CFIRE Research Proposal
[Proposal Title]
[Name and title of Principal Investigator]
[Mailing address]
Name and title of Co-Principal Investigator]
[Mailing address]
Name and title of Co-Principal Investigator]
[Mailing address]
At least one institution listed above must be a CFIRE consortium partner.
This research document is for the purpose of the research selection process. It will be shared with CFIRE’s Executive Commitee, staff, and other peers for review and evaluation.
Table of Contents
1.Project Summary
2.Problem Statement
3.Research Objectives/Methodology/Task List
4.Qualifications, Accomplishments, and Commitments of Research Team
5.Equipment and/or Facilities
6.Proposed Schedule
7.Proposed Budget
8.Cooperative Features and/or Partnerships
1.Project Summary
(Not to exceed one page in length)
Project Title:Name of the research proposal
PI Name and Address:Name; Institution; Postal Address; Email
Project Objectives:Include the project objectives here in paragraph format.
Project Abstract:Include the project abstract here.
Task Descriptions:1. Task one
2. Task two
3. Task three, etc.
Duration; Dates:__ months; (begin date – end date)
Budget:Total budget
Matching Funds & %:Amount of matching and percent of the total budget
Student Involvement:How many students and grad or undergrad
Modal Orientation:Highway/Rail/Air/Maritime
2.Problem Statement
Your problem statement should demonstrate your understanding of the problem. It should also demonstrate you possess awareness of recent and past work in this area.
3.Research Objectives/Methodology/Task List
This section should provide a plan that directly and feasibly addresses the research problem. If you plan on collaborating with others in the performance of this research, then their contributions should be detailed here.
4.Qualifications, Accomplishments, and Commitments of Research Team
This section should demonstrate your team’s qualifications to conduct this research.
5.Equipment and/or Facilities
This section should demonstrate the adequacy of your facilities in the performance of this research.
6.Proposed Schedule
Provide a Gantt Chart, or similar schedule, by research task. The schedule should account for all activities including research tasks and review/ revisions to the final report and other deliverables.
7.Proposed Budget
(Please use the table on the next page or a similar budget that addresses the same line items)
Budget Description: Provide a summary tabulation indicating staffing plans and estimated person-hours specific to each operational phase. Budget estimates should include salaries, overhead and indirect costs, travel, computer time, equipment (purchase and/or rental), expendable materials and supplies, report printing (for 14 bound copies), special services (as applicable) and other related budgetary expenses.
Capital expenditures can not exceed $5,000 without prior written approval from the USDOT’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). Foreign travel is also not permitted with these funds without prior written approval from RITA.
Matching Funding: Budget estimates should also include identification of all matching fund sources. CFIRE encourages researchers to partner with their state transportation agencies, other public sector agencies, and/or private sector interests.
CATEGORIES / Budgeted Amount / MatchAmount / Explanatory Notes
Center Director Salary
Faculty Salaries
Administrative Staff Salaries
Other Staff Salaries
Student Salaries
Staff Benefits
Total Salaries and Benefits
Permanent Equipment
Expendable Property,
Supplies, and Services
Domestic Travel
Foreign Travel
Other Direct Costs (Specify)
Total Direct Costs
F&A (Indirect) Costs
*Includes Federal and Matching Shares
8.Cooperative Features and/or Partnerships
Letters of support must be included from all academic partners external to the CFIRE consortium, and/or from government and private industry.
Priority will be given to research proposals submitted by universities in partnership with state departments of transportation, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and/or private industry.