been told that England will be suspended or expelled by AIBA and Sport England will withdraw £5 million of funding for grassroots boxing.
This is a critically important decision for the future of boxing clubs and everyone involved in the grassroots of the sport.
The new Articles formally recognise the importance of boxing clubs and give the voice and ownership of the sport to the clubs and the people within them. It is their sport and these Articles recognise that in a formal and legal manner. We believe this is the right governance model for a club based sport. It will empower the club-based membership and provide a meaningful structure through which the clubs have a voice and a say in the running of the sport.
The new Articles address the compliance and governance issues raised by AIBA and Sport England. Acceptance of them will maintain the status of English boxing within the Olympic family and international boxing and ensure it has a working national governing body that is fit to represent and administer the sport in England.
A failure to accept the new Articles is likely to have very negative effects on boxing in England. It will almost certainly result in the Disciplinary Case against the ABAE being referred back to the AIBA Disciplinary Commission. Precedent shows that previous penalties for this type of non-compliance have been the suspension or expulsion of the national federation from AIBA.
The suspension or expulsion of the ABAE and English boxers from AIBA would have a catastrophic effect on the sport, boxers and boxing clubs in England.
It would leave the sport in England cast adrift from the rest of the world, outside the Olympic family with no recognised domestic or international administrative structures and no avenue for English boxers, of all ages, to compete internationally or against any other nation in any format.
· English boxers will NOT be able to train with or compete against boxers from another country, including Scotland, Wales and Ireland
· English boxers will NOT be invited to or allowed to participate in any international competitions at any level
· Boxers affiliated outside of England will NOT be able to train or spar with English boxers in their gyms
· English boxers will not be allowed to compete at AIBA sanctioned international competitions, at any level, including schools, juniors and seniors
· English boxers will no longer be allowed to compete at the Commonwealth or Olympic games or any other similar worldwide event
In addition to this, grassroots boxing in England will lose £5 million of funding from Sport England, the majority of which is earmarked for coach development work, creating competition opportunities for young boxers and upgrading clubs and facilities.
The vote on whether to accept or reject the new Articles will be held at an EGM on Sunday 24th November 2013.
A total of 12 votes will be cast; one vote each by the 11 Regional Associations of the ABAE and one vote by the Combined Services Boxing Association. To be accepted, the new Articles need 75% of the votes cast (i.e., if all voting members attend, 9 out of 12 votes would be required to approve the new Articles).
If you or anyone at your club has a view on how you would like your Regional Association to vote then you should contact your Regional Secretary and make your views known.
To enable you to do this and have a voice on this critical issue that could have a significant impact on the future of your club and everyone involved with it, included is an Appendix which includes the contact details of all the Regional Secretaries.
If you have any further questions about this or require further information you are also welcome to contact the ABAE directly at or on 0800 023 2692
Merseyside and Cheshire
Association Secretary: John Hallam
Tel: 0780 9629 083
North West
Association Secretary: Colin Hayes
Tel: 07411 391233
Tyne Tees and Wear
Association Secretary: Ray Scott
Tel: 0770 331 7679
Association Secretary:Eric Hoyland
Tel: 0784 9321 341
Association Secretary and registrar: Louise Gibbs
Tel: 07773 604 784
East Midlands
Association Secretary and registrar: Dave Cockell
Tel: 0786 0286 125
Home Counties
Association Secretary: Faz Keyani
Tel: 0774 8841 862
Association Secretary: Dennis Stinchcombe
Tel: 07973 574091
Association Secretary: Keith Walters
Tel: 07971 058 218
Eastern Counties
Association Secretary: Saphire Lee
Tel: 0791 9263 076
Southern Counties
Association Secretary: Aaron Pritchard
Tel: 07713 487008
Combined Services
Association Secretary: Nathan Pearce
Tel: 07554 242 243