Board of Commissioners

Regular Meeting February 26, 2015

Present: Barbara-Jean DiMauro (Treasurer), Alma Elder (Chair), Mark Girbko (Vice Chair), Len Pinz

(Maintenance Supervisor), Peter Sibley (Executive Director), Fred Vincent (Resident Commissioner)

The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Alma Elder, Chair.

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was amended as follows: (1) Review Proposals for Solar Electric Panels (Old Business, b) was moved to the top of the agenda. (2) Girl Scout Silver Award Project was added to the Executive Director’s Report.The agenda was then accepted as amended, on a motion by Mark, seconded by Barbara-Jean.

Old Business

b) Review proposals for Solar Electric Panels: The representative of Ross Solar Group, Inc. explained to the Board the Connecticut Solar Energy Program for Shared Housing, for which MHA qualifies. There will be no up-front costs for MHA. Ross Solar Group will install the system, which is owned by Connecticut Green Bank (CGB); MHA will contract to purchases only the energy. The state is responsible for insurance on the equipment. Solar energy will be provided for the Community Roomonly. Since tenants are billed individually for electricity and charges vary, it is not financially feasible to provide individual rental units with solar energy.

A contract between MHA and Ross Solar Group, Inc. was signed by Chair Alma Elder and Executive Director Peter Sibley and notarized. On a motion by Mark, seconded by Barbara-Jean, a Power Purchase Agreement between MHA and CGB was approved. Under this agreement, MHA agrees to purchase solar energy from CGB for20 years. The agreement can be extended at the end of 20 years.

Public Session/Comments

No comments

Approval of Minutes

On a motion by Mark, seconded by Fred, the minutes of the January 22, 2015, meeting were accepted.

Correspondence—Resident Memos

No action

Executive Director’s Report

a) Financial Report: Pete reviewed the financial report, answering questions and discussing comments.

b) Waiting List: There are 31 applicants on the waiting list.

c) Affirmative Advertising: There has been no response to an advertisement in a minority publication. Pete recommended that MHA suspend advertising until the spring, at which time an ad will be placed in a second minority publication. The Board agreed.

d) Girl Scout Silver Award Project: Pete met with the Scouts working toward this award and their leaders. The Scouts have arranged for the donation of a computer, which will be set up in the Community Room. Once it is in place, the Scouts will begin classes.

Maintenance Supervisor’s Report

a) General Operations: Snow removal has been the priority.

b) Buildings: Smoke detectors need to be replaced.

c) Grounds: Ongoingsnow removal and cleanup.

d) Water System: All testing is complete through March.

Len informed the Board that he has tendered his resignation effective April 1, 2015.

New Business

No action

Old Business

a) Update on Rehab Grant: Grant received.

c) Award Contract for Exterior Painting: Pete discussedthe bids received and advised that after a thorough investigation of Ivers Bros., Painting Contractors, he recommends that its bid be accepted. On a motion by Barbara-Jean, seconded by Mark, the Board authorized Pete to contract Ivers Bros.

d) Update from Fresnel Group: Representatives from Fresnel Group, Quisenberry Arcari Architects, and Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC) discussed various aspects of the Raspberry Ridge project, including design and financial matters.

The Board agreed to a Special Meeting to further discuss the design and other relevant matters. This meeting is set for March 5 at 3:00 p.m.The LISC representative has been invited to attend.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Respectively submitted,

Barbara-Jean DiMauro
