Curtis Junior High School

Course Catalog 2015 - 2016

9th Grade Course Selections for the Class of 2019

Class of 2019 UPSD High School Graduation Requirements
Subject / Credits / Fulfilled by:
English / 4.0 / English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12, or an approved alternate, such as Honors or Advanced Placement
Social Studies / 3.0 / Contemporary World Studies (1 credit), US History 1/2 (1 credit), Civics (0.5 credit),
and one additional 0.5 credit in social studies
Science / 3.0 / 9th Grade Lab Science, Biology, and one additional one-credit science course
Mathematics / 3.0 / Algebra 1/2, Geometry, and Algebra 3/4 or equivalent
Physical Education / 1.5 / PE Electives
Health / 0.5
Fine/Performing Arts* / 2.0 / Any course in Art and Performing Arts departments; Photography, Dance
Occupational Education/
Technology Education / 1.0 / Any CTE course in Business & Marketing, Family & Consumer Sciences, and Industry & Technology Departments, or Sports Medicine
0.5 credit must be in Technology Education including Professional Video Productions, Digital Communications, Visual Communications, Microsoft Office Specialist 1/2, Journalism, Yearbook, Intro to Engineering, Robotics, AP Computer Science
World Languages* / 2.0 / Spanish, French, Japanese
Electives / 4.0
TOTAL / 24

*In lieu of one credit of Arts and up to two credits of World Languages, students may choose an approved Personalized Pathway Requirement (PPR). PPRs are related courses that lead to a specific post high school career or educational outcome chosen by the student based on the student’s interests and High School and Beyond Plan that may include career and technical education, and are intended to provide a focus for the student’s learning.

CJH Office Staff

Jayne Hofstrand, Principal………….…..ext. 1007
Ben Zielke, Asst. Principal…….…..……ext. 1003
Maile Carr, Assistant Principal …….…..ext. 1002
Kelley Artiaga (A-K)………………...... ext. 1013
Angie Tolan (L-Z)…………….……...... ext. 1012
Sherna Williams, Psychologist ………... ext. 1008 / Office Staff
Stephanie Kerr, Office Coordinator……..……ext. 1001
Amanda LeCompte, Secretary……………...... ext. 1009
Cindy Wilson, Registrar…………………...... ext. 1006
Registrar’s FAX Number...... 253-203-0536
Janet Taft, Student Accounts………………….ext. 1004
Kylee Lamb, Nurse/LPN ……….....…...... ext. 1016
Tammy Bacon, Attendance Secretary. . ..…….ext. 5618

Curtis Junior High School

3725 Grandview Drive West

University Place, WA 98466 – 2138

(253) 566-5670 FAX (253) 566-5644 www.upsd.wednet.edu/cjhs

[A] Fine/Performing Arts [D] Dual Credit [EL] Elective [EN] English [M] Math [O] Occ Ed

[P] Physical Education [S] Science [T] Tech [SS] Social Studies [WL] World Language


Basic Scheduling Information

·  Ninth grade students at Curtis Junior High School are required to take six classes each semester. All ninth graders take English, Math, Science, Social Studies and two elective courses each semester.

·  Students wishing to take Honors courses must submit a separate Honors Application.

·  We will attempt to place all students in their preferred elective courses, but this is not always possible.

·  Students may earn more than the required number of credits for graduation in grades 9-12.

·  Unless otherwise noted in course descriptions, courses may only be taken once for credit.

·  Any off-campus courses taken for high school credit require prior approval from a CHS counselor or administrator. For 9th Graders, only courses taken for credit retrieval will be approved.

·  Zero hour courses begin at 6:30 AM. Students are required to provide their own transportation to zero hour courses.

·  Schedule change request forms will be available in the Main Office after the first day of each semester. Requests will be reviewed by the principal, or designee, after all junior high students have received corrected schedules. Parents requesting only a teacher change must make requests in writing to the Principal. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate requests for specific teachers within a subject area.

·  Schedule changes will not be made after the 10th school day of the semester, as students will not be awarded credit for courses after this time.


ENGLISH 9...... [EN]

Full Year - Fulfills Grade 9 English requirement

Students will strengthen their understanding and appreciation of literature while refining their writing and critical thinking skills. Writings will focus on formal expository essays with textual support. The literature strand will encompass short stories, poetry, novels, drama and non-fiction through a sampling of classic and contemporary authors.


Full Year - Fulfills Grade 9 English requirement

Application REQUIRED. Placement by Counselors & Administration

Recommendation: B or better in Honors English 8 or A in English 8

Students who wish to challenge themselves in English are encouraged to apply for Honors English 9. Acceptance into this course will be determined by test scores, grades, writing skills and teacher recommendation. Students in Honors English 9 should:

• Work well on an abstract level

• Be self-disciplined and highly motivated

• Read, write and learn outside the classroom

• Actively participate in class sessions

This course includes all of the elements of English 9 and demands advanced reading, writing and critical thinking skills. Honors English 9 is open to students currently enrolled in regular or Honors English 8.

Social Studies


Full Year - Fulfills Grade 9 Social Studies requirement

This course will begin with introductory units on geography, culture and world religions. Using these elements, the course will focus on world events from the early 1900’s through present day.


Full Year - Fulfills Grade 9 Social Studies requirement

Application REQUIRED. Placement by Counselors & Administration

Recommendation: B or better in Honors US History 8 or A in US History 8

Honors Contemporary World Studies 9 is designed for students who wish to challenge themselves in Social Studies as well as those who intend to enroll in AP social studies courses later in high school. This pre-AP course follows the same course of study as Contemporary World Studies 9. Students in the Honors course should be prepared to complete frequent writing assignments and cover material at an accelerated pace and in greater depth than regular Contemporary World Studies 9. Acceptance into this course will be determined by test scores, grades, writing skills and teacher recommendation. Honors Contemporary World Studies 9 is open to students currently enrolled in regular or honors eighth grade social studies.



Full Year-Fulfills Grade 9 Lab Science Requirement

In this physical science course, students will deepen their knowledge of the scientific method and will learn basic concepts and principles of physics and chemistry. Students will engage in hands-on learning in a laboratory setting, keep a daily science journal, and read and take notes on scientific concepts. Emphasis will be placed on proper laboratory procedures and lab write-up techniques.

HONORS LAB SCIENCE 9 – Chemistry/Physical Science …....[S]

Full Year-Fulfills Grade 9 Lab Science Requirement

Application REQUIRED. Placement by Counselors & Administration

Honors Lab Science 9 is designed for students who wish to challenge themselves in science as well as those who intend to enroll in AP science courses later in high school. This pre-AP course follows the same course of study as regular Lab Science 9, and will also include more advanced chemistry and physics concepts. Students in the Honors course will learn to write detailed lab write-ups containing AP lab elements. Acceptance into this course will be determined by test scores, grades, and teacher recommendation. Honors Lab Science 9 is open to students currently enrolled in regular or honors eighth grade science.


Ninth grade students are required to take one math course. Placements will be made based on the math course in which students are currently registered and their success at the end of spring semester. All students must complete Algebra 1/2, Geometry, and Algebra 3/4 or an approved alternative in order to graduate.


Full Year Prerequisite: Completion of Pre-algebra or equivalent

This is a traditional first-year algebra course that focuses on developing algebraic fluency. Students will develop an understanding of algebra as a tool for thinking, communicating, and problem solving.


Full Year Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra or equivalent

This is a traditional geometry course. Course content focuses on developing the concepts of reasoning and proof. Content includes geometric transformations, area, volume, congruence, similarity, and beginning concepts in trigonometry. Students will develop an understanding of geometry as a tool for thinking, communicating, and problem solving across all strands of mathematics.


Full Year Prerequisite: Passing grade in Geometry

In this course, students will use the tools developed in Algebra 1/2 to explore more complex situations and will also develop more advanced approaches to solve a variety of real world problems. New materials introduced in this course include maximum/minimum problems, function analysis and some trigonometry in preparation for Pre-Calculus. Problem solving and reasoning will be stressed. Tools used in the course include graphing calculator, protractor and ruler.

World Languages

Full Year – Fulfills World Language Graduation Requirement

The study of a world language is a four-year sequential program. Instruction prepares the diligent student to fulfill college requirements. Each semester builds upon the content previously learned. New Washington State graduation requirements include two years of a world language for most students. Most colleges and universities recommend or require completion of two to three recent, consecutive years of a language at the high school level.

Students will learn to speak and understand a new language through practice in reading, writing, speaking and listening. All four skills are equally important, and daily study is required. In the first year, the goal is to enable students to understand, speak, read, and write basic conversations in the language being studied. Students should be able to use the proper grammar needed for basic communication. Students will also study the history and culture of countries where the targeted language is spoken.



In addition to requirements described above, students will master the hiragana writing system.

SPANISH 1-2** [WL]

**Fee of $13 for Spanish Workbook Required



One Semester Requirement: $10 material fee

Organized around the elements and principles of design, students engage in learning activities focused on creative self-expression, application of design concepts, and the skillful use of tools and materials. Craftsmanship and quality are stressed as students experiment with a variety of art media. Students expand their art literacy through hands-on practice, vocabulary building, and artwork analysis.


One Semester Requirement: $10 material fee

The basics of Art 9 are expanded upon in this course. Students put the principles and elements of design to use in greater depth. Students continue to expand their art literacy with more practice, vocabulary building and artwork analysis and study.

Business & Computer Technology

Digital Communications…………………...... [O][T][D]

One semester

This course will help students gain vital technology skills for their future. Students will work on computers each day, and will gain experience with digital devices and applications such as keyboarding skills and voice recognition software, scanners and digital cameras. In Digital Communications, students learn core skills in a variety of Microsoft Office 2010 applications such as Word, Excel and Power Point. Skills learned in this course will help students prepare reports, letters, spreadsheets and presentations. Dual Credit Course: Students may earn college credit by completing this course with a grade of B or better.

MICROSOFT oFFICE specialist i (mos i)...... [O][T][D] One Semester

Make yourself a specialist in Microsoft Word, Excel and Access. This course will provide you with skills you will use in high school, college and the workplace. MOS I is a workplace environment where you independently work through project-based, in-class assignments. Working with fellow classmates, you will complete units in Word, Excel and Access and learn to use these applications in the world of work. Dual Credit Course: Students may earn college credit by completing this course with a grade of B or better.


Students learn how to use Photoshop CS6. Students learn about sales, advertisements, project management and digital design using Photoshop. Course content includes an introduction to the fundamentals of Photoshop including basic tools, image editing, painting, and the creation, use, and management of layers and channels. Dual Credit Course: Students may earn college credit by completing this course with a grade of B or better.

Journalism 1-2 [O][T]

Full Year - Prerequisite(s): Preference given to students with a “B” or better in English.

Students in Journalism learn to create school publications such as the newspaper and yearbook. Students will write news stories and captions and will learn the basics of design and layout. Students will develop the yearbook using Adobe and Online Yearbook software. Students will also learn about digital photography. Students will be required to take photographs of school activities such as games, dances, theatre performances and performing arts activity. Students will learn to enhance and manipulate photographs using Adobe Photoshop for preparation of publishing. Dual Credit Course: Students may earn college credit by completing the full year of coursework with a grade of B or better.

Miscellaneous Electives


One Semester- Placement by advisor

Designed for “elected” A.S.B. officers and students nominated by teachers or counselors. The role of this class is to support A.S.B.-affiliated activities such as dances, elections, assemblies, service projects and more. Students will also learn and practice leadership skills. ASB officers will take the class both semesters.


One Semester-Elective Credit Only- Pass/ Fail Grade

Placement by counselor

Responsible students with good grades and good attendance who would like to help a staff member for one period may request placement as a TA through their counselor at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.

WATER SAFETY AID…………………………………….[EL][P]

One Semester-Placement by Counselor and Swim 8 Teacher

Responsible ninth grade students with strong swimming skills and leadership abilities may request placement as a water safety aide. This class will focus on teaching water safety skills and swim technique to other students as well as increasing overall fitness levels through daily aerobic swimming.