Pre-Calculus Syllabus
Instructor: Susan Y. Patterson
Instructor E-mail:
Instructor Phone: (817) 542-0319
Course Description
This course is a study of relations and functions, including polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, right triangle trigonometry and an introduction to circular functions. The course starts with functions and graphs, including polynomial and rational functions. It continues by examining exponential and logarithmic functions. This course concludes with an introduction to analytic geometry. Prerequisites: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Trigonometry
Course Objectives
In this course students will:
v Write equations using function notation,
v Factor, solve and graph linear, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions,
v Understand the relationship between numerical properties and complex numbers,
v Master the use of graphical calculators for the purpose of statistical data, linear regression, and matrices,
v Use conic sections to model motion and other physical properties;
v solve quadratic equations with two variables to determine the type of conic section and its geometric components;
v Convert between parametric and rectangular coordinates and interpret polar coordinates;
v Use the definition of sine and cosine as y-and x-coordinates of points on the unit circle and be familiar with the graphs of sine and cosine functions;
v Use the definitions of the tangent and cotangent functions and graph them;
v Use the definitions of the secant and cosecant functions and graph them;
v Know that the tangent of the angle that a line makes with the
x-axis is equal to the slope of the line;
v Use the definitions of the inverse trigonometric functions and graph their functions; and
v Compute, by hand, the values of the trigonometric functions and the inverse trigonometric functions at various standard points.
Required Text (Online)
Holt, Precalculus, A Graphing Approach,2006
Required Materials
3 – Ring binder 1 Spiral Notebook
Red Pens Graph Paper
Ruler Loose-leaf College Ruled Paper or
Mechanical Pencils with Erasers Ream of White Computer Paper
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all classes. However because of illness, appointments, and other conflicts, it is understood that sometimes absences may occur. Students are responsible for all missed work, notes, assignments, tests, quizzes, and any other information missed. Students are given the number of classes missed to make up all work. For example, if a student misses class on Monday, they have Thursday to make up the work, and it will be due Friday in class. If a student misses class notes, they are responsible for copying the notes from the PowerPoint slides located online, as well as, copying the notes from classmates. Once they have the class notes, they can meet with the instructor for further explanation.
If a student misses class on a test day, they are expected to take the test the day they return to school. Arrangements need to be made for the make-up test with the instructor as soon as possible. This can be done in person or through e-mail. If a student missed class on the day of a review, they are not expected to take the test when they return. They are given the same amount of time they missed to make-up the test. Students are urged to meet with the teacher to review the material that will be tested before taking the test. If a student misses a class on the day of a project, they will have to complete the project on their own, but will have the number of days they were absent from class to complete the project. If a student is absent from class on a day where a video is shown, the video will be made available to them via e-mail so they watch it at their leisure.
Class Notes Notebook
The two spiral notebook is designated as the notebook where students take class notes. It is imperative that students take notes during the lecture. Also I will give many examples in class that are not on the online notes, so it’s important that students take notes during class for those examples. Please let me reiterate, taking notes in class is not an option. Students need to copy down everything from examples problems to definitions. Students will turn in their class notes notebook periodically, which will be graded for completion, accuracy, and neatness. Consider this notebook to be part of a portfolio of notes that students will need for Honors Pre-Calculus.
Homework can be completed on lined notebook paper or on white printer paper (hole-punched). All homework assignments, unless otherwise stated, should be completed in the homework 3-ring binder. Homework problems, as well as all assignments should be done in pencil only. Homework binders will be turned in on test days. Homework should be completed neatly with corrections done in green pen. On each assignment, the date, page number, and lesson should be printed neatly at the top of each page. Each homework problem should be numbered in ascending numerical order. Failure to follow directions will result in a loss of homework points. Please make sure that your name is printed legibly on the front cover of your homework notebook. Homework is not optional.
Grading Policy
Grading is done on a point system rather and a percentage system. Each assignment is assigned a point value and students’ grades are determined by the number of points they have earned divided by the total points able to be earned on an assignment. Typically tests are 100 points, quizzes are from 5 – 50 points, projects are 50 points, and all other assignments are 5 – 20 points. The letter grades associated with each number of points are as follows:
A+ 97 – 100 D+ 67 - 69
A 93 – 96 D 63 - 66
A- 90 – 92 D- 60 - 62
B+ 87 – 89 F 50 – 59
B 83 – 86
B- 80 – 82
C+ 77 – 79
C 73 – 76
C- 70 - 72
Also each category of grades has an assigned percentage.
Homework 20% Class work 20%
Quizzes 20% Tests and Exams 40%
Tests, Quizzes, and Projects
Tests are usually given after each chapter has been completed. They include concepts and problems from the chapter and are worth 100 points. The class period before a test is always designated as a review day, which will help prepare for the upcoming test. Unit tests will be given at the end of each unit and are also worth 100 points.
Quizzes are shorter than test and cover a small amount of material, usually from one to three lessons. There will not be review days for quizzes so students are expected to be caught up on the material and meet with me if they have any questions. Even though quizzes have the same percentage as homework and classwork, it will be weighted heavier.
For each unit a project will be assigned. The projects are done during class time with assigned groups. Students need to work together with their group members to complete the project and are graded not only on the project but how well they worked with their peers.
Food, Drink, and Trash Policy
Students are not allowed to have food and drink in the classroom. Students are allowed to have water bottles with a cap. Please always clean your area and throw all trash away before you leave the classroom. Also please take all of your belongings when you leave the classroom. Do not leave books, book bags, calculators, or any other personal belongings in the classroom because we do not want them to get lost or accidentally thrown away.
Classroom Decorum
Students are expected to demonstrate courtesy, respect, and honor in class. This includes raising your hand when you have something to say and respecting the instructor while teaching is taking place. The classroom should be a fun and educational place, so it is important that we all respect each other to ensure that it remains a safe and thriving learning environment. If a student decides not respect the learning environment, they will be given first a verbal warning, then a detention, and finally a call home. If the student continues to be disrespectful, they will be sent to the office with a referral.
Student Name:______Course:______Period______
I,______, have read the syllabus and will adhere to its contents. Any questions I have will be asked either in person, by phone, or via e-mail.
Parent signature______
Contact information:
Student signature______
Contact information: