Academic Delivery Group Meeting


November 30, 2004

2:30 p.m., RH 102

Members Present:Martha Addis, Eugene Grant, Scott Harvey, Neil Lark, Lynn Lewis, Robin McFall, Gwen Owens, Steve Walter

Members Absent:None

Others Present:Bob Athearn and Danny Frady

Chair:Dr. Buckhiester

Length of Meeting:2 hours

Topics Discussed:

Bob Athearn and Danny Frady discussed the computer lease/replacement program. Computers will be replaced based on the estimated remaining years of usage as shown on the TCTC Computer Labs table, Administrative and Staff Offices table, and the Academic Division Offices table. The installation of replacement computers will take place between the spring and summer terms, with classrooms and labs as the top priority. Since the presentation systems in the smart classrooms are less than two years old, their replacements will be worked into the second year of the plan. To keep up with technology, CAD labs may need to be replaced more often than every three years. Computer Services is aware of this and can be flexible. Computers will be replaced to capacity rather than to just the number currently in the classroom or lab.

It was noted that the college may have to establish some protocol for moving computers. It was also noted that CP mail is on the server, but hard drives will have to be backed up before replacement. To comply with GLBA and FERPA, old computers will be wiped clean before they are returned.

Bob asked the group to mention any suggestions to him or to Danny. He asked the group to be proactive in determining needs for the new academic year, and Bob and Danny will try to keep the members of the group informed of activity in their areas.

Bob discussed some organizational changes in his area. Computer Services’ technicians are no longer assigned to a building, but are now part of a pool, and will be assigned to jobs as needed.

After the discussion on the computer lease program, the minutes of the November 3, 2004 meeting were approved. In complying with the November 3 minutes, Gwen reported that for approval of pre-requisite/co-requisite overrides, in the absence of an available department head or the Comprehensive Studies Division Chair, the designees are: Joe Stearns, Math Department; Amoena Norcross and Marianne Taylor, English Department; and Chris Worthy, Comprehensive Studies Division.

Scott distributed the Summer 2005 calendar and noted that the full academic calendar for the next year is almost complete. In developing the academic calendar, the calendar committee suggested some clarification on advising. What is the college’s focus of advising – only course selection, or something more? Do students have to see an advisor or can they register themselves? The calendar committee and the ADG agreed that using the terminology “Advising/Registration Period” gives the wrong impression. The wording was changed to “Early Advising for Registration.” The college should continue discussions on the focus of advising.

Scott also mentioned some differences in registration on campus. Most divisions register from registration day until the beginning of the semester. Because its registration is more complex, the Arts and Sciences Division only registers at a certain time. This causes concern for students because they believe they will not be able to get the classes they need because they have to wait. Dr. Buckhiester, Gwen and the Arts and Sciences department heads will meet after the Christmas break to discuss this issue.

Dr. Buckhiester discussed leadership development. By December 17, the Executive Staff is to have a prioritized list of individuals to recommend for external leadership opportunities. Although the prioritization may change based on the opportunity, this will create a pool of potential candidates.

Locator cards were discussed. Fully completed locator cards must be submitted to Personnel for emergency purposes. For locator cards posted on instructors’ doors, instructors may include only their office hours, if they so choose. An accounting of their entire day is not necessary.

The academic web was discussed. Currently, the academic web is an uneven collection of department pages. Some pages look like a recruiting brochure and others are geared toward current students.

Steve explained that the academic web was not created for the public. It was created to give faculty the freedom to place anything they wanted to on the web page. Currently a wide variety of information is on the academic web. No one has ownership of it, so it is inconsistent. The academic web is housed on a server at State Tech, but may be moved to our server by this summer. After further discussion, it was noted that 1) the academic web needs to be moved behind Campus Pipeline; 2) program pages should be created with some consistency in the look and the use; and 3) its new location needs to be communicated to the college.

Lynn announced that Sharon Eckert has been hired as support staff in the division office. She also reported that the Veterinary Technology Department has been given notice of full accreditation.

Scott noted that he needs one more faculty member on the Banner workgroup.

Steve reported that the new high volume, networkable copier will be installed in December. At some point, he will need to involve the ADG in discussions on how to shift to that type of operation and how to phase it in. He also noted that Caroline Mills has resigned to pursue her doctorate at Clemson, and her farewell reception will take place on December 16th.

Eugene announced that Tom Applebee will retire on December 31st.

Martha announced that Tim Busha is leaving the college.He has taken a position with the new Anderson County Sheriff.

Dr. Buckhiester stated that he was very pleased with and very appreciative of all the work that went into the performance pay documentation. Individuals receiving either a bonus or a salary increase will receive notification letters. The ADG asked that the letters be mailed to employees’ home addresses rather than be placed in division mail boxes. Dr. Buckhiester will mention this to Sharon.

During the spring semester, the ADG agreed to continue meeting on the first and third Tuesdays of the month, at 2:30. The group’s next meeting will take place on December 14, at 3:00.

Dr. Buckhiester will be creating a work group to standardize course syllabi. He would like one representative from each division. Tom Hiebel has volunteered to be a member of the group and will represent the Arts and Sciences Division.

Except for the Student Records representative, the Curriculum Committee is complete. The committee will begin holding meetings in January, 2005.

Dr. Buckhiester distributed a revised Academic Dishonesty Incident Report. He asked the group to review it and to give him any feedback. He hopes to finalize the Report in January. He noted that we have had 16 reports of academic misconduct, involving 21 students, with two appeals.

Faculty loading was briefly discussed. On January 6, Scott will provide a list of classes that do not meet the minimum number of students.

The Executive Staff has been given approval to move forward with equipment purchases. Over the next few days, Dr. Buckhiester will send listsof approved equipment to division chairs so purchase requests can be prepared.

Minutes Recorded by:Anne Bryan

Next Meeting:Tuesday, December 14, 2004, at 3:00 pm, in the Board Room