Town of Raymond Town Board

Regular Meeting Minutes

June 8, 2009

1.) Roll Call: Chairman Gary Kastenson called the regular meeting to order at 7:30p.m. Present were Spvrs. Dave Lecus, Kevin Cantwell, Paul Ryan and Wayne Loppnow. Also present was Clerk Kari Morgan, Treasurer Karen Kastenson and approximately six (6) residents.

2.) Payment of Bills: Paid for and authorized in the amount of $46,341.06

3.) Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Treasurer Karen Kastenson as follows: General: $4,656; Money Market: $3,370.69; Reserve (Equipment): $27,065.38; Reserve (Land): $22,722.31. Spvr. Ryan moved, seconded by Spvr. Lecus to approve as presented, carried 5/0.

4.) Minutes of Previous Meeting: May 26, 2009; June 1, 2009: Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Ryan to approve both sets of minutes, carried 5/0.

5.) Set Agenda: Chief Babe requested agenda item 10(b) be moved to 6(c). Spvr. Ryan requested agenda item 11(d) be moved to to agenda item 6(d). A consensus of the board agreed to these changes.

6.) Fire Department:

a.  Correspondence: Chief Babe stated that he received a letter from Wind Lake Fire Dept. stating that they will be increasing their rates from $50 per ALS to $100 beginning September 1st. He also stated that they are going to be able to save some money this year and explained that Mt. Pleasant received a grant for $14k which will allow them to go out and buy the equipment that they have to do the testing on and it will be loaned out to all departments so it will save them roughly $500. He also stated that he has not received a finalized contract from the WI DOT. It was originally 25k then backed down to 15k and then threw in 2k for phones. He does not know where it is yet and has not received a response. He also mentioned that they had the audit today with the WI Dept. of Commerce and they did good. He read through the report that they received from the audit. He also mentioned that through the Wheaton Franciscan Medical Center and RAMAC they meet quarterly and he listed information they collected that he felt would be of interest to the board.

b.  Discussion/Possible Decision on how to proceed with Fire Station Modification Grant: Ch. Kastenson stated that the quote for doing the engineering was around 14k. Spvr. Lecus stated that being it is 210 million nationwide would be about 14 million per state. Ch. Kastenson stated that it scares him f they do not get anything out of this. He stated that the best thing they have going for them is that they are going to put bunks in the firehouse. He explained that this grant is going off of the unemployment rates, population and in that 210 million, they are not stating that each state is going to get an equal amount. Ch. Kastenson stated that he feels the town will get “smoked” on this if we apply. Ch. Kastenson stated that even in the future, if we are going to obtain a plan, they should obtain other quotes and during the budgeting process they should put money aside to have a plan drawn up. Spvr. Cantwell stated that he read it and felt it was towards big cities and dilapidated buildings. Chief Babe stated that the town should write Architect John Murphy a thank you letter for his time. A consensus of the board agreed to not act on this grant.

7.) DPW

a.  Discussion/Possible Decision on Sale of 1989 Intnl. Truck: Ch. Kastenson explained this is the truck sitting out in front of the town hall. Spvr. Lecus stated that he would like to see an open bid. He also would like the posting to include that the town reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. Spvr. Lecus suggested holding the bid open until the first meeting in July and place it on “Craigslist.” Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Ryan to place the truck on open bids for the first meeting in July and place it on Craigslist, carried 5/0.

8.) Stormwater Drainage Commission

a.  Discussion/Possible Decision on Appointment of Applicant to Fill Open Seat: Ch. Kastenson explained that this seat is only good until October. Spvr. Loppnow moved, seconded by Ch. Kastenson to appoint Scott Brenton. Spvr. Ryan abstained from voting since he is on the committee. Motion carried 4/0. Spvr. Lecus thanked everyone else that applied and reminded them that there will be an opening in October.

9.) Ordinances & Resolutions

a.  Second Reading & Adoption of Ord. 2009-07 titled “An Ordinance to Amend Article V entitled “Racine County Zoning” Sec. 2-152 of the Code of Ordinances for the Town of Raymond Pertaining to the Raymond Planning Commission”: The board discussed the planning commission composition. They discussed placing another resident on the commission. Five citizen members, one town board and one fire/rescue member. A consensus of the board decided to change the composition. Spvr. Lecus moved to suspend the rules and read by title only, seconded by Spvr. Cantwell, carried 5/0. Ch. Kastenson read the ordinance by title only. Spvr. Ryan moved, seconded by Spvr. Lecus to approve as read with the amendment, carried 5/0.

10.)  New Business

a.  Discussion/Adoption of Resolution 2009-09 titled “A Resolution to Change the Pay dates for Town Employees Due to the Regular Meeting Date Change”: Ch. Kastenson read the resolution. Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Cantwell to approve, carried 5/0.

b.  Discussion/Possible Decision on Cell Phone Use Policy: Clerk Morgan explained the information from the IRS related to cell phone use policies. Discussion ensued as to what options the town has for the cell phone use policy. Spvr. Cantwell suggested the employees take the entire amount and show it as reportable income. Spvr. Ryan stated that he would prefer Spvr. Cantwell’s approach. The board discussed doing a 3 month audit of the phone bills to figure out if it would be better to have the employees claim it as reportable income. Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Cantwell to hold over until next meeting, carried 5/0.

c.  Discussion/Possible Decision on 4901 W. 3 Mile Rd. Building Permits: Ch. Kastenson stated that there were some buildings built there without permits, some are small buildings and some are greenhouses. Spvr. Lecus mentioned that Jeanine from Robin Vos’ office called him back and stated that according to state statutes, a greenhouse is a temporary agricultural structure and does not need a building permit. Spvr. Cantwell stated that he saw one building in the back. Spvr. Loppnow moved, seconded by Spvr. Lecus to hold over until more information is obtained as to the number of and size of the buildings, carried 5/0.

d.  Discussion/Possible Decision on Todd & Nicole Burant, 1611 51st St. – Stockpiling of Soil prior to Soil Dist. Permit being Issued: Kathy from Breezy Hill Nursery was present. She stated that they are planning on bringing in between 1,500 and 2,000 yards. Spvr. Ryan moved, seconded by Spvr. Lecus to approve with the conditions set forth by the town’s engineer. Spvr. Loppnow stated that if they adopt this, they are opening up a can of worms. He feels that anyone that doesn’t want to go to the planning commission will come in front of the town first. Kathy stated that they are not changing the topography at all. Ch. Kastenson questioned where the soil is coming from. She stated that it is coming from Wilkomm excavating and grading from Union Grove. She understands the town’s predicament but since there is an actual company coming in to do this, then she is waiting the two weeks for someone to say it is ok to do this design. Spvr. Lecus called the motion. Motion to approve denied 2/3. Ch. Kastenson, Spvrs. Cantwell and Loppnow opposed. Spvr. Lecus moved to send to the planning commission, seconded by Spvr. Cantwell, carried 4/1. Spvr. Ryan opposed.

e.  Discussion/Possible Decision on Sewer Study by Engineer: Ch. Kastenson explained that they received a quote from Tom Ludwig. Ch. Kastenson explained that engineer Stamborski has attempted to contact Atty. Riffle to find out what really has to be done. Ch. Kastenson suggested they have a meeting with Stan Riffle and Engineer Stamborski to find out exactly what has to be included in this study. Spvr. Ryan agrees that they should attempt to sit down with R.A. Smith and Stan Riffle. A consensus of the board agreed to meet with Stan Riffle on the 16th at 7:30p.m.

11.)  Unfinished Business

a.  Discussion/Possible Decision on Appointment of Applicant(s) to Planning Commission pertinent to Amended Ordinance: Spvr. Lecus suggested they open the application back up. Spvr. Ryan stated that he spoke to Chief Babe who has agreed to go on the planning commission. Spvr. Cantwell will be the town board representative to the planning commission. All members of the planning commission will be getting a paycheck. Spvr. Loppnow moved, seconded by Spvr. Lecus to appoint Alan Babe and Kevin Cantwell to the planning commission, carried 5/0. Spvr. Lecus moved to open up for applicants until the next town board meeting, seconded by Spvr. Loppnow, carried 5/0.

b.  Discussion/Appointment of U.S. Census Representative: Spvr. Lecus suggested the committee members be contacted to see if they are interested and if not, open it up and put someone in that position. Spvr. Lecus moved to have Clerk Morgan contact all applicants sitting on the census board and if any are interested to submit the application and open up to the general public as well, seconded by Spvr. Loppnow, carried 5/0.

c.  Discussion/Possible Decision on Yenter Land Disturbance Permit Engineer Deposit: Ch. Kastenson suggested he be required to deposit at least $2,500. Spvr. Lecus stated that he does not feel it is the town’s responsibility to pay anything for his project. Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Cantwell to authorize the clerk to send a letter requiring $2,500 deposit and replenish when $250, carried 5/0.

d.  Discussion/Possible Decision on Michels Materials for 1137 27th St. – Conditional Use to Crush Concrete Pavement: The board was provided with a letter from Michel’s materials stating that he had spoken with the Raymond Heights Golf Course. The Michels representative explained that what they have in place for dust control. Spvr. Ryan stated that he spoke to Tim at the golf course and he did say that he was ok with this, he was under the impression that they will place a berm on the south side of the property and questioned if they are still going to do that. The representative stated that they would. Spvr. Ryan stated that the other issues are that it would be nice to place some conditions on it such as no tailgate slamming, to keep it coming off of 7 mile rd. unless access is closed. Spvr. Ryan also stated that the golf course would like the town to at least have the ability to put a stop work order on or influence the contractor to make a change if necessary. Ch. Kastenson stated that if they do have a complaint, they can give Michels a chance to be in compliance before shutting the operation down. Ch. Kastenson stated that he would like to place a condition on it that if they are awarded a bid that they inform the town they are going to be setting up and that they are awarded a bid. Mr. Bingen stated that this makes sense. Mr. Bingen stated that they will let the town know when they would start and if they are awarded a bid. Spvr. Loppnow moved, seconded by Spvr. Ryan to approve the conditional use with all the stipulations discussed above, carried 5/0.

12.)  Public Comment – Discussion of any matter raised by the public: Resident Ludo Vretenar stated that when they read the ordinances, they should specify what they are changing it from. Resident Jean Babe stated that there have been so many accidents on 7 Mile road and there are some bushes by 7 mile and Hwy. U and you cannot see traffic coming. She suggested the bushes be cut down. Ch. Kasetnson stated that he will have the DPW cut it back and explained that they can only cut back as long as they stay within the right-of-way. She also stated she wishes they would think about putting a barrier on 5 mile road and Waukesha road so no one drives in the river. Spvr. Loppnow stated that there is a driveway there and they cannot get in to harvest if there is a barricade there.

13.)  Communication and Announcements: None.

14.)  Adjournment: Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Ryan to adjourn, carried 5/0. Meeting adjourned at 8:50p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kari D.L. Morgan

Town Clerk

F: Minutes/2009/6.8.09